Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 609 The main body arrives!

But Su Luoheng had to go.

Because he enjoys the treatment and rights of the guardian of the plane, correspondingly, he must also bear the responsibilities brought by the status of guardian!

Unifying Douluo Continent is only the first step.

There will be countless wars after this, each one more tragic and crueler than the last, and each one will be filled with life. Countless people will die before dawn.

You may not even see the light until the end...

Everyone has the right to choose to live.

Inevitably, there will be voices of resistance.

Su Luoheng couldn't take into account everyone's thoughts, and this road was destined to be accompanied by bloodshed and killing. And all he can do is to complete the unification of the continent as soon as possible.

If even the unification of the continent is timid, then when the divine world is promoted to the divine star in ten thousand years, mankind will be destroyed in the gods' celebration of the birth of the divine star. Resistance then would be meaningless.

But now, at least it's still possible.


Su Luoheng would feel guilty for the casualties caused by the war. But he won't let that stop him from moving forward. He will not imprison himself in a cage called sin, unable to move forward.

It doesn't matter what others think.

As long as you have a clear conscience, that's enough.

Let time judge the merits and demerits of right and wrong.



"How dare the Sun Moon Empire besiege Tianhun City?"

"Send the order, all soul masters above Soul Saint, assemble immediately. Follow me to Tianhun City for reinforcements!"


The sect leader ordered the poison to death.

Soon, the Noumenon Sect gathered nearly a hundred soul masters and rushed to the direction of Tianhun City.

The eleven titled Douluo of the Noumenon Sect, except for one who is out and one who is in charge of the sect, can be regarded as fully mobilized. This huge power, looking at the Douluo Continent, few can match it.

After receiving the news, Dou Ling Empire and Xing Luo Empire immediately organized their legions to rescue Tianhun City. But three days have passed and they can't catch up with this round of fighting.

"His Majesty the Emperor is trapped in Tianhun City and is in a critical situation. Commanders, please mobilize your troops immediately and follow me to reinforce Tianhun City!"


One message after another was quickly sent to all parts of the empire.

West and his party went to major town fortresses. Nalin City, Oden City, Ouyue City and other places responded one after another, mobilizing a total of nearly 10,000 soldiers. The legion is fully armed and is advancing rapidly towards Tianhun City!


Attacking day and night.

The Heavenly Soul Legion led by West finally arrived in the wilderness a hundred miles away from Heavenly Soul City late at night on the third day. The 10,000 soldiers and the 1,000-strong Sun and Moon Soul Mentor Group faced each other from a distance and were on guard against each other.

The dark mass of soldiers spread out like a dark cloud, and a chilling air rushed towards them. Judging from the number of people alone, West's side clearly has an absolute advantage.

But in fact, the combat effectiveness of the Sun and Moon Soul Instructors Group is far better than that of the Heavenly Soul Legion.

Five days ago, during the breakout, the overwhelming bombardment of soul beams and the overwhelming defeat of the defenders seemed to be right before their eyes. West still gets chills down his spine every time he thinks about it.

He has realized that the number of soldiers is no longer the key factor affecting the situation of this battle.

The human sea tactic is simply not feasible in the face of such powerful artillery. Without effective countermeasures, no matter how many people die, their deaths will be in vain.

Therefore, despite the tenfold numerical difference, West did not take the lead in attacking.

At the same time, in order to prevent the Sun and Moon Legion from being bombarded, he scattered the Heavenly Soul Legion's camps on the edge of the wilderness, keeping a safe distance from the Sun and Moon Soul Instructor Group.

No one knows the range of the Sun and Moon Legion.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, West added an additional two hundred meters to the range of the eighth-level fixed soul cannon. The two teams were separated by more than a thousand meters and formed a stalemate.

As for why it is not a ninth-level fixed-installed soul cannon, the answer is simple, because they do not have data on the ninth-level fixed-installed soul cannon.

West knew very well that His Majesty never mentioned that he led these ordinary soldiers to fight against the Sun and Moon Soul Mentor Army. There is someone else who is the real main force, but before that they just have to wait.

The Sun Moon Soul Instructor Group that originally besieged Tianhun City was surrounded by two armies of the Tianhun Empire as the Tianhun reinforcements led by Wei Lin arrived on the battlefield.

This stalemate lasted until the fourth day.

There were faint sounds of breaking through the sky in the distance, and then, rays of light like flaming meteors pierced the sky, roaring straight towards the Tianhun Army Camp!

The light condensed and never dispersed, especially the light at the front was the strongest. The green light pillar covered up all the lights behind it.

The people who came were reinforcements from the Noumenon Sect.

The person in the front shrouded in green light was a tall old man with a ruddy complexion. He has long dark green hair hanging down his head, but the funny thing is that this person is actually bald on top of his head.

There were very few wrinkles on his face, and the only thing that showed his age was the sense of vicissitudes of life in his equally dark green eyes.

Such a distinctive feature is exactly the master of the Noumenon Sect, and he cannot be poisoned to death!

After cultivating to the title of Douluo, hair grows in just a thought.

I don’t know if my stubborn baldness is due to a hidden disease or my unique taste. I just like this hairstyle.

Behind him were eight titled Douluo and a group of sect disciples who were above Soul Saint.

Even though there are less than a hundred people in total, they are all the elites of the Noumenon Sect, and their strength is not comparable to that of this improvised army of ten thousand people.

The Noumenon Sect is the real main force.

Lu Chengkun, after bringing back the Noumenon Sect reinforcements, immediately returned to the Tianhun Palace to resume his life.

With the arrival of the Noumenon Sect, the atmosphere between the two sides was tense. Especially the disciples belonging to the Noumenon Sect were eager to try and could not wait to have a chance with Sun and Moon's soul guide army now.

Let’s see whether their Noumenon Sect’s original martial soul is stronger, or whether the Sun and Moon Empire’s soul guide is better.

But they were all stopped by Du BuShai.

Since the Sun and Moon side proposed to start the war in five days, Du Bushu decided to wait one more day.

In addition, Noumenon Sect also needs time to repair.

Their soul power and physical strength were exhausted along the way, but Sun and Moon were full of energy and waiting for work. If a war is started in a hurry under such circumstances, the Noumenon Sect will definitely suffer.

It is not easy for the Noumenon Sect to be as prosperous as it is today.

It is difficult to awaken the original martial soul, and it is especially rare to be able to train disciples of soul saints. These are the sect's secrets. Even if Du Bushu is confident in their strength, he cannot take them lightly.

The safety of the Tianhun Empire is certainly important, but the development and future of the Noumenon Sect cannot be ignored.

If this group of people goes wrong here, even if they save Tianhun City, the blow to the Noumenon Sect will be very heavy. It will even affect the rise of Noumenon Sect.

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