Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 380: The sound is familiar! 【two】

Chapter 380 sounds very familiar! 【two】

"Your sir, it was your friend who seriously injured my son. I just made the move."

Seeing that Su Xian was about to do something, Mu Chen quickly defended it.

"is it?"

Su Xian's eyes were even more angry, "Then I will go to your house to molest your girl another day, and you can't bear it?"


Mu Chen choked suddenly, and couldn't wait to beat Mu Zhong violently.

On weekdays, there is trouble making waves, and it's fine if you don't practice well, but today you still behave nonsense.

Now it's time to kick the iron plate, so be willing! !

"Don't worry, I will kill you soon and will make you less painful."

As Su Xian's voice fell, a red vindictive gas poured out from his body, dyeing the sky of the imperial capital red in the blink of an eye.

The bright red vindictiveness was exceptionally dazzling, and there was a nausea visibly oozing from the sight of the blood. The majestic power suppressed countless people's hearts trembling.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Su Xian's figure had disappeared. When they appeared, the distance between the two was less than one meter.


Mu Chen was shocked, his face was as pale as water, and he quickly wanted to escape.

But what surprised him was that his body actually seemed to be trapped in a swamp. Although he felt the power in his body, there was no sense of force from the outside world.

I saw that around his body, the space disorder was going to a whirlpool, and countless fiery red vindictive air stirred the surrounding space, as if a tornado was holding him firmly.

"It really is Douzong!!"

Seeing this scene, Jia Lao was full of emotion.

The ability to use space in this way is not something Dou Huang can master at all, and even ordinary Dou Zong is unlikely. I am afraid that the opponent is not far from the legendary Dou Zun.

Nalanjie was also frightened to see it, but Tang Dou Wang didn't have any resistance.

Mu Chen is warlike, and his strength is not inferior to him. If he changes himself, I am afraid...

Above the sky.

Mu Chen was completely flustered, no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail.

Looking at the man in front of him with horror in his eyes, Mu Chen's eyes trembled, and his heart regretted taking the shot rashly.

Originally, he was also happy to see Lie, and while venting his anger for his son, he wanted to compete with Xue Bingning.

Now it's good, let's play! !

"If you hurt her alone, I will only pay for it with your life. Do you feel fair?"

Seeing Mu Chen panicked, Su Xian sneered, and he held a blood-red long sword in his hand.


Pupils shrank suddenly, Mu Chen just wanted to ask for love, only to feel the blood-red light dazzling in front of him.

A puff sounded, followed by angina-like pain.

With a sweet throat, Mu Chenqiang couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked down at the long sword that pierced his heart.


The blood was flying, before it even touched Su Xian, it was already dispersed by transpiration.

His heart was pierced, and his body was cut by sword qi. Mu Chen's face was wilted, his vitality was violent, and he knew he could not survive.

"Leave the Mu Family..."

But still thinking of Mu Family, Mu Chen held back his last breath and mumbled for mercy.

"Don't worry, I won't kill them all."

He could not hear Su Xian's voice, but when he saw him nodding, Mu Chen immediately felt relieved. His trembling arm seemed to have lost its support and dropped straight down.

Wow! !

The blazing fire swallowed all of Mu Chen's body.

After doing this, Su Xian cast his gaze on Mu Zhong, who was protected by the sergeant, and saw that he was in a coma at the moment, his chest was stained with blood, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

With a wave of his arm, a blood-red long sword fell and directly penetrated him, and Su Xian immediately flew towards the north.

"Hurry up!!"

Seeing Su Xian heading towards the Mu family, Jia Lao's pupils shrank suddenly and hurriedly followed.

Both Mu Chen were dead, could he let Su Xian slaughter the Mu Family? That would make everyone in the empire feel chilling.

Yes, Su Xian went to the Mu family.

Originally he planned to go to the Mittel family for a wave of fattening. Now that the Mu family has delivered it, what else is there to choose.

The appearance of Su Xian caused everyone in the Mu family to panic, turning into birds and beasts to flee.

However, there are still some spine guys after all.

"You killed my father and brother, today I want you to pay for it!"

Mu Zhan was holding an epee and looking at Su Xian with red eyes, his monstrous anger turned into boundless killing intent, like a madman, and roared angrily.

"It's a bit of a bone, but it's a pity that I'm too self-righteous."

Su Xian couldn't help but laugh, but he knew the name Mu Zhan, but now that he had already had enemies, how could he leave a threat.

call out!

The vague figure flashed away from Mu Zhan's side, and Mu Zhan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't even have time to react.



There was a crisp cracking sound, and the wooden war that was like a man of iron couldn't help shouting.

The pain of broken bones spread from the shoulders to the whole body, Mu Zhan spit out blood, his consciousness became blurred, the sky turned, and he fell down with a bang.

"Your Excellency, please let go of the Mu family. The children, women and children are innocent."

With a fierce shout, Su Xian looked at the two Canadians who had arrived, and then walked towards the Mu Family Courtyard.

"I didn't say that I was going to slaughter, I just came to Mu's house to get some medical expenses."

Before the words fell, Su Xian's figure had disappeared.

When he appeared, he had already arrived at the Mu Family's warehouse.

The Mu family is different from the Mittel family so rich, the warehouse is not placed in such a secret place at the bottom of the lake, but a small iron tower is built.

Although there were some restrictions at the door, it was nothing to Su Xian.

"At any rate, they are also three big families, they are really rich."

The iron tower is rich, all kinds of treasures are placed on the floor, gold coins are scattered like stones, but some medicines and medicinal materials are put on the shelf.

For these, Su Xian naturally carried them away, leaving no trace.

After all, this is the Mu family's inventory. I am afraid that there are still a lot of accounts. If you don't take it for nothing, it is cheaper to keep it for other families.

"The two have not left yet."

After coming out of the iron tower, Su Xian raised his brows slightly and couldn't help but speak.

"Today's matter, the Mu Family had a mistake first, so I can't wait to intervene."

"But please don't kill yourself. The old man can guarantee that today's things will never happen."

Jia Lao said majesticly, even when facing Su Xian, he did not lose the slightest imperial integrity.

If he changed his usual routine, Su Xian would definitely say "Are you teaching me to do things?"

But today, the matter is over, and he has gained a lot, but he nodded indifferently, and planned to go back to treat Xue Bing's injuries.

However, Su Xian had just vacated, and suddenly a fierce roar exploded in the sky of the imperial capital.

"Listen to the royal family of the Jiama Empire, immediately hand over half of the gold coins from the treasury. If I don't wait for me to start, the imperial capital will definitely be restless!"

Su Xian:.......

How can this voice be so familiar? !

(End of this chapter)

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