Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 165: Imperial College, challenge! [Addition for "Hidden Emperor"]

Chapter 165 Imperial Academy, challenge! [Addition for "Hidden Emperor"]

There is no need for Su Xian and the others to publicize the auction. I am afraid that no one in the current Heaven Dou City does not know about the 100,000-year soul beast auction.

As for the entire Heaven Dou City, I am afraid that no time has been more lively than this time, even if it is a Soul Master Competition held every five years.

At this moment, the spirit masters scattered all over the place are also gathering in Tiandou City, wanting to see the grace of a hundred thousand year old spirit beast.

Su Xian also saw the changes in the city, but he was still as usual, staying with Qian Renxue at home.

Of course, he also urged Qian Renxue to practice, after all, he didn't want to "waste" Qian Renxue's pain.

More and more people came from Heaven Dou City, and more and more people were provoking things, such as the missions from the Star Luo Empire.

Although large-scale wars will not occur between the two empires, small-scale collisions will still occur.

Especially when Xu Lin was cheated last time, the old guy held a grudge, and he was definitely not at ease when he led the team this time.

No, just when I came to Tiandou City, I started to work with the Royal Academy team.

Then... terrible!

"Seven versus seven team battles, you five soul sects, and martial soul fusion skills, you are still the 48-level Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Soul fighting soul sect, just like that?"

In the carriage, Su Xian looked at Yu Tianmin incredibly, as if he was joking.


All the main elections have been lost, and now I am going to play as a substitute. Is this a human thing?

"No way, the opponent is too strong, or do you think I will fall behind and beg you?"

Yu Tianmin replied helplessly, his pale face was unwilling, angry, embarrassed, and uncomfortable, all tastes mixed, and finally turned into a weak sigh.

"Tell me, how did you lose?" A cold color flashed in his eyes, and Su Xian couldn't help asking.

Although he usually doesn't like to be in charge, but not everyone can step on the royal foot.

Especially, the opponent is still a member of the Star Luo Empire, and everyone is responsible for the dispute between the empires!

"There are also people in the Star Luo Empire team who can use martial soul fusion skills, and they are still used by two soul sects. The power is too powerful."

"Not only that, they also have a 47th-level soul sect, the strength is very powerful, we can't beat it at all."

With that said, Yu Tianmin also clenched his teeth, his flushed face was full of unwillingness.

Originally, they were going to use the Spirit Hall as their opponent, but they didn't expect that the Soul Master Competition hadn't even started before they would be defeated by the Star Luo Empire team.

Without a victory, the morale of the team would be severely affected. If it weren't for this, Yu Tianmin would not let Su Xian go to the rescue.

"The martial soul fusion skill, is the martial soul fusion skill of the royal family and the Zhu family?"

Su Xian's brows suddenly frowned, but he felt impossible when he spoke.

Davis has no soul sect at all, and the royal family inheritance rules of the Star Luo Empire are very harsh. The royal family lives in a single vein, and there are no brothers or the like.

"It is indeed the martial soul fusion skill of the royal family and the Zhu family, otherwise we wouldn't have the power to fight back."

Just as Su Xian was puzzled, Yu Tianmin's voice rang, and the words were full of bitterness.

As soon as the words came out, Su Xian frowned further, "Isn't Davis less than 10 years old, where did the martial soul fusion skills come from?"

"It's not Davis, but a man in his 20s, named Dai Yueheng, who is said to be the younger brother of Emperor Tianyou. He has never heard of him before."

Yu Tianmin quickly shook his head to explain, and there was also a thick color of surprise flashing under his eyes.

It was precisely because they knew that Team Xing Luo did not have spirit fusion skills, they ignored Team Xing Luo, and they did not expect that the opponent caught them by surprise.

Dai Yueheng, never heard of it!

Alas~ 80% of the authors are starting to create people again!

"Forget it, let's talk about it at the scene."

I can't figure out Su Xian and I don't bother to think about it. After the Royal Academy, they won't run away dingy anyway.


Tiandou Empire Royal Academy, the center martial arts field.

Below the stage, the long VIP seats were seated with the powerful and high-level spirit masters of the two empires.

One is the Xingluo Empire Exchange Group headed by Xu Lin, and the other is the Royal Academy Education Committee and teachers headed by Xue'an.

Tiandou Empire Academy vs Xingluo Empire Academy!

On the stage of fighting the soul, there was a long red strip hung with a smell of gunpowder, but for the Heaven Dou Empire, it was so dazzling at this moment.

"Old man Xue, your Heaven Dou Empire's strongest team has already lost, and you have lost so badly, what else do you have to say?" Xu Lin said with a triumphant smile on his face.

"What's the point of this, my Royal Team is only saving strength, unlike your Star Luo Empire, the Soul Master Competition has not yet started, and all the main players will come out."

As soon as this remark came out, Xue'an, as the vice-president, felt better, but if he was angry, it would hit Xu Lin’s arms.

Therefore, Xue An's surface is still light and breezy, with a disdainful tone, it seems that he is very open-minded about winning or losing this time.

"Oh? You mean, your Heaven Dou team still has holes?"

Unexpectedly, Xue An died with a hard duck mouth, and Xu Lin smiled, his face even more contemptuous.

He knows that these seven are the main players!

"That's natural." Xue'an smiled slightly, her face full of confidence, and Xu Lin frowned slightly.

"Ha ha…"

With a sneer twice, Xu Lin pondered for a while, then waved his hand graciously.

"In that case, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Let's challenge one-on-one. If your Royal Academy team can defeat them, we will lose. What do you think?"

The tiger's eyes were majestic and majestic, Xu Lin was staring at Xue'an, his old face was full of domineering, as if a tiger was roaring.

Hearing that, Xue'an was immediately happy, "This is what you said, don't cry after you lose."

"Huh! It's better to take care of yourself, the students of the dignified Tiandou Empire Royal Academy are so vulnerable." Xu Lin snorted, mockingly.


As soon as these words came out, the Mengshenji and other education committees and teachers were immediately angry, their complexion flushed and glared at Xu Lin.

mmp! This is hitting them in the face naked!

However, seeing the two consecutive people being defeated by the members of the Star Luo Empire, the faces of Menshenji and others couldn't be darker.

"Don't worry, I have asked Yu Tianmin to call Qinghe."

Seeing the declining popularity of Dream Machine and others, Xue'an waved his hand to send a voice message to remind him, and at the same time, his heart was in mmp Su Xian, why hasn't he come yet.

However, Xue'an's face was still so unwavering, she could hardly pinch the unchanging demeanor of the Taishan Mountain.

"Are you really sure your Highness can win?" Mengshenji asked with a guilty conscience.

"Qinghe fought Yu Tianmin, and Tianmin finally lost." Xue'an replied calmly.

"You're not talking about that time..." Mengshenji's old face turned black, obviously recalling a bad experience.

"No." Xue'an shook his head.

Dream Machine:? ? ?

 Six is ​​over, I collapsed



(End of this chapter)

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