Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 631 Master and Disciple Farewell

"Who wants to see me?" Yan Shaozhe asked.

"That person is upstairs. Your Majesty will know when he sees him." The young man shook his head, turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation, leading Yan Shaozhe to the second floor.

"Let's go."

Yan Shaozhe said lightly.

Following the young man, he walked through the wide first-floor hall, ignoring all the soul guides along the way. He walked straight to the spiral staircase at the corner and went up to the second floor of Chaldea.

On the way, Yan Shaozhe asked casually.

"Who is your boss?"

"You should have heard of it. Our boss's surname is Su, Su Luoheng. He was born in the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Instructor Academy. It was our boss who wiped out the Holy Spirit Church and killed the Extreme Dragon Emperor Douluo Long Xiaoyao."

Zhen Reqing looked sincerely admiring.

Su Luoheng...

Given his current significance to the Sun and Moon Empire, it is not surprising that he owns such a store.

However, what is the relationship between him and this person?

Yan Shaozhe narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking.

As they were talking, the two of them had already come to the second floor. The layout here was almost the same as the first floor. The only difference was that the counter was separated into a separate room.

At this moment, the door was closed.

Zhen Qingqing knocked twice.

"Dean Yan is here."

"Come in."

A crisp and pleasant voice came from the room, which surprised Yan Shaozhe. Because there was a hint of familiarity and kindness in this voice. It seemed familiar, but suddenly he couldn't remember it.

Just as he was thinking, the door opened, the young man stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation to Yan Shaozhe.

With doubts, Yan Shaozhe pushed the door open.

At this time, in the center of the room, a woman stood there with her back to the door.

She looked about twenty years old, with long fiery red hair draped behind her head, a slender waist, straight and slender legs, and a round buttocks. The exquisite curves were exposed.

At this moment, Yang finally realized where the familiar feeling just now came from.

At this time, she was wearing a red tights. Although it was only the back, it perfectly overlapped with the figure in her memory. Yan Shaozhe recognized her identity almost at first sight.


How could a teacher not recognize his own apprentice?


The fiery red figure slowly turned around, and the beautiful face with a sweet smile suddenly came into view.

It was his apprentice, Ma Xiaotao.

Suddenly, Yan Shaozhe's eyes trembled slightly, and his lips moved. But he was so excited that he couldn't say a word.

Ma Xiaotao was Yan Shaozhe's most proud and most outstanding disciple. As soon as she joined Shrek Academy, she was accepted by him. He has always taken care of and cultivated her like his own daughter.

He and Ma Xiaotao have a deep friendship between master and apprentice, otherwise Yan Shaozhe would not have put aside all the matters of the Wuhun Department after she disappeared from Shrek Academy and personally led a team to find Ma Xiaotao's trace.

But before he could find Ma Xiaotao's trace, Shrek Academy suddenly suffered a huge change, and the academy suffered heavy casualties. The Sea God Pavilion was reduced to ruins, and almost all the strong men, including Taotie Douluo Xuan Lao, fell.

He was the only person left in charge of the academy.

Yan Shaozhe had to give up the search for Ma Xiaotao and instead devoted himself to the reconstruction of the academy, gathering scattered teachers and students to restore the vitality of Shrek Academy as soon as possible.

At the same time, he did not forget to find out Ma Xiaotao's whereabouts, but she seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, and there was no news. It was even uncertain whether Ma Xiaotao was alive.

This became a source of worry for him.

He had never thought that he would see his beloved disciple again in Mingdu.

Yan Shaozhe was pleasantly surprised.

And the same was true for Ma Xiaotao.

When she met her teacher again, she burst into tears instantly.

Her achievements today were inseparable from the teacher's strong support.

As we all know, the Fire Phoenix Martial Soul is the top beast martial soul in the soul master world. While giving soul masters the ability to fly, it also brings a flame with an attribute second only to the ultimate fire.

However, Ma Xiaotao's Fire Phoenix has an extra word "evil", although the flame ability of the Evil Fire Phoenix is ​​stronger than that of the Fire Phoenix, and can even be comparable to the ultimate fire.

But the price is that it is extremely easy to lose control and hurt others and yourself.

Once it goes out of control, ordinary water-attributed martial spirits are difficult to suppress. Only the ultimate ice-attributed martial spirits can suppress it, but it is only suppression, and it is difficult to eradicate the evil fire.

As long as you start practicing, the evil fire will be produced in an endless stream. Suppression is only temporary. With the improvement of soul power, the evil fire will accumulate more and more, and the difficulty of suppression will also increase exponentially.

The final outcome waiting for Ma Xiaotao:

Either she died from the explosion of the evil fire;

Or she gave up the path of soul master and stopped practicing;

Or she was completely devoured by the evil fire and degenerated into an evil soul master;

Or she suppressed the evil fire through the combination of yin and yang like Ma Hongjun, one of the first generation of Shrek Seven Devils and the owner of the evil fire phoenix.

Fortunately, she had a good teacher. Yan Shaozhe spared no expense to provide natural treasures, and then assisted with soul masters with ice and water-attributed martial spirits to suppress the evil fire in her body.

Although these methods did not eliminate the evil fire, they allowed Ma Xiaotao to survive the difficult years of suffering from the evil fire. Successfully waited until Su Luoheng gave her the immortal grass to completely remove the evil fire and purify her martial soul.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yan Shaozhe has at least half the credit for Ma Xiaotao's success today. In her heart, she has long regarded Yan Shaozhe as a father figure.

If it weren't for the fear of the unknown power in Shrek Academy that could manipulate and tamper with her thoughts, and she would lose herself again and become a puppet, how could Ma Xiaotao leave without saying goodbye?

"Teacher, I'm so glad that you're okay. When I heard the bad news about Shrek Academy, I was really afraid that I would never see you again." Ma Xiaotao choked and tears fell.

Yan Shaozhe stretched out his broad palm, wiped the tears from her face, and patted her back gently, "Silly girl, why are you crying? I'm glad you're okay. Now that we are reunited as master and apprentice, we should be happy!"

Ma Xiaotao sniffed, nodded vigorously, wiped the tears from her cheeks, and tried to calm down, "Teacher, please sit down, I'll go and make tea for you."

"No, you can talk to the teacher here." Yan Shaozhe shook his head, his eyes warm.

Ma Xiaotao responded, put the teacup in front of the two of them, and sat aside obediently.

Yan Shaozhe looked up and down.

"Xiao Tao, why are you here? And, your soul power..."

"Hey, has it broken through to Soul Douluo?"

Yan Shaozhe was surprised. He clearly felt that the soul power fluctuations on Ma Xiaotao's body had obviously reached the Soul Douluo level.

I remember the last time I saw my apprentice in the academy, Xiaotao had just broken through to Soul Saint not long ago. It's been less than two years now, and she has broken through from Soul Saint to Soul Douluo again?

Even if it's a top beast martial spirit, it shouldn't be so fast, right?

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