Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 226: Godzilla vs. Deep Sea Demon Whale King! 【four】

Chapter 226 Godzilla vs. Deep Sea Demon Whale King! 【four】

"Godzilla, teach him a lesson for me!"

Seeing Godzilla was close to the sea, Su Xian suddenly yelled frantically.

Soul beast for nearly a million years, right?

You attacked me just now, right?

Ocean you are the boss, right?

Especially, you don't know the power of the monsters on earth!

"When did you raise a soul beast?"

Seeing Godzilla appeared, Qian Renxue's pupils shrank suddenly. It was the first time she saw two such huge spirit beasts.

"This is not a soul beast, but a monster from other worlds. There is no soul power in it."

Su Xian explained, and then took Qian Renxue's little hand and led her to the aircraft.

Lying in the bird's nest chair, quietly watching the battle below.


The monstrous wave rose up, Godzilla fell straight into the sea, and his 170-meter body was submerged by the sea in an instant, and the huge wave that was set off made the deep sea monster whale king move to one side.


A fierce roar sounded, and Godzilla's head slowly surfaced.

Just as Su Xian thought that the battle was about to come, Godzilla Guru sank again, and then swayed his tail like a water lizard before swimming away.

Su Xian:.......


A mouthful of rock candy Sydney spurted out, and Su Xianman looked at the walking Godzilla incredulously.


What about your dignity as a monster, just retreat without a fight? !


With an agitated nasal sound, the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea slowly sank to the bottom of the sea and directly chased Godzilla.

For the enemy who broke into the territory, it must not let it leave!

"Are you sure you are making someone anxious to teach this soul beast instead of letting him talk about running away to attract the enemy?"

Qian Renxue was also silly, but she didn't expect this dog to be so anxious to play so unexpectedly.

Su Xian:.......

This is indeed a serious question, and I also need to think about it!

From the perspective of attack power and defense, Godzilla and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King should not be much different, and they will never run away.

Godzilla can carry a nuclear bomb. Although the skin can absorb energy, the energy burst of the nuclear bomb is absolutely violent, which explains the problem.

The power of the nuclear bomb is absolutely comparable to the nine-level fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Cannon, and even stronger to a certain extent.

The power of the ninth-level fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Cannon is equal to the attack power of the Ultimate Douluo. Compared with Godzilla's defense power in this way, it is at least at the level of the Ultimate Douluo.

Even Extreme Douluo can't hurt him!

The Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea became a **** in the line, so when the two are compared, the two should be right after the first wave. Why did you run away?

After thinking for a while, Su Xian followed Qian Renxue with him to see what was going on.

A good monster, not seeing Ultraman and running a hammer!

Godzilla's swimming speed in the water is no slower than that of a submarine, but he is still not the opponent of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

But the latter did not seem to mean to catch up, but followed closely behind.

After a while, when he noticed that there was an island ahead, Godzilla breathed a sigh of relief and swam quickly.


This sea area is so deep, he just wants to fight, it is not tenable!

He saw the opponent just now, and he was also a behemoth. If he fought in the deep sea, he would not suffer.

Feeling standing on the land, Godzilla felt relieved immediately.


Knowing that the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea could not go ashore, Godzilla let half of his body immerse in the sea water, his arms stretched out slightly, and began to provoke the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea.

Seeing the influx of the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea, Godzilla's back suddenly began to shine.


Suddenly, the atom breath burst directly from the mouth with a blow, like lightning, and the strong energy shock wave went straight towards the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea.


As if perceiving the danger, while the Deep Sea Demon Whale King screamed in a low voice, a bright blue light appeared on his body, and the power of the sea immediately gathered on him.

The dazzling wave of energy instantly shot from its body, directly hitting Godzilla's atomic breath.


In an instant, the sea roared, as if the sky and the earth had turned white, and the dazzling light swept across the sea.


The explosion followed, it was a shocking wave, and in the wave, two huge figures also retreated straight away.

With a bang, Godzilla was knocked down directly on the shore, looking a little embarrassed.

The Devil Whale King of the Deep Sea, hit by the aftermath of the atomic breath, also sank to the bottom of the sea, and a layer of blood red spread in the sea.


Seeing the Devil Whale King of the Deep Sea actually sink to the bottom of the sea, Su Xian's pupils shrank suddenly, but when he noticed the activity of the Devil Whale King of the Deep Sea, he knew that the matter was not over yet.


Getting up from the ground, Godzilla was also filled with a layer of scorched black, it seemed that the energy (soul power) of the world was not very good for the reactor.

However, from the perspective of the battle, Godzilla did have the upper hand this time.

After all, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King is a marine creature fish, even if it has a high defense, it can't stand the high temperature, especially the temperature of the atomic breath is too high.


Perceiving Godzilla's strength, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King did not dare to attack easily.

After the sea was silent for a while, a crystal water curtain of about 300 meters suddenly struck toward Godzilla, a blue light surging, engulfing powerful energy fluctuations.

Godzilla didn't evade either, thinking that he slapped it directly, smashing all the water curtains, but the sea water was like a sponge, letting all its power go to nothing.

Cang Dang!

A huge wave burst out suddenly, and directly shot it onto the coast, and suddenly fell into a daze.

"Hey~ I guess it can't go on."

Seeing this scene before him, Su Xian shook his head helplessly. He originally wanted to watch a big show, but he didn't expect this to happen.

Godzilla is about the same size as the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, one is good at land combat and the other is good at deep sea combat.

Face-to-face combat is almost impossible!

The body of the deep sea monster whale is two hundred meters long, and the height alone is more than 100 meters. It needs a water depth of 150 meters, and this height...

Godzilla is only 170 meters away, unless it just sticks out into the water and fights with the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea.

Or, it can also go underwater to fight the ocean overlord, the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea?

Um~ unless it gets muddled!

Sure enough, there seemed to be a line on the coast, and the two beasts did not rush closer, only conducting long-range attacks.

It looks like that, I don't know I thought they were playing!

After beating for a while, both sides were injured, and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King emerged from the water, his cold eyes were stained with blood, and he took a deep look at Godzilla.

"Woo~" Reluctantly whispered a few times, the Demon Whale King of the Deep Sea swayed its giant tail and slowly left the island, seemingly subdued.

(End of this chapter)

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