Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 421 Kill Tang Ya? Ma Xiaotao's mutation! [4k subscription required! 】

"How can it be?!"

"Tang Ya, how did you become an evil soul master?!"

When she saw the familiar pale face under the hood, Ma Xiaotao couldn't help but pause. Instead, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he froze in place for a moment.

"Tang Ya?"

Su Luoheng was startled when he heard that.

Looking at Tang Ya, she immediately showed a look of surprise.

In the original book, there are indeed two saintesses in the Church of the Holy Spirit, and Tang Ya in front of her is one of them, the blue and silver saintess. However, her appearance rate in the original book is not high, so I ignored this person.

I vaguely remember.

In the original book, her identity is the head of the Tang Sect.

It's just that in today's era when hidden weapons are weak, coupled with blindly admiring the Lanyincao Wuhun soul master as the sect master, the sect is declining day by day. When it was passed down to Tang Ya's generation, even the Zongmen's residence was invaded.

As for Tang Ya, it was under such circumstances that the Blue Silver Grass martial soul was stimulated to blacken and degenerate into an evil soul master. Then he was taken away by the people of the Holy Spirit Cult, controlled his thinking, and became the killing tool of the Holy Spirit Cult.

But these are obviously not what he should know.

So he just took a few glances at Tang Ya, and then turned his gaze away.

Instead, he looked at Ma Xiaotao in surprise and asked.

"you know?"


After a long silence, Ma Xiaotao still nodded slowly.

"She used to be a student of the Shrek Outer Academy, and I met her once when I was in the Academy, so I have some impressions."


While speaking, Ma Xiaotao's expression was a little unnatural. Even with her carefree and informal personality, she felt embarrassed and embarrassed at the moment.

Shrek, who has been holding high the banner of destroying evil soul masters, now has a student of evil soul masters, and even became a saint among them. It is really a big joke to tell the world.

Especially in front of Su Luoheng, who was an exchange student of the Sun and Moon, this was not only a shame, but also a tarnish and damage to their Shrek Academy's reputation.


Thinking of this, she looked at her former classmate.

The eyes are complicated, and the heart is even more mixed.

She also knew something about Tang Ya.

After all, he is also the famous Tang Sect contemporary sect master thousands of years ago. Although the Tang Sect is in decline now, but how to say the prestige of the past is still there, there is still some concern.

But why did she become an evil soul master?

After becoming a famous sect, after being educated and cultivated by Shrek, instead of thinking about how to revitalize the sect, on the contrary, he is willing to degenerate into an evil soul master, an executioner who willfully slaughters living beings?

It is really puzzling.


"Some time ago, I heard that she had dropped out of school. I didn't expect that she would be willing to degenerate to this point."

Saying that, Ma Xiaotao sighed helplessly.

Hearing this, Su Luoheng pretended to nod suddenly.

Immediately, pointing to Tang Ya, he continued: "Since you are from Shrek, then the interrogation..."

"give it to me."

"Although Tang Ya was once a member of Shrek, the moment she became an evil soul master, she has no connection with the academy. Now she is an evil soul master."

Ma Xiaotao swept away the dull mood, her gaze was firm.

Hearing this, Su Luoheng nodded and stepped aside.

Having experienced the previous cooperation, he still has some trust in Ma Xiaotao now.




Tang Ya woke up leisurely.

Ma Xiaotao immediately started the first round of interrogation.

"Why did you choose to abandon Shrek Academy and become an evil soul master?"

"What other strongholds does the evil soul master have? Why do you call you a saint?"


But even though he was bound by ropes and the four elders guarding him fell, Tang Ya's eyes remained indifferent. Facing Ma Xiaotao's interrogation, he just stood there in a daze, his eyes neither happy nor sad, like a puppet on a string.

everything that happens outside.

For her, neither can cause any mood swings.


Seeing this, Ma Xiaotao couldn't help frowning.

He thought Tang Ya was deliberately not cooperating with her interrogation.

Feeling unhappy in my heart, I said coldly.

"Answer my question, Tang Ya!"

"This is a chance for you to confess, silence is useless!"


Tang Ya still didn't respond.

Faced with Ma Xiaotao's questioning, he seemed not to have heard it.

Several times of interrogation yielded nothing, and Ma Xiaotao was also a little annoyed in her heart. She originally wanted to show Shrek some face because of her background, and not use the mental interrogation method.

But now it seems that this person is completely reckless.

There is no intention of repentance for becoming an evil soul master.

Now the last of her patience was worn out.

Ma Xiaotao immediately said coldly.

"Since you don't want to cooperate, then find another way."


However, no matter how Ma Xiaotao forced a confession, Tang Ya remained silent, without any change. It was as if everything that happened had nothing to do with her.

There was no response even to the mental interrogation method.

Finally, some interrogation came down.

Ma Xiaotao, who had nothing to do, was still defeated.

Turning to look at Su Luoheng, he shook his head helplessly.

"I can't help it either."

"Her current state is like a puppet. Any interrogation method will have no effect on her. No information can be obtained from her at all."

After a short pause, Ma Xiaotao speculated: "Su Luoheng, do you think it's possible that she was controlled by an evil soul master, and that's why she became like this?"


"In that case, give her to me."

Su Luoheng was not surprised by this result.

He just remembered that in the original book, Tang Ya was suppressed by the evil soul master through some means to suppress her original mind. Although he retains some sanity, most of the time, he is in a state of walking dead.

Therefore, the failure of the interrogation was also expected by him.

"What are you going to do?"

"Are you going to... kill her?"

Ma Xiaotao opened his mouth suddenly, a strange gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Let her wake up first."

"Before disposing of it, at least let her know what she has done, so that she understands it."

While talking, Su Luoheng walked up to Tang Ya.

An evil soul master who relies on his own will to do evil.

Naturally, there is nothing to say, just kill it directly.

Instead of relying on your own will...

Although she did it, she did it, but let her regain her sobriety and realize everything she had done, so that she would not die without knowing anything. This can be regarded as the last kindness given to him. Take Tang Ya for example.

Although Tang Ya's life experience is sympathetic, everything she has done is irreversible. These are not something that can be offset by being controlled by the evil soul master.

Even if she was controlled, it was her own killing.

They are all adults and must pay for their actions.

And judging from the fragments in her memory, it seems that this path was indeed chosen by Tang Ya herself: before meeting the evil soul master, her martial soul had already begun to blacken.

And being taken away by the evil soul master only exacerbated the process.

"Can you bring her back to her senses?"

Ma Xiaotao looked at Su Luoheng with suspicious eyes, "One of your two martial spirits is for making weapons, and the other is for ultimate ice. Neither of them have healing or spiritual skills, do they?"

Su Luoheng said: "You have to try to know."

As he spoke, he looked at Tang Ya in front of him: his eyes were indifferent and lifeless, and his pupils were gray. With a deadpan face, it looks like a sculpture. There was a gloomy and chilly aura all over his body.


Su Luoheng checked first.

The result was the same as that of Ma Xiaotao, no abnormalities were found.

Su Luoheng was not surprised by this, and skillfully asked Elder Yi in the sea of ​​spirits for help.

"Teacher, what's the situation with her?"

After a short silence, Yi Lao's voice sounded in his mind.

"This girl must have been poisoned by an evil poison that controls her mind, causing her original mind to be suppressed. If things go on like this, the former mentality and wisdom will be completely obliterated, and she will become another person."

"Then... can you regain consciousness?"

"Of course."

Elder Yi's affirmative tone made Su Luoheng feel relieved.

"Although the evil poison on this girl's body has been poisoned for some time, fortunately, it has not fully integrated with the body. It is not difficult to peel it off, but she will be weak for a while."

"Then please teacher."


Elder Yi nodded slightly and began to teach the method.




According to Elder Yi's instruction, Su Luoheng stretched out his right index finger and lightly tapped on Tang Ya's forehead. At the same time, a wisp of dark gray mist escaped from his fingertips and escaped into his mind.

Soon, Tang Ya, who was originally expressionless, suddenly showed a look of pain, and then a layer of dark green flames appeared all over her body, completely enveloping her.

Seeing this, Ma Xiaotao couldn't help holding her breath, showing worry.


Time passed slowly.

As the dark green flame burned, Tang Ya's gray pupils gradually returned to normal, and there was a hint of agility in her dull eyes.

After a while, the dark green flame gradually extinguished.

A murmur came from Tang Ya's mouth.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking at the strange environment around her, her eyes were full of confusion. The originally expressionless face also showed a touch of confusion and trance.

This is where?

Didn't I go back to Tiandou City to rebuild the Tang Sect?

Why did it appear in this strange place?


Tang Ya tried hard to remember.

Suddenly felt a tingling pain, and his face showed pain.

This pain came from the depths of my mind: a large number of memory images of the evil soul master stage emerged with the memories, and Tang Ya's newly awakened mind could not bear them all for a while.

With the return of memory.

Tang Ya felt as if she had had a long, long dream.

And in the "dream", the strange "self" made her feel afraid: she seemed... seemed to have killed many, many people, and the blue silver grass and her hands were stained with countless blood.

This "dream" is very real.

As real as it really happened.


Suddenly, Tang Ya realized something, and stretched out her hands tremblingly, and the dark purple and ferocious blue silver grass broke through the ground. Just like the blue silver grass that committed endless killings in the dream.

At this moment, an endless mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared before his eyes.

Countless innocent souls struggled and rushed towards him with roars!

"How could I..."

"No, no, impossible..."

Tang Ya's eyes were full of fear, and she almost collapsed.

Now, how could she not distinguish between dreams and reality?

When she saw the same blue silver grass as in the "dream", she already understood that those were not "dreams", but things that really happened to her.

"Tang Ya."

Hearing the sound, Tang Ya raised her head numbly.

At this moment, she found Su Luoheng and Ma Xiaotao in front of her.

"It's you, let me... sober?"

Su Luoheng did not respond to her question, but took the lead in asking.

"You should be very clear by now, what have you done?"

"Even if everything that happened was not your intention, you should have realized it since you chose this path."

"Those, I, I..."

"Your hands are already stained with the blood of innocent people."

"Perhaps from the beginning, your purpose was just to kill your enemy and avenge your family. But from the moment you kill the first innocent person, you can no longer turn back."

"Now you have become a real evil soul master."


Tang Ya's face was as pale as paper, and she wanted to speak up to defend herself, but when she thought of the crime she had committed, she couldn't argue. The whole person slumped down on the ground.

"Tang Ya."

Su Luoheng sighed lightly.

With a wave of his hand, a long sword was projected in his palm.

"Atone for your past."

After saying that, Su Luoheng walked towards Tang Ya with a sword in hand, approaching step by step.

But at this time Tang Ya seemed to be stupid, not even moving, letting the opponent press her every step of the way. It wasn't until the long sword was about to stab her chest that she finally came back to her senses!

"why why!"

Between life and death, under the influence of the evil thoughts in the martial soul, Tang Ya suddenly raised her head angrily, and stared at Su Luoheng fiercely with her red eyes, a trace of hostility flashed in her eyes.

"Why are you blaming me for my fault!"

"You too, Shrek too, you are all the same!"

"Our Tang Sect is gradually declining. When our family was bullied, when the Tang Sect ended, why didn't we see you upholding justice!"

"why why!!"

Tang Ya shouted hysterically.

Hearing this, Su Luoheng sneered, his eyes were cold.

All sympathy for what had happened to her had faded away.

Although I don't have a good impression of Shrek Academy, but in terms of facts, Shrek has no problem in handling matters between Tangmen and Tangmen.

To help is affection, not to help is duty.

What's more, Shrek has taken enough care of Tangmen. If he really wanted to sever contact, why would he give Tangmen a chance to enroll without examination every year?

Even if it is cancelled, what temper can Tangmen have?

If it's really about talent, Tang Ya's Blue Silver Grass can have a chance to enter Shrek Academy? Letting her study in the academy is already giving her a chance to avenge the Tang Sect.

"Cowards who only know how to depend on others."

"Opportunities are earned."

"I don't want to make any changes, but instead blame all the faults on others for not lending a helping hand. It's better for you to die earlier."

With that said, Su Luoheng raised his long sword.

Aim at Tang Ya's heart, and stab straight down!

However, when the sword tip was only a short distance away from Tang Ya, Ma Xiaotao's expression, who had been standing beside him, suddenly changed drastically, and the voice that seemed to be imprinted deep in his mind sounded again.

The next moment, she suddenly appeared in front of Tang Ya, blocking the long sword that Su Luoheng was about to thrust out.

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