Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 371: Little doctor fairy! 【One】

Chapter 371 Little Doctor Immortal! 【One】


The name sounds high-end and magnificent, and it seems that there are thousands of drugs in the world, but this is just a small shop.

Qingshan Town is located in the endless mines of the Warcraft Mountains, and there are many mercenaries coming and going. It is natural to go into the mountains to pick medicinal materials and hunt the Warcraft.

Therefore, as the only drug store in the town, Wanyaozhai's business has always been booming. Before arriving at the door, I saw people coming in and out.

Their clothes were very crude and crude, showing healthy brass-colored arms, and the bulging tendons looked very well developed.

"Brother, you also want to go out together, that's great."

"In this way, our three brothers can join forces and be invincible and invincible!"



Hearing Xue Wuji talking in his ears, Su Xian's face became darker and darker, and he wanted to kick this guy away.


This guy is too shameless!

Join hands?

A Douwang and a Douling, join forces with his Douzong?

Even a fart!

"Second brother, why have you become so shameless now?" Su Xian sighed and raised his forehead.


Xue Wuji was startled and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"This is not shameless, I am also learning from your eldest brother, otherwise how can I marry a wife."

Speaking of the last word, Xue Wuji immediately burst into fighting spirit.

For this goal, he will fight for life, no one can stop him!

"Didn't you hook up with a maid in my house."

With that, Su Xian's eyes became cold.


Xue Wuji's Xiulang's face suddenly flushed, but he didn't expect Su Xian to know about it.


"Hey~ I like her people, but she likes my money. Do you think I can ask for this kind of love?"

The eyes are complex and faint, the past is like smoke, Xue Wuji has his hands on his back, and the lonely figure seems to have become a bit taller.

"Yes! Why not!" Su Xian categorically cut the railway.


In an instant, Xue Wuji's expression froze, and he looked at Su Xian strangely.

Damn it!

You don't follow the routine so much!

At this time, shouldn't you comfort me, give me more comforting products, and finally give me the strength of Douwang?

Why do you think I did something wrong?

"Big brother, why do you think so?"

Xue Wuji felt that his Three Views were about to collapse.

Su Xian's love for Qian Renxue has always been in his eyes, and such love is love.

But is this love for him?

Su Xian replied solemnly, "You are greedy for others' bodies, and they are greedy for your money."

"She took your money, but you didn't get her body, why don't you say it?"

"Big brother, what I need is love, not a gluttonous body!"

Unexpectedly, Su Xian looked at himself so superficially, and Xue Wuji's face flushed with anger, and his anger surged in his eyes.

Seeing that Xue Wuji's view of love was so shallow, Su Xian shook his head, feeling that he had to teach him a lesson.

Su Xian slowly said, "All love starts with greedying each other's body, especially if our family is not short of money."

"Like your sister-in-law, if she is not as beautiful as a god, how could I marry her immediately."

"It's you instead, and an ugly monster is standing in front of you. Do you want to stay with her for the rest of your life?"

Patting Xue Wuji on the shoulder, Su Xian put on the tone of someone who came by:

"So~ love is pure and inclusive, but the premise is that you have to keep the other person's heart in order to keep love."

"If you can't keep your heart, you have to try to keep her body and let her heart belong."

"For someone like you, who can't keep the other person's heart and doesn't try to keep the other person's body, do you think you deserve to keep love?"

At the end, Su Xian grinned slightly and looked at Xue Wuji with contempt, the latter's face flushed immediately.


It turned out to be like this!

After thinking about it slightly, Xue Wuji couldn't help feeling that he had suffered a big loss and spent so much money in vain. As a result, he didn't even hold his hands. It was a blood loss!

Sure enough, I have abandoned my studies, ah, ah, I have learned!


Suddenly, a crisp laugh sound rang, like the breeze of a bamboo forest, which instantly rippled with people's heartstrings.

Su Xian turned his head to look, only to see a woman standing behind him and two of them at some unknown time.

She was wearing a white floral skirt, with three thousand green silks hanging down, stopping at the waist that Yingying held.

Her waist is very thin, like a weeping willow, even Qian Renxue is not as good as hers, silky and soft but with toughness.

A cyan waistband fixed the white skirt, and at the same time made her up and down curves more proudly erect, round and attractive.

However, she didn't have any alluring charm, more like the daffodils in the valley, she was so pure that she could not give birth to a bit of beauty.

It's a pity that the woman wore a white veil hat and couldn't see her appearance. It was a pity.

"Little doctor fairy?"

Seeing the woman, Su Xian also noticed the admiring eyes of the people around him. He already knew the woman's identity very much, and tentatively spoke.

"I think you two are very strange, shouldn't you be from Qingshan Town?"

After looking at the two for a few seconds, Xiao Yixian spoke, apparently acknowledging her identity.

However, before Su Xian could answer, Xiao Yixian immediately covered his mouth and laughed:

"This is the first time I have heard that someone thinks about love like this. It seems that your men are really not a good thing."

Although he was laughing and cursing, Xiao Yixian's voice was still so sweet and gentle, that made people unable to resist.

"He had the same opinion as you before, but the woman cheated a lot of money in vain." Su Xian retorted.


The little doctor fairy opened her mouth slightly, choked for a while, and suddenly became a little weird.

"He doesn't look like such a stupid person, right?"


As soon as he said this, Xue Wuji almost spewed two or two old blood.

Nima! Heartbreak! !

"High! You still have clear eyes!"

Su Xian also smiled uncomfortably, and gave the little doctor a thumbs up, and Xue Wuji's face became even darker.

Less gossip, Su Xian didn't want to be watched here, so he picked them up so he could go home quickly.

"I came here this time because I wanted to hire you as a doctor."

"you guys?"

The little doctor immortal was taken aback, looked at the gold-studded white costumes on the two of them, frowned and asked:

"Looking at your outfits, shouldn't you go to the Warcraft Mountains?"

"No, we passed by here and lacked a doctor, so we want to invite you." Su Xian replied truthfully.

"That's it~"

Xiao Yixian frowned for a while, and finally shook his head and refused.

"That might be embarrassing. I have my responsibilities here, and people like them also need me. I can't get out of my body. You should ask me to be smart."

(End of this chapter)

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