Next to the corpse of the giant sea king, the members of the fishman guard gathered together, and the cheers surged like a tide, shaking the surrounding sea.

The sun shines through the gaps in the waves, illuminating their faces and creating a picture of victory.

The corpse of the giant sea king was hundreds of meters long, lying on the sea like a huge mountain, heavy and powerless.

The surrounding seawater caused huge waves due to its fall, as if to add more atmosphere to this victory celebration.

Huo Yuhao stood on a high place, overlooking the scene in front of him. The breeze gently blew over his face, bringing a touch of coolness.

His eyes were as bright as the morning sun, falling on the uniform murloc guard.

The sun shines through the clouds and reflects on the shining scales of the fish people, as if they are covered with a layer of golden armor.

Every fish-man held his chest high and his head high, his eyes were firm, and he exuded a fearless aura.

"Teacher Zefa, how are these murloc guards under my command?"

Huo Yuhao's voice was clear and confident, with a hint of expectation.

He turned his head, eyes flashing with excitement, and asked Zefa beside him.

Zefa was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily.

His eyes wandered over the fish people, his face full of shock and admiration.

The scene before him still amazed him.

He never thought that these fishmen could show such strong combat effectiveness under Huo Yuhao's command.

"These fishmen are really amazing."

Zefa said slowly, with a bit of emotion in his tone.

"Not only do they have the power of martial arts, but under your guidance, they have become more united and have a tacit understanding."

"If they continue to grow, I'm afraid they will be able to fight even against the top experts!"

After hearing this, Huo Yuhao felt a warm current surge in his heart.

He knew that his efforts were not in vain. The growth and transformation of these fish people were the result of his hard work.

He recalled the days of training with the fish people, which were hard but fulfilling.

Every training session tempers their will and tempers their spirit.

Those days of sweating under the scorching sun seemed to be right in front of my eyes.

"They will continue to work hard to get stronger."

Huo Yuhao said firmly, with an unyielding light shining in his eyes.

A strong sense of responsibility surged in his heart, as if he was carrying not only the future of the fish people on his shoulders, but also their trust and expectations for him.

Zefa nodded slightly, his appreciation for Huo Yuhao deepening in his heart.

He knew that this young soul master not only had extraordinary talent, but also had a brave and determined heart.

There is an indescribable determination in his eyes that makes people want to follow him involuntarily.

"We finally did it!"

The captain of the fishman guard, named Alka, excitedly waved the spear in his hand, and his voice penetrated every corner like the sea breeze.

His body is slender, and his scales shine with silver light in the sun. He is like a warrior in the ocean, brave and determined.

The team members gathered around one after another, their eyes full of enthusiasm and pride, their faces filled with the joy of victory, and their hearts burning with hope for the future.

"This sea king was once our natural enemy, but now it has finally fallen!"

Another fishman, named Bell, was full of excitement and raised his hands high, as if he wanted to pass on this joy to every companion.

His voice grew louder in cheers, as if to awaken the power of the entire ocean.

The surrounding murlocs also responded and shouted in unison: "Victory! Victory!"

Their voices echoed on the sea, setting off waves and stirring each other's hearts, as if adding more enthusiasm to the victory celebration.

Amidst the cheers, Alka's eyes involuntarily fell on the huge Neptune type.

Its once majestic body is now like a heavy mountain, lying quietly on the sea, and its fall has caused huge waves in the surrounding seawater.

The sunlight shines on its huge body, reflecting a faint light, which seems to tell the story of its former strength and fearlessness.

Alka felt faintly uneasy in her heart. Although they defeated this powerful enemy, the balance of the ocean seemed to have quietly changed because of this victory.

As the captain of the escort team, he shoulders the responsibility of protecting his companions and the ocean.

He turned around and saw the team members around him still cheering, with excited smiles on their faces, but he could not share this joy with them.

Everyone's laughter and laughter came like waves, impacting his heart, but he felt a little lonely and confused.

"Alka, come and celebrate together!"

Bell's voice came again, interrupting his thoughts.

Alka raised her head and saw the excitement and expectation on Bell's face, and felt warm in her heart.

He knows that as captain, he must boost morale and lead them toward a brighter future.

"Okay! We won!"

Alka tried her best to smile and joined the cheering team.

Although he was still uneasy in his heart, he understood that the joy of victory was the result of their joint efforts and was obtained by the hard work and sacrifice of every member.

They had struggled in this sea for too long and finally achieved their victory.

As the cheers continued to rise, Alka's mood gradually became infected.

He looked at the corpse of the giant sea king and prayed silently in his heart: "May the balance of the ocean be restored after this victory."

He believed that although they had defeated the powerful enemy, the ecology of the ocean still needed their protection and cherishment.

At this moment, a low roar suddenly came from the sea, as if it was a whisper from some huge creature in its sleep.

Alka's heart tightened, and he turned to look at the source of the sound. He saw ripples gradually appearing on the sea surface in the distance, as if something was approaching.

His heartbeat accelerated, and his intuition told him that this was not the end, but the beginning of another bigger test.

"Everyone pay attention! There is movement!"

Alka shouted loudly, instantly breaking the atmosphere of celebration.

The team members turned their heads one after another, and the excitement on their faces was instantly replaced by tension, and their eyes were all cast on the surging sea surface.

Bell's face became solemn, and he clenched the spear in his hand.

Alka's warning was like a thunder, instantly breaking the atmosphere of celebration.

The laughter of the fishmen stopped abruptly, and a tense atmosphere spread in the air.

Everyone held their breath, staring at the surging sea, their hearts filled with anxiety and fear.

"What is that?"

Bell asked in a low voice, with a tremor in his voice.

His hand clenched the spear, his fingertips turned white, and he was obviously ready for the challenge.

"I don't know, but we must be careful."

Alka's voice was firm and calm. As the captain, he knew that he could not show fear at this time.

He prayed in his heart, hoping that this giant creature would not be their enemy.

At this moment, a huge wave suddenly rose on the sea surface, accompanied by a roar, and a huge figure jumped out of the water and rushed into the sky.

The sun shone down, illuminating the body of the giant sea king, and Alka's heart sank suddenly-this was a giant sea king over a thousand meters long, covered with thick scales, like a moving mountain, and the suffocating majesty oppressed the hearts of every fishman.

"Yuhao, I have to take action this time, right?"

Looking at the huge sea king that suddenly appeared, Zefa was about to take action again.

This time Huo Yuhao hesitated a little.

But he still rejected Zefa's words.

"Teacher Zefa, don't worry, take action if it really doesn't work."

As Huo Yuhao said this, the battle on the sea began.

"Quick! Get ready for battle!"

Alka shouted, his voice was particularly loud in fear.

He knew that the giant sea king in front of him was definitely not the enemy that they had defeated before and could be easily dealt with.

Its appearance meant a new threat, and it also meant that they had to unite again to defend their homeland.

The fishmen quickly adjusted their formation and surrounded Alka tightly.

They were filled with fear in their hearts, but as warriors, they knew they had to face the upcoming battle.

Bell stood in the front, with a firm light in his eyes: "We can't retreat! For our homeland, we must not let it do whatever it wants!"

The figure of the giant sea king hovered in the air for a moment.

Then it fell heavily like a moving mountain, raising huge waves. The seawater was instantly stirred up dozens of meters high, like a wall of water rushing towards the fishmen.

Alka's heart tightened, and he quickly waved his weapon in his hand, commanding the team members to disperse to both sides to avoid being swallowed by the huge waves.

"Disperse! Keep your distance!"

Alka's voice was like a war drum, inspiring every fishman.

They quickly dispersed and avoided the impact of the huge waves, but they could not get rid of the invisible fear in their hearts.

The power of the giant sea king made them feel small and helpless.

On the water, the giant sea king's movements were like thunder and lightning. Alka saw its huge fins passing through the air, as if to tear the entire sea surface apart.

With every movement of it, the sea water rolled violently, the surrounding creatures fled, and the tranquility of the ocean was completely broken.

"Prepare to attack!"

Alka shouted, and a trace of courage ignited in his heart.

He knew that only by unity can this powerful enemy be defeated.

The fishmen raised their weapons and rushed towards the giant sea king. Although they were nervous, their determination became stronger.

Bell waved his spear in front, pointing it directly at the eyes of the giant sea king, trying to find its weakness.

His voice was particularly loud in the charge: "For our freedom, for the future of the ocean!"

The giant sea king seemed to feel the attack of the fishmen, turned around suddenly, and rushed towards them with its huge body like a mountain.

Alka's heart tightened, and he quickly commanded the team members to dodge.

At this moment, the tail of the giant sea king was like a huge whip, and it lashed down suddenly.

The tail of the giant sea king was like a huge whip, and it lashed down suddenly. There was a tearing sound in the air, as if it was going to destroy everything.

Alka's heartbeat accelerated. He knew that if he was hit by the tail, the consequences would be disastrous.

The fishmen's reaction speed had been trained to the extreme, and they dodged to both sides.

However, there were still a few young warriors who had no time to react. They were swept into the water by the huge force and disappeared in the waves in an instant.

"Quick! Gather!"

Alka shouted loudly, his tone full of anxiety and determination.

Although the fishmen were afraid, they gradually gathered together under Alka's command and formed a small battle formation.

Bell's spear flashed coldly in the sun. He calmly analyzed the movements of the giant sea king, trying to find a glimmer of hope.

"Its eyes are a weakness! We must concentrate our firepower!"

Bell's voice was transmitted in the water, inspiring every fishman.

Alka nodded, secretly encouraging himself in his heart not to let fear take over his heart.

He waved his weapon and led the team to charge at the giant sea king.

Just as they rushed towards the giant sea king.

The sea water churned again, and the figure of the giant sea king was faintly visible underwater. The huge body was like a moving mountain, rushing towards them with irresistible momentum.

Alka's heart tightened, and he felt a strong pressure, as if the whole ocean was trembling for this battle.

"Focus! Don't be distracted!"

Alka shouted, with a firm light in his eyes.

Hope ignited in the hearts of the fishmen. Although the power of the giant sea king was extremely powerful, their unity and courage should not be underestimated.

As the giant sea king approached, Alka could clearly see its huge eyes, which were like black holes, revealing a kind of ruthlessness and violence.

The giant sea king seemed to sense the fish people's intention to attack. Its huge head slowly turned and its eyes were fixed on Alka, as if it was evaluating the threat of this small creature.

"Quick! Attack!"

Alka roared, leading the charge towards the giant sea king.

His weapon drew a graceful arc in the water, pointing directly at the giant sea king's eyes.

Bell followed closely behind, with the tip of his spear flashing with cold light, and went straight to the other eye of the giant sea king.

At this moment, the giant sea king's huge fins crossed the water again, bringing a gust of wind, splashing water, and the fish people were forced to retreat.

Alka's heart tightened, he knew that he had to seize this opportunity and not let the enemy breathe.

"Hurry! Attack its eyes!"

He commanded loudly, and the fish people, encouraged by Alka, gathered their strength and launched a fierce attack on the giant sea king's eyes.

Spears, harpoons, and even weapons made of stone flew towards that weak spot.

However, the giant sea king reacted very quickly, and its head suddenly turned to the side, avoiding most of the attacks.

Alka's heart sank, knowing that he had to come up with a better way.

He quickly turned back, observing the surrounding environment, trying to find terrain that could be used.

"We need to guide it into shallower waters!"

Alka suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a plan.

He quickly said to the fishmen: "We will divide into two teams! One team will attract its attention, and the other team will flank it from the side!"

The fishmen acted quickly according to Alka's instructions without hesitation.

Bell and several brave warriors formed an attraction team and swam towards the direction of the giant sea king, trying to attract its attention.

At the same time, other fishmen quietly dived into the water, preparing to attack from the side.

The giant sea king was indeed attracted, turned its huge head, and locked its eyes on Bell. (End of this chapter)

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