Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 191 Qian Renxue reveals her true body

After listening to Shen Jianxin's words, Bone Douluo frowned and remained silent for a long time.

With his understanding of Shen Jianxin, Shen Jianxin would not deceive him.

Then there is only one truth, and that is that Bibi Dong is really not dead.

But at this time, Bone Douluo couldn't figure out how Bibi Dong escaped and ascended to heaven under Sword Douluo's shocking sword.

Looking at Bone Douluo's puzzled look, Shen Jianxin smiled slightly and said, "Grandpa Bone, are you confused about how Bibi Dong survived?"

Bone Douluo nodded: "I am indeed a little confused. I have witnessed the power of the old swordsman's shocking sword with my own eyes."

"That terrifying power, among the known titled Douluo in the world, no one can resist it when fighting alone."

Shen Jianxin shook his head and smiled: "Maybe Bibi Dong didn't resist forcefully?"

Bone Douluo's eyes lit up: "You mean?"

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Yes, she changed her state at that time and tried her best to weaken the impact of that blow on herself."

"Bibi Dong's ninth soul skill comes from the 100,000-year-old Death Spider Emperor, and she has been given a soul skill called immortality."

"This soul skill has two characteristics. One is aggregation, which allows the body to regroup even if it is shattered. The other is energyization, which makes it immune to physical attacks and greatly reduces the damage caused by energy attacks to oneself."

"Moreover, these two skills have a common feature, that is, as long as the opponent is not at the god level, they will never be able to truly kill Bibi Dong in this state."

"I'll choke you!" Ma Hongjun exclaimed: "Brother Shen, isn't her soul skill even more rogue than yours?"

Shen Jianxin shrugged and said, "There's nothing I can do about it. God will give me food, so my life is good."

"In addition to this heaven-defying soul skill, he also has twin martial souls, and the soul rings of the second martial soul are all soul rings that are more than 50,000 years old."

Bone Douluo thought: "Then she is still staying in the Star Dou Forest, probably to hunt soul beasts."

"After suffering such a big loss this time, she must want to increase her strength as soon as possible and then come back with revenge."

"No, we can't delay here any longer. We should bring this news back as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, if we are not well prepared, we will definitely suffer heavy losses in the face of Bibi Dong's sneak attack."

Shen Jianxin smiled and said, "Grandpa Bone, don't be too anxious. If my prediction is correct, my master and others will probably know this information by now."

A trace of confusion flashed in Gu Douluo's eyes: "What do you mean?"

Shen Jian thought to himself: "Grandpa Gu, when my master killed Bibi Dong with his sword, what were the performances of stabbing blood and She Long? What were the performances of the other officials in Tiandou?"

Bone Douluo thought for a while and said, "Besides being shocked, Thorny Blood and She Long are also deeply afraid of the old swordsman."

"As for the other people in the Tiandou officialdom, their reactions were similar to those of Thorn Blood and She Long."

"But these are normal. After all, no matter how close we are, we are still two parties in the final analysis. It is normal to have some scruples and fears."

"As long as you don't backstab, I think it's good to keep some distance."

Shen Jianxin nodded: "Then, what is the performance of Empress Xue Qianren?"

Bone Douluo was stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed, and his expression suddenly became serious: "Her behavior is indeed a bit abnormal."

As he said that, Bone Douluo seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Shen Jianxin with a shocked expression: "Her expression at that time was exactly the same as yours."

"There was no shock, just deep thought, and then I immediately made the decision to go home."

"She even persuaded Feng Zhi to go back with her when she left, asking him to arrange manpower as soon as possible to help the Tiandou Empire defend and prepare for Wuhun Palace's counterattack."

"Now that I think about it, she should be aware of some of the truth like you. She even knew at that time that Bibi Dong was not really dead."

Shen Jianxin smiled slightly: "Correct answer. I think my master and Uncle Ning should be more shocked than you now."

After finishing speaking, Shen Jianxin looked thoughtfully in the direction of Tiandou City.

Qian Renxue, you have really changed in this life.

Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City Imperial Palace.

A shocking sharp sword intent pierced the sky.

In a conference room with no guards at the door and no one inside, Ning Fengzhi looked at the young blond girl in front of him with a shocked expression. The Sword Douluo next to him had a gloomy expression, his soul power was surging in his body, and his spirit was fierce. He scanned the entire imperial city unscrupulously.

"Uncle Jian, collect your breath first. I think my 'apprentice' is here with sincerity."

In the end, it was Ning Fengzhi who broke the silence first.

The soul power in Sword Douluo's body gradually calmed down, and his mental power retracted, but it was not completely withdrawn. It was just spread within a hundred meters around him, alert to possible attacks.

"You said your name is Qian Renxue?"

"Yes, my name is Qian Renxue. I am the empress Xue Qianren, and I am also the current king of Tiandou Kingdom Xue Qinghe."

"What about Xue Qinghe? My apprentice Xue Qinghe."

"Xue Qinghe has died a long time ago. Your disciple Xue Qinghe is me. When you accepted your disciple, that Xue Qinghe was already me."

"How did Xue Ye die?"

"I killed him."


"No reason, I just want to prove myself."

Ning Fengzhi frowned. He really didn't expect that the Wuhun Palace undercover agent in front of him had been lurking beside him for so many years.

Not only did he not know it, but he even contributed a lot to her becoming the king.

Sighing, Ning Fengzhi asked the last question.

"Now you have proven yourself. Not only did you successfully occupy the Magpie Nest and become the king of the Tiandou Empire, you have even made a fool of all of us."

"It stands to reason that you have now taken your undercover role to the extreme. It is enough to pick off the rich fruit of the Tiandou Empire. You can return to Wuhun Palace to enjoy your supreme status after success."

"But why are you exposing yourself in front of us now?"

A figure suddenly appeared in Qian Renxue's mind, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Because of one person."

"A person? Who?"

"Shen Jianxin!"

Sword Douluo's momentum suddenly exploded: "What do you mean?"

"Little girl, are you threatening me?"

"You really are not afraid that I will kill your martial arts spirits in a rage."

In the middle of speaking, Sword Douluo suddenly stopped talking. His nine soul rings, eight black and one red, slowly unfolded and he looked towards the door with a solemn expression.


A slight sound opened the door, and a man's figure slowly emerged from the light outside the door.

The man is handsome and looks to be around thirty or forty years old. He is tall but not strong. He is wearing a simple gray robe. His long black hair is spread behind his head and combed very neatly.

There is always a faint smile on his face, and his calm and tranquil aura gives people a very comfortable feeling.

The strangest thing is that there is no aura on his body, and there is not a trace of soul power fluctuations on his body. He looks like an ordinary middle-aged man.

But when Sword Douluo saw him, he looked like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Because his sword intention told him that this was an existence that kept cutting with one sword.

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