Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 184 Shen Jianxin’s Sixth Soul Ring (1)

After seeing the intact Shen Jianxin again, Ning Rongrong no longer knew how to express her feelings.

A kiss seals your love, it's all about the meeting of lips.

The soft and moist lips touched each other, and the hot breath made the two of them couldn't help but open their lips.


After a long time, an unbearable coughing sound came, immediately waking up the two people who were forgetful.

It was Dugu Yan who coughed, "You two are really enough."

"We know that you two have a deep relationship, and we are very excited to meet you at this time, but can you please consider our feelings?"

"That's fine, you guys really plan to eat it till dark!"

"I don't even want to say that you guys can even draw hair!"

Ning Rongrong suddenly woke up, her pretty face turned red with embarrassment, she pushed Shen Jianxin away, and ran to the side with her face covered, squatting down and covering her head like an ostrich to escape.

Shen Jian licked his lips with unfinished thoughts and looked at everyone with a shameless smile: "Hey, everyone is here? When did you come?"

Hearing this, these people's faces were covered with black lines, as if crows were flying over their heads. You two didn't notice us at all.

At this time, Xiao Wu ran to Shen Jianxin with a worried look on his face: "Brother Shen, have you seen Er Ming? He disappeared after we woke up."

"Has he already, already"

As he spoke, Xiao Wu's eyes became moist again.

Others also turned their anxious eyes to Shen Jianxin at this time. After all, Er Ming had risked his life to protect them before. Now that he woke up and could not see Er Ming, he said in his heart that he was not worried, so it was true or false.

Shen Jianxin patted Xiao Wu's shoulder gently: "Xiao Wu, don't worry, Er Ming is fine."

Xiao Wu immediately raised her head and said with surprise on her face: "Is Er Ming okay?"

"Then where is he? Why didn't I see him?"

Shen Jianxin turned to point at the huge blue silver grass cocoon not far away and said: "Nuo, it's in that big cocoon, and Xiao Sheng is still doing his best to treat his injuries."

"Xiao Sheng? Her? Blue Silver Emperor?"

Everyone exclaimed.

As early as when they arrived, they saw Lan Yin Sheng and the large cocoon of Lan Yin Grass not far away from her.

It was only when they discovered that Shen Jianxin was here that everyone did not attack Lan Yinsheng.

However, when they heard that Er Ming was in the big cocoon and Lan Yinsheng was still treating him, everyone still let out an incredible exclamation.

After all, their impression of Blue Silver Emperor was not very good when they first met her.

Seeing everyone's surprised looks, Shen Jianxin nodded slightly and said, "Yes, that's her, Lan Yin Huang, her real name is Lan Yin Sheng."

"She is now our companion."

Xiao Wu looked confused: "Didn't she make a sacrifice? The previous ceremony was obviously a sacrifice ceremony. Why does she still appear here?"

Shen Jianxin nodded, then shook his head: "She did sacrifice, but she didn't completely sacrifice."

"This matter is more complicated to say. Anyway, due to various coincidences, she turned into my soul ring and retained her own soul, that is, self-awareness."

"I call her current state a soul, which is a soul ring with spiritual intelligence."

As he spoke, Shen Jianxin also released his soul ring.

"Blue, blue and gold?"

Shen Jianxin's blue-gold soul ring, which was completely different from the normal color of the soul ring, once again stunned everyone on the spot.

The white soul ring of ten years, the yellow soul ring of one hundred years, the purple soul ring of thousand years, the black soul ring of ten thousand years, and the red soul ring of one hundred thousand years. These five soul ring colors have been engraved on many soul masters since ancient times. Theorem in mind.

And now this sixth color, which is completely different from these five colors, has appeared, and everyone always feels that their brains are not enough.

At this time, even Xiao Wu, who has been around for a long time and has experienced a lot, is completely stunned on the spot, his CPU is buzzing, but he still can't figure out what is going on.

Ma Hongjun came close to Shen Jianxin and studied the blue-gold soul ring on his body for a long time. Then he raised his head in confusion and asked, "Brother Shen, how old is your soul ring?"

Shen Jianxin thought: "It should be about two hundred thousand years for the time being."


When they heard the number 200,000 years, everyone took a deep breath and hissed like a group of snakes coming out of their holes for a long time.

For a long time, Ning Rongrong asked in deep thought: "Be careful, brother, you just said the word 'temporarily'."

"That means your blue-gold soul ring can be improved in the future?"

Shen Jianxin nodded, "Yes, this soul ring will indeed continue to get stronger."

"With Xiao Sheng and the others here, my soul ring is equivalent to a living creature."

"Although losing the body will slow down their cultivation, as long as the soul does not dissipate, as they continue to become stronger, the power of this soul ring will become more powerful."

"Moreover, the growth of my own strength will also speed up the growth of Xiao Sheng and the others. It can also be said that this is a soul ring that can adapt to growth."


Hearing this, a series of hissing sounds sounded again, and cold air was continuously sucked into everyone's mouths, causing the surrounding temperature to suddenly rise by 0.0001°C.

"Them? Be careful, brother, you just mentioned them, right?"

At this time, Ning Rongrong keenly discovered the blind spot in Shen Jian's words. The word "they" made Ning Rongrong feel an unusual color.

Shen Jianxin thought of Lan Yinxin's unabashed madness, and the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely.

Now he could imagine the scene where Lan Yinxin appeared and stimulated Ning Rongrong one by one.

Seeing Shen Jianxin's hesitant expression, Ning Rongrong suddenly knew what this unusual color was.

It seemed to be a hint of green.


At this moment, a subtle noise suddenly came from the distance.


Shen Jianxin's eyes were sharp, and she looked in that direction with cold eyes, her soul power suddenly condensed.

Many members of their team are here, and all the nearby spirit beasts have also fled the area.

At this time, there was suddenly a slight noise approaching. There was a high probability that it was definitely an enemy rather than a friend.

Hearing Shen Jianxin's shout, the others immediately possessed martial spirits and quickly moved towards Shen Jianxin.

The previous attack by Tang Xiao and Tang Hao had already made everyone frightened. The slightest disturbance was enough to cause everyone to overreact, not to mention that this cry was shouted by the strongest among them, Shen Jianxin.

Everyone stayed in place for a while, but nothing unusual happened in the forest. Only the warm wind blew through the increasingly withered and yellow leaves, making the leaves make rustling sounds.

Ning Rongrong looked at Shen Jianxin with her beautiful eyes: "Be careful, brother, are you perceiving it wrong?"

Shen Jianxin frowned, and with doubts in his heart, he tentatively explored Tang Hao's location by relying on his sense of the God of Killing Domain.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face, "How dare you throw yourself into a trap?"

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