Douluo: Mr. Six of the Qibao Glazed Sect

Chapter 113 Xiao Wu’s self-imagination

In the grove beside Shrek Academy Village, Tang San and Xiao Wu stood looking at each other, silent for a long time, neither of them knew how to speak.


"Xiao Wu."

"You speak first"

"You speak first"

There was still a tacit understanding, and they were still so in tune with each other, but at this time, this extremely matching sense of compatibility actually made Xiao Wu feel a little panicked.

Frowning, Xiao Wu looked at Tang San's not-so-handsome face, hesitated and said, "You go ahead and say it."

Tang San, who was concerned about Tang Hao and eager to know what happened last night, didn't notice anything strange about Xiao Wu and said bluntly: "Xiao Wu, what happened last night? Who was that man in black robe targeting? Coming?"

"I actually saw a familiar feeling in him. I thought he might be my father."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu felt as if he had been struck by lightning. His body stiffened and his mind went blank. The words "He might be my father, he might be my father" kept echoing in his mind.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Xiao Wu's strange behavior, Tang San rushed forward with a nervous look on his face, holding Xiao Wu's shoulders with both hands, shaking them slightly.

"Ah?" Xiao Wu came to her senses instantly and said in a panic: "No, it's okay, it's just that the man in black robe last night was so scary. Thinking back on it, it scared me."

"By the way, Xiaosan, didn't you say that your father is an ordinary blacksmith? The man in black robe last night was obviously a very powerful soul master. How could he be the father?"

"Could it be that you miss your father so much that you misread Tianhei?"

In order not to let Tang San think too much, and in order not to let herself think too much, Xiao Wu immediately changed the topic.

Based on her feelings for Tang San, she would rather believe that the man in black robe last night was Dugu Bo than that he was Tang San's father.

Tang San shook his head solemnly: "You know, I have practiced pupil skills, and the sky was not that dark last night. I must have seen it right. He really looks like my father."

As he said that, Tang San suddenly rushed forward, holding Xiao Wu's shoulders with both hands: "Xiao Wu, tell me what happened last night. This is very important to me, really important."

Feeling the strength on her shoulders and looking at Tang San's almost distorted expression, Xiao Wu frowned. She suddenly felt that Tang San today was very unfamiliar to her.

"Mistress, you hurt me."

Tang San suddenly let go, looked at the frowning Xiao Wu, and was stunned for a moment: "I'm sorry Xiao Wu, I was impulsive. It's about my father, I'm a little impatient."

"As you know, I haven't seen my dad in six years."

Xiao Wu rubbed her shoulders to relieve the pain, and said in a calm tone: "I don't know exactly what happened. It happened suddenly. When I opened my eyes, I only saw Shen Jianxin breaking through the wall and fighting with the man in black robe. With one move, the man in black robe was forced back."

"Then the movement startled you all, and you know the rest."

After a pause, Xiao Wu pretended to be unsure, and continued: "But when the black-robed man blocked Shen Jianxin's attack, he seemed to summon his martial spirit, which was shaped like a hammer."

Tang San looked excited, stretched out his left hand to summon the Clear Sky Hammer, and showed it in front of Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, take a look, is it such a hammer?"

Xiao Wu's pupils suddenly shrank, because Tang San's hammer was exactly the same as the black-robed man's martial spirit last night.

The guess she least wanted to believe turned out to be the truth. Combined with Tang San's words, Xiao Wu suddenly realized something.

The reason why she was able to survive until now was probably to serve as a backup spirit ring for Tang San.

When Tang San's body can withstand a hundred thousand year spirit ring, that will be her death.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, did you think of something?"

Tang San naturally saw Xiao Wu's reaction, but he obviously misunderstood Xiao Wu's thoughts.

Seeing Tang San's sincere eagerness and complete ignorance, Xiao Wu felt new confusion.

Is he lying to me? Are his feelings for me true? Does he know all this?

Shaking her head slightly, Xiao Wu still decided to hide the truth: "Xiao San, maybe you are overthinking. Even if he is also a Hammer Martial Spirit, there are so many Hammer Martial Spirits in the world, and there are countless people with similar body shapes, how can you be sure about him? Is he your father?"

"If he is really your father, why doesn't he go to you? Why did he come to our dormitory?"

"Don't forget, there is Zhu Zhuqing in our dormitory. I feel that her whole body is exuding coldness and she is mysterious. I suspect that the man in black robe last night came for her."

Tang San was a little discouraged. This was indeed a confusion for him. Although he forcefully explained in his mind that it might be his father who had something to do with Xiao Wu, this explanation was still too far-fetched after all.

If something really happened to his father, then just go to him directly. Why bother breaking into the women's dormitory at night and making such a big fuss?

Moreover, Xiao Wu's last words coincided with his guess.

"Hey~" After a long sigh, Tang San said a little dejectedly: "You're right, maybe, I really miss my father too much and think too much."

Seeing Tang San give up questioning so easily, Xiao Wu's eyes became even more confused.

Is he really unaware? Or do you know something that you don’t want to tell me?

After living with Tang San for six years, she was very aware of Tang San's secrets, but now, Xiao Wu suddenly found that she couldn't see through Tang San.

Scenes of the past flashed through Xiao Wu's mind, many of which could not be thought about at all.

For example, his miraculous self-created soul skills, his various unheard-of hidden weapons, the shocking truths he occasionally said unintentionally, and his kind of treatment of people and people. The style of doing things with ease.

Everything like this seems to prove that there is someone behind Tang San, an unknown existence or force, who is trying his best to teach him.

Then thinking about the man in black robe who had the same martial soul as him last night, and his true identity, the appearance of Titled Douluo Dugu Bo, Xiao Wu suddenly realized that she seemed to have seen the truth.

Tang San's life experience is false, but hiding his identity to approach her is true.

His feelings for her are fake, but his desire for her soul ring is real.

Coming to Shrek to go to school was a lie, but hiding her whereabouts was a lie.

But God is not as good as man. The people behind Tang San never expected that they would go to such a shabby academy and be discovered by Dugu Bo who arrived unexpectedly.

That's why the black-robed man broke into her dormitory last night, hoping to give up her soul ring and take her soul bone before Dugu Bo noticed her.

Then Shen Jianxin accidentally discovered his whereabouts and was easily forced to retreat. When he saw Dugu Bo showing off his soul ring, he retreated knowing that he was outmatched.

Thinking of a fact rather than a plot, Xiao Wu's eyes changed when she looked at Tang San: "Xiao San, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying this, Xiao Wu turned around and ran towards the academy.

At this time, in Xiao Wu's eyes, every move of Tang San looked so terrifying, like a smiling tiger that eats people, no, rabbits without spitting out the bones.

She now strongly suspected that the person behind Tang San was ambushing near Shrek Academy. Once she dared to stay away from Shrek Academy, she would die on the spot the next moment.

In the past, she stayed with Tang San for the sake of her own growth. She did not deny that many years of getting along with him made her have strange feelings for Tang San.

However, now that she suddenly discovered Tang San's secret, she felt that Tang San could no longer be trusted.

In order to survive, she had to do something, and understanding the attitude of Shen Jianxin and others towards her was her only hope for survival.

Looking at Xiao Wu's hurried back, Tang San felt puzzled: "Why are you still so crazy? Didn't she still have something to say to me? Why did she run away suddenly?"

"Forget it, she will tell me later when she remembers it."

After muttering a few words to himself, Tang San immediately forgot about Xiao Wu and looked up at the clouds on the horizon: "Dad, where are you?"

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