Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 254: Novels are harmful! 【four】

Chapter 254 is a novel, so harmful! 【four】

In front of the palace, a figure leaned loosely on the steps, quietly looking at the starry night sky.

"Xiao Mengzi, how do you feel that you have lived so long?" Su Xian asked curiously.

Xiao Mengzi is naturally the honorary name Su Xian took for his pet Tian Meng Bingcan.

Don't look at it. Throughout the ages, 99.999% of those who have been able to get this name are ruthless people who cut off their children and grandchildren, but this is Su Xian's nickname for close talents.

Ordinary people will never get such treatment.

On his shoulders, Tianmeng Bingxuan looked sleepy, as if he always wanted to sleep, without much energy.

The name Xiao Mengzi is weird, he has struggled before, but in the end he failed.

"I don't feel anything. I slept for too long. I'll tell you someday when Brother Meng will be honored with the honor of a million-year soul beast."

Tianmeng Bingcan is full of spirits, especially when he thinks that one day his insect life will be complete, it is even more exciting.

Sure enough, the way he opened his life in the past was wrong, and he thought that fighting was good for him. He was 990,000 years old, and he was not too weak.

Therefore, good luck is one thing, and more importantly, one's own backer must be great!

Wow, okay, okay~

This guy is not only great, but also provides food and drink. In such a life, how come he has never met Brother Meng before, alas~

"You've lived for so many years, it's a waste of life!" Su Xian couldn't help but sigh, he was so stupid that he would ask Tianmeng Ice Silkworm questions.

"Well~ it really was a waste of life~"

Tianmeng Bingcan also nodded his head with a sense of feeling, but looked generous, and didn't mean to be ashamed.

Su Xian:.......

"Why are you here alone, Cher?"

At this moment, a gentle and slightly deserted voice suddenly sounded, Tian Meng Bingcan was startled, and quickly hid in Su Xian's pocket.

"Grandpa asked her for something and called her away." Su Xian turned to look at Bibi Dong and replied helplessly.

Originally, he wanted to go together. Who knew Qian Daoliu was unreasonable at all, saying it was related to the secrets of the Angel Family, but he didn't let him go.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong looked at the Douluo Temple, and seemed to know what was going on, and didn't care, as if sitting beside Su Xian without anyone else.

The noble and glamorous pope is actually sitting on the steps!

Moreover, it is the same man!

If this scene were to be seen by others, it would surely arouse huge criticism.

"I came to ask, where did the teacher go?" Looking at Su Xian with a blank look, Bibi Dong's voice resounded like a clear spring.

"His old man has gone to other worlds. I am afraid he will not come back in a short time."

Su Xian glanced at Bibi Dong deeply and replied.


He replied indifferently, and Bibi Dong said again: "The dishes you cook are delicious. Did you learn from someone in the court? If you have time, you can let him come and teach me."

"Of course not, how can they cook such dishes!"

Seeing Bibi Dong squinting his eyes and staring at him in a daze, Su Xian only felt a little hairy, not knowing where he had offended her again.

However, this cook is him, let him teach Bibi Dong cooking by himself?

With her IQ, it didn't take a few days to guess that it was me, and she couldn't kill her.

"Ahem...The cook is from the West. I heard that there is still a continent in the West. He has already gone back!"

"If the mother-in-law is willing, I can ask Xueer to teach you some daily dishes."

Su Xian explained without blushing and breathing, urinary bubble lying is not good, but sometimes lying is the fastest way to solve the problem.

"From the West?"

Bibi Dong suddenly sneered, and an inexplicable sense of oppression surged towards Su Xian.

"But the news I got is that the chefs in your house are from the palace, and there has never been any change."

"And you started cooking only after Xueer went to your house. I wonder what you want to say?"

Bibi Dong slowly got up, condescending, with a torturous gaze cold as ice, piercing Su Xian's heart.


With a word, the mountain cracked the rock and it was deafening.

"Are you investigating me specifically?"

Su Xian also suddenly got up, his sloppy eyes suddenly became fierce, and the eagle looked at the wolf and shouted angrily.

Su Xian suddenly wanted to scold the street very much in his heart. As a traverser, he was really too difficult!


It will not arouse people's suspicion that other people pass by and behave abnormally.

Especially when traveling to ancient times, the children of the fairy and the guidance of the fairy have passed. Why do you have so many things? !

Qian Renxue got along with each other day and night, and lived in the mansion again. She knew her various secrets, plus she had mentioned other worlds. She had her own guesses, which was normal.

But, does Bibi Dong wonder what the **** is it? !

"If you said that you learned cooking from your teacher, I wouldn't doubt it, but you just want to say it was with other people."

"Do you know that the teacher once said that his cooking skills are unique, and there will not be a second person in the mainland."

Seeing Su Xian staring at him angrily, Bibi Dong couldn't help laughing indifferently, then gritted his silver teeth, his eyes were also frighteningly cold, and he said angrily.

While speaking, he was also observing Su Xian's expression, and seeing his eyes twinkling, Bibi Dong had a vague judgment in his heart.

Su Xian:.......

Wouldn't it be even more idiot if Xiaoye said that he learned the cooking skills from his teacher!

Dignified and peerless strong man, teaching his disciples how to cook?


Looking at Bibi Dong, Su Xian's face was unlovable, he really wanted to stun himself with a brick.


What are you worrying about, and what banquets should you put on to ease the conflict? !

It's okay now, Bibi Dong actually saw the tricky, no wonder she reacted in shock when she took the first bite.

What made him even more unacceptable was that he had left so many flaws when he traveled through the past.

Although his own cooking skills are indeed unique, unparalleled and shocking... (eight million words omitted)


Snapped! (Slap~)

Are you going to die if you are a little humble?

"Uh...Sister, what are you trying to say, why do I become more confused as I listen?"

Scratching his head, Su Xian's stunned expression turned into confusion and bewilderment, so he asked unclearly.

"Ha ha…"

Seeing that now, Su Xian is still pretending to be her, sneer more than Bidong.

"From now on, should I call you son-in-law or teacher?" Bibi Dong gritted his teeth.

Su Xian:.......

"Sister, did you make a mistake? How could I be a teacher? He is all ages, and I'm only a teenager!" Su Xian was even more daunted, his acting skills broke out.

"I have seen the art of change in novels and TV dramas. Do you think the teacher will or will not?"

Looking at the sky, Bibi Dong asked as if talking heartily, but every sentence was poking into Su Xian's heart.

Su Xian:.......


I will ban novels later when I go back. Novels are really harmful!

(End of this chapter)

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