Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 340: Xu Lin's panic! 【two】

Chapter 340 Xu Lin's panic! 【two】

With three thousand Yuejia, ah, it's three thousand soul masters, Su Xian is going to destroy the Star Luo Empire today.

The so-called has a beginning and an end, since the war is provoked by them, it should naturally be ended by them.

When Su Xian and his party arrived in front of Xingli City, the warning drums also began to rumbling, and the city walls were crowded and put on a defensive posture.

Su Xian kicked Xue Wuji, "Go and call the formation and let them surrender!"

"Should I call the battle?"

Xue Wuji pointed at himself incredulously, as if you were teasing me.

Although he is naive, he is not stupid.

If this were to go out to make a battle, it would be taunting and hurting, and it might be so miserable then.


When you were playing the Nalan boy, you were so awesome, now you're a ghost!

Su Xian gave Xue Wuji a head out of anger, "I'm afraid of being a hairy guy. With me, can they still eat you?"

Xue Wuji:.......

I am afraid that you will cheat me if you are there!

Seeing Su Xian's menacing gaze, Xue Wuji took a deep breath, cheered up a bit, and walked out of the camp slowly.

Seeing this, Su Xian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, took out his mobile phone and started contacting the "firepower output" troops.


Holding the trumpet, Xue Wuji cleared his throat.

Looking at the bows and arrows on the city wall, although Xue Wuji was flustered, there were still three thousand spirit masters watching him. If he was afraid, he wouldn't be scorned to death by them.

You can be ashamed, but you can never be ashamed!

Inflating himself, Xue Wuji shouted with a horn.

"Listen to the people of the Star Luo Empire, my eldest brother said, you are already surrounded, and surrendered witly by yourself, or don't blame our subordinates for being merciless."

"Tell you, if it weren't for the innocent people of the Star Luo Empire, my Heaven Dou army would have already swept eastward."

"Today, it's for you... oh hey! What do you dare to stare at Lao Tzu, and wait for Lao Tzu to board the tower to see if I won't beat your **** out."

"You don't know the last chance. You deserve your own death. Can't you blame us for not thinking about the friendship between the two countries!"


Seeing Xue Wuji's ability to pull hatred so powerful, Su Xian was also slightly surprised.

No wonder this guy was brutally abused in the game. If he doesn't beat you, I feel at a loss!

On the other side, Xu Lin and Wang Tie had just arrived at the tower when they heard Xue Wuji's call.

Looking down, they almost exploded.


What happened last night caused them to be upset in the army, and it disturbed them that they didn't sleep all night, and they haven't retaliated yet.


If there is a decisive battle today, they will have nothing to say.


There are only three thousand people, and they want to attack Xingli City. Are you gutted by the leopard? !

I'm not ashamed to let them surrender, I'm so embarrassed!

"The person speaking should be the second prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, right?"

While asking, Xu Lin glanced at the young people behind him, meaning it was self-evident.

Davis immediately stood up, his expression full of anger, "Marshal, I'll go and teach him a lesson, and let him shut up!"

Davis, the prince of the Xingluo Empire, was elegant and noble with blond hair, and was quite aristocratic in his gestures.

Like Dai Mubai, he also had twin pupils, and he came to the army this time to show his abilities.

He was 17 years old, similar to Xue Wuji's age, and was also a soul sect, not a bully.

If he could win Xue Wuji, he might gain huge benefits for the Star Luo Empire and make his heir position stronger.

"Marshal, look..."

As if aware of something, a man who looked a lot like Dai Mubai stood up, trembling fingers pointing forward, his eyes widening.

Seeing Dai Yueheng's appearance, Xu Lin raised his brows slightly and looked in the direction of his fingers.


When he saw the figure on the carriage, Xu Lin, who was steadfast, couldn't help but explode, causing everyone around him to look at him.

"what happened?"

Wang Tie was also taken aback by Xu Lin, and when he asked subconsciously, he also looked over.

It's a pity that when Su Xian carried the Level 9 Soul Guidance Cannon to the palace, he was not there, and his grandson didn't know Su Xian.

But Dai Yueheng and Xu Lin, they know Su Xian very well!

"Weiss, come back soon!"

Seeing Davis going down the tower, Xu Lin immediately stopped him.

Regardless of Dai Mubai's surprise, Xu Lin shouted with a serious face:

"The whole army obeys the orders. Without the command of the commander, no one can leave the city. All soldiers will guard the city of Star Lee!"

Seeing Xu Lin's fear, his face was solemn and rigid, and Wang Tie suddenly felt a little confused.

"Elder Xu, what is going on, waiting so hard?"

Wang Tie hurriedly asked, Davis, who returned, also stared at Xu Lin, wanting an explanation.

It's just a Xue Wuji. It's a matter of minutes to win him. Is it so cautious?

"He's back~"

Looking at the young figure, Xu Lin felt that he shouldn't be afraid, but when he thought of the scene of the explosion of the ninth-level Soul Guidance Cannon, his voice became trembling.

If this guy throws that ninth-level Soul Guidance Cannon here, their 800,000 army, hiss...

Xu Lin was short of breath, "Yueheng, immediately go and invite the Title Douluo of the Clear Sky School to come, otherwise this battle is dangerous."


Without the slightest hesitation, Dai Yueheng left immediately.

That guy is an extremely dangerous person, so sloppy is not tolerated.

Seeing the reaction of the two, Wang Tie and Davis seemed to know who that person was, and their faces suddenly sank.

His fists creaked, and Wang Tie gritted his teeth and roared:

"Damn it, didn't he disappear? Why is he back at this time!"

He had already learned about the ninth-level soul-guided artillery from the population of Emperor Tianyou, that he was also very afraid of such weapons.

But what is even more fearful is the person in front of me...

The Xiaoyao Group was made by this guy, and he also made the auction. No one knows how many cards this guy has.

What's more, he still has an extremely powerful teacher. As long as he appears, the situation on the mainland will be overturned immediately.

"Old man, the situation is not optimistic~"

Looking at Wang Tie, Xu Lin's face was so gloomy that anyone could come, and the corners of his mouth were bitter and smiling.


On the other side, Xue Wuji yelled even more happily when no one came out to challenge him. With such a frenzied appearance, he used the moat of Xingli City as a swimming pool.

Wow khaka~

This feeling of cursing 800,000 troops in front of the two armies is simply not too cool!

It's no wonder that my eldest brother asked me to scream, and my feelings are so fat and water that doesn't flow to outsiders.

With such a deep friendship, how he can let him down, he must work hard.


When the army drove into Xingli City and Xue Wuji was stared at by hundreds of thousands of soldiers, he might feel even better.

(End of this chapter)

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