Suddenly there was a huge wave on the sea, and the waves rolled, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.

The sun gradually sets on the sea level, and its orange-red afterglow shines on the water, reflecting a golden wave.

However, this peaceful beauty was broken by sudden huge waves. The waves roared and slapped the hull of the ship like an angry beast, making a deafening roar.

Huo Yuhao's heart tightened, as if an invisible rope was strangling his heart tightly.

He took a deep breath, tried to stay calm, and quickly adjusted the course of the fleet.

Under his decisive command, every ship in the fleet drew elegant arcs and sailed towards safety.

Huo Yuhao focused his eyes on the rough water in the distance, thinking to himself.

The enemy is just ahead, waiting for their arrival.

He recalled the scene of the battle with the enemy, and the memories came flooding back to him.

It was a night with bright stars, but in his heart there was endless anxiety and tension.

His fingers trembled slightly as he held the rudder, feeling the coldness and hardness of the metal.

At this moment, his heart was as turbulent as the sea, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Lieutenant General Huo Yuhao, there seems to be unusual movement in the sea ahead."

A young sailor came from the bridge, uneasiness written all over his face.

Huo Yuhao turned his head and saw the fear flashing in the sailor's eyes. It was a fear of the unknown, as if the coming storm was not only the anger of nature, but also the enemy's insidious calculation.

"I know."

Huo Yuhao's voice was low and firm.

He secretly thought in his heart, what on earth is the enemy waiting for?

Was it an ambush or a surprise attack?

He knew that as a commander, he not only had to consider tactics but also balance the emotions of his crew.

"Listen, everyone, although the waters ahead are not calm, we are confident that we can meet any challenge. No matter what happens, we must be united and must not let fear influence our judgment."

His voice echoed across the bridge, seeming to inject a bit of courage into everyone.

However, Huo Yuhao's heart was not as peaceful as he showed.

As the waves rose and fell, he felt an invisible pressure, as if the entire ocean was warning them.

Huge waves came one after another, like endless enemies attacking them, making him feel suffocated.

"Commander, there seems to be an enemy ship in the sea ahead!"

The voice of another sailor interrupted his thoughts.

Huo Yuhao immediately raised his head and looked through the rolling waves, trying hard to find the enemy ship.

Sure enough, on the distant sea, he vaguely saw several black ships approaching quietly, like wolves lurking in the dark, ready to pounce on their prey at any time.

"Ready to fight!"

Huo Yuhao's voice was as loud as thunder, instantly breaking the tranquility of the fleet.

Everyone quickly entered a fighting state, and the fear in their hearts was replaced by the passion of fighting.

The sailors quickly adjusted the forts and prepared nervously and orderly, with a determined light in their eyes.

Attention everyone, stay vigilant! "

Huo Yuhao's voice sounded on the bridge, sonorous and powerful, as if injecting an invisible force into the fleet.

The team members raised their heads one after another, with firm eyes, and secretly vowed to fight for their beliefs.

At this moment, another fleet gradually appeared on the distant sea.

It was a huge fleet, and its black hull stood out in the waves, like a huge sea beast, quietly lurking among the waves.

The flags of the fleet were flapping in the wind, seeming to announce their arrival, emitting a low and passionate horn sound, as if summoning the power of the sea to awaken the sleeping warriors.

Huo Yuhao was shocked. Zefa's appearance was undoubtedly their greatest help, as if they saw a glimmer of hope in the abyss of despair.

"Teacher Zefa! Why are you here!"

Huo Yuhao shouted loudly on the bridge, his voice echoing in the wind, with a bit of excitement.

His eyes were firmly fixed on the flagship, and complex emotions surged in his heart.

The fleet gradually approached, and the waves crashed against the ship's hull, making a low roar.

Huo Yuhao's heartbeat accelerated, and the tension on his face was gradually replaced by anticipation.

He could feel the mood of everyone in the fleet, which was the desire to fight and the pursuit of victory.

Teacher Zefa's figure appeared on the bridge, majestic and firm, like a majestic mountain peak, standing in the wind and rain.

"Huo Yuhao, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Zefa's voice was like thunder, shaking everyone's heart.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, looking directly at the enemy ships in the distance through the sparkling waves on the sea.

Seeing that Huo Yuhao was fine, Zefa finally let go of his worries.

But now is obviously not the time for long.

The most important thing now is to clear out these miscellaneous soldiers in front of you as soon as possible.

The roaring sea breeze brought the salty smell of sea water, and Huo Yuhao's thoughts drifted back to the past in an instant.

The fighting spirit ignited in my heart was like the waves rolling on the sea, surging.

Zefa stood on the bridge of his ship, his eyes blazing, and responded: "Huo Yuhao, our goals are the same. Today we must let the remnant army of World Town see our power!"

The two fleets converged on the sea, forming an impenetrable barrier, ready to attack the enemy.

Huo Yuhao felt the enthusiasm and fighting spirit of the team members, and his heart was full of confidence.

He knew that today's battle was not only for victory, but also for the continuation of faith and hope for the future.

"Fleet, prepare for battle!"

Huo Yuhao ordered loudly, and then the muzzles of the fleet turned to the enemy, and the roar of artillery fire echoed on the sea, like a battle horn.

On the sea, the enemy's remaining fleet also began to mobilize, and it was a dark mass, obviously wanting to use the advantage of numbers to suppress them.

Huo Yuhao's eyes swept over the enemy ships, and he secretly thought in his heart how to win with fewer people.

"Teacher Zefa, we need to divide our forces!"

Huo Yuhao quickly analyzed.

"I will lead a part of the fleet to encircle from the flank and contain the enemy's firepower, while you will attack head-on and attract their attention!"

Zefa nodded, with a fighting light in his eyes: "Understood, let's fight for faith together!"

On the boundless ocean, the blue sea surface flashed with golden light under the sunlight, as if it were a huge gem.

However, this seemingly peaceful sea area was now shrouded in the smoke of war.

The two fleets were like two giant dragons, quickly deployed according to the careful plan. Huo Yuhao stood on the deck of the command ship with a firm look in his eyes, full of expectations and tension for the upcoming battle.

He commanded a part of the fleet to advance to the flank. Under the impact of the sea water, the ship was like a giant beast roaring, making a deafening roar.

The sea water was torn and rolled by the fleet, and the splashing waves were like white flowers, flashing dazzling light in the sun.

Huo Yuhao could feel the whistling of the sea breeze, mixed with the salty smell of the sea, as if cheering for the upcoming battle.

At the same time, Zefa's fleet rushed straight to the enemy camp like a tiger descending from the mountain. The artillery fire poured down, the roar was deafening, the flames were everywhere, and the flames of the battle were instantly ignited.

The shells cut through the air, with a ruthless roar, accurately hitting the enemy ship, and the flames of the explosion seemed to bloom with gorgeous fireworks on the sea.

Zefa stood on the bridge, with a solemn and firm expression on his face. He knew that this was not just a battle, but a contest of life and death.

The battle broke out on the sea, with the roar of artillery and the flames, and the entire sea was dyed blood red by the war.

Huo Yuhao's fleet quietly approached on the flank, using flexible maneuverability to quickly cut into the enemy camp.

The enemy obviously did not expect that someone would attack from the side during the escape, and fell into chaos in an instant.

Huo Yuhao's heart surged with pride, he knew that this was the result of their careful planning.

At this moment, huge waves rose on the sea, as if they were uneasy about the battle.

The waves were surging, the water splashed, and the fleet was swaying under the impact of the waves, but every seaman was trying his best and not flinching.

Huo Yuhao could feel the vibration of the hull, and his heart was tense, but he knew that only by meeting the challenge could he win.

As the battle deepened, Huo Yuhao's fleet gradually gained the upper hand, their artillery fire poured down like a storm, and the enemy ships began to collapse in the fierce attack.

Huo Yuhao's heart was filled with excitement. He remembered the hard work he and his teammates had put in during training, and remembered every figure who fought for this battle.

Every gunshot was a testimony to their struggle, and every sunken enemy ship was a reward for their efforts.

However, the battle did not end there.

Just as Huo Yuhao was about to launch a more fierce attack, an enemy reinforcement fleet suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance.

They approached quietly like black shadows, bringing new variables to the situation that was originally in an advantageous position.

Huo Yuhao's heart tightened, and a trace of uneasiness flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down and secretly thought about how to deal with it.

"Attention everyone! The enemy reinforcement fleet has appeared, prepare to fight!"

Huo Yuhao's voice was like a war drum, echoing in the fleet. His command was like a lighthouse, guiding every sailor to move forward in the storm.

Zefa also quickly adjusted the tactics and commanded the fleet to rearrange and prepare for the upcoming impact.


Huo Yuhao gave a decisive order, and the fleet's artillery fire poured down like a rainstorm, accurately hitting the enemy ships.

The enemy fleet suffered heavy damage in an instant, and the soldiers panicked and tried to adjust the formation, but it was too late.

"Keep advancing, don't give them a chance to breathe!"

Huo Yuhao's voice was like a war drum, inspiring the fighting spirit of the team members.

Everyone prayed silently in their hearts, hoping to win this battle.

Zefa's fleet also attacked fiercely from the front, and the enemy's artillery fire was as fragile as paper in front of them.

Zefa stood on the bridge, his eyes like an eagle, always paying attention to the changes in the battle situation: "Huo Yuhao, our cooperation is very tacit, keep it up!"


Huo Yuhao responded, with a strong belief surging in his heart.

He knew that every attack they made was for the hopes and dreams of countless people.

As the battle deepened, Huo Yuhao's fleet gradually approached the enemy's command ship.

He had a strong urge in his heart to end this battle with his own hands.

Just as he was about to launch the final attack, suddenly, the enemy's command ship emitted a dazzling light.

"Attention! The enemy's command ship is activating special weapons!"

A team member reminded him urgently, and Huo Yuhao's heart tightened, realizing the seriousness of the situation.

"Quick, adjust the direction, and concentrate firepower to attack the enemy's command ship!"

Huo Yuhao quickly issued an order, and the fleet's guns turned again, ready to stop the enemy's counterattack at the last moment.

The light of the enemy's command ship became more and more blazing, and Huo Yuhao felt a strong pressure coming, as if the entire sea surface was trembling.

He knew that time waits for no one, and he must destroy their command ship before the enemy launches.

"All members, concentrate firepower, prepare to launch!"

Huo Yuhao's voice was like a war drum, inspiring the fighting spirit of every team member.

At this moment, Zefa also issued an order: "All ships, follow Captain Huo, prepare to launch!"

The firepower of the two fleets was concentrated together, and the sound of artillery was like thunder, as if it was the roar of the ocean.

Huo Yuhao stared at the enemy's command ship and prayed silently in his heart: "It must succeed!"

With a loud bang, artillery fire fell like raindrops, accurately hitting the enemy's command ship.

The dazzling light was instantly swallowed by the artillery fire, and the enemy ship turned into a sea of ​​fire amid the deafening explosion, and huge waves were rippling on the sea.


Huo Yuhao was ecstatic, and then turned to shout to the team members: "Continue to attack, and pursue the victory!"

The morale of the fleet was as high as a flame, and the team members responded one after another. The artillery fire poured down again, and the remaining fleet of the enemy was defeated under this powerful offensive.

Huo Yuhao's heart was full of emotion. Today's victory was not only a blow to the enemy, but also a firm belief in his own beliefs.

With the last gunshot, the remaining fleet of the enemy was finally completely defeated, leaving only broken hulls and sunken wreckage on the sea.

Endless wreckage floated on the sea, flashing a unique light in the sun.

This ocean, once the cradle of life, has now become a witness to countless tragedies. The sun shines through the thin clouds, casting a golden glow, illuminating this abandoned waters.

The calm sea surface seemed to be telling unknown stories.

In the depths of this ocean, there used to be a prosperous port, with ships coming and going, merchants gathering, and laughter.

However, a sudden storm took away all life.

The huge waves were like angry beasts, tearing the ships to pieces, and the wreckage floated on the sea, becoming the only witness of this ocean.

Those flickering lights, refracted by the sun, seemed to be the calls of countless souls, telling their helplessness and despair. (End of this chapter)

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