Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 435: Yuemei come to ask! 【two】

Chapter 435 Yuemei is here to ask! 【two】

"Ya Concubine, talk to the Heavenly Snake Mansion. In two months, the Alliance will enter Zhongzhou and let them make their own arrangements."

"If they want to build a first-class power in Zhongzhou, let them have more snacks."

Turning around, he sent another text message to Concubine Ya, Su Xian turned and returned to the villa.

After spending a few days with Xue'er and Bibi Dong, Su Xian began his retreat.

When he breaks through to Emperor Dou, this family will be stabilized, and he will be able to relax at that time.

All Dou Saint's families almost didn't need him to bother about anything.

Now that the daughter is born, she must have a higher starting point. Dou Sheng reluctantly is okay, and he can still accept it.

Following Su Xian's order, Yao Lao went directly to Zhongzhou through the space crack, and Tian Snake Mansion was also actively taking action.

Although the Heavenly Snake Mansion was a little worried, with the current strength of the alliance, at least one first-class power could be created.

The potentials of Zhongzhou and Northwest Territories are vastly different. Naturally, Tian Snake Mansion will not miss such an opportunity.

Able to live in the city, why should they live in the suburbs? !

However, because the alliance is a loose organization, it is not universally mandatory.

To put it bluntly, the attack on Zhongzhou is a foreign warfare, and you can participate or not to participate in order to benefit.

Therefore, many sects still choose to protect themselves, after all, going to Zhongzhou is a trip to muddy waters.

However, after two months, they will know how stupid they are, and they will not go to pick up the money.

Su Xian was in retreat here, but the two "uninvited guests" came to the imperial capital and found Qian Renxue and the others.

The two are not others, but Xue Wuji and Yue Mei.

After spending several months in the Snake Race, Xue Wuji was completely reduced to bronchitis. Looking at the intimate behavior of the two, I think the relationship has already been discovered to that point.

Knowing the news of Su Ling'er's birth, the two were also very happy. After some discussion, Yue Mei finally brought the matter to the topic.

"Sister-in-law, I am here to ask you for something."

Holding Qian Renxue's hand, Yue Mei's eyes had the aura of expectation, while Xue Wuji stood honestly, not daring to disturb Yue Mei's business.

"It's all from my family. If you ask for anything, just say it if you have something."

Sister-in-law Qian Renxue felt refreshed in her heart, and the smile on her face became thicker.

However, the majesty she should have is a little bit more, she stood upright, as if she was in charge of the family.

This is what Nangongling taught her. Family affection must be talked about, and she must have some shelf, otherwise she can't hold back the family.

As for the two Xue Wuji, they were also pushed over by Nangongling, otherwise they should have asked Nangongling to beg.

"It's like this. Our snake people live in the Tagore Desert. You know the environment there."

"Isn't the eldest brother formed an alliance now, you can see if you can let the eldest brother come out separately, don't ask for how rich it is, just a general land boundary."

Holding Qian Renxue's hand harder, Yue Mei looked at her eagerly, pleading.

The Snake People originally had the Heavenly Snake Empire, but after being occupied by humans, they could only shrink into the desert.

Although the snake-men could survive in the environment there, it was too harsh and barren, and they could never survive there for generations.

The Snake People also thought about attacking the human city, but this would attract a counterattack from the strong humans, and it would hurt the Snake People even more at that time. This is why Queen Medusa wants to break through the fighting sect.

Only with the strength of Douzong, she can compete with the human powerhouses of the Jiama Empire.

But now that the Jiama Empire has an alliance and is considered one of Su Xian's subordinate forces, it is impossible to start fighting at this time.

Therefore, the elders asked her to intercede and see if she could get a place from the alliance.

Their requirements are not high, and an area the size of a major city is enough.

"Brother sister, if you want to come, you still don't understand. The alliance that my husband established is for the interests of all forces, and there is no compulsion."

"The Royal Family of the Gama Empire and the Celestial Snake Empire are only partners of cooperative transactions. If you need land, you have to discuss with them."

They were all her family, and Qian Renxue couldn't refuse, so she had to tell her about the alliance.

Moreover, even if her husband is in control of everything, he will listen to what she says, and she will be able to call the shots, so she has to listen to him.

If she decides on her own terms, although Su Xian will not blame her, it is always a precedent, which is not good.

It is always up to the man to make matters about men, and she just needs to take care of her husband and child.

Hearing this, Yue Mei was also a little helpless. She thought that all the forces in the alliance belonged to Su Xian, but she didn't expect it to be a cooperative relationship.

If they go to the Gama Empire, they probably won't agree. After thinking about it, Yue Mei pleaded again:

"Sister-in-law, can you let the eldest brother talk to the Gama Empire here?"

If Su Xian spoke about the contact with the Jiama Empire, they would definitely let go, and she would not be rejected if she talked about it.

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue's face suddenly appeared embarrassed, "Your eldest brother is now practicing in retreat, and I can't contact him, but he will go to Zhongzhou soon, and there will be changes in the league."

"If you can, you might as well go and talk to your queen. If you join the league, you might get a place in Zhongzhou."

Unexpectedly, the Alliance was going to enter Zhongzhou, and Yue Mei was shocked.

In this way, the Northwest Territory will also vacate a lot of power in the future, and the pressure on their snake people will be greatly reduced. This is good news!

However, if they go to Zhongzhou, with their snake-human strength, the risk is too great, and the queen would not agree with it.

Yue Mei replied, "I have to discuss this with the queen. If the eldest brother leaves customs, please remember to tell us."

"I'll take this down."

Nodded seriously, Qian Renxue seemed to have thought of something afterwards, and deliberately came over and lowered her voice:

"He is more greedy for money, so remember to bring more money when you find him, so he will agree to it."

Hearing this, Yue Mei's face suddenly stiffened, and she nodded stupidly.

Thinking of the first time she saw Su Xian, Yue Mei had already understood her heart. After a lot of gratitude, just as the two were about to leave, suddenly Bibi Dong's cough sounded.

Seeing Bibi Dong staring at him, Xue Wuji's heart suddenly disappeared, "Sister-in-law, is there anything else?"

Seeing that Xue Wuji was not on the road at all, Bibi Dong's expression sank and seemed a little unhappy:

"Ling'er is also your niece anyway. The first time we met, you are an uncle, just leave like this?"

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's face was also difficult to look, pretending to sigh, "Maybe the husband is not there, huh~"

Xue Wuji:! ! !


I still want to live a few more years, don't cheat me! !

(End of this chapter)

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