Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 400 The Man Behind the Scenes, Elder Yi's Speculation! [4k subscription required! 】

Except for the titled Douluo example that Snow Emperor mentioned.

In fact, there were two students in Shrek Academy who tried to absorb this soul bone. And the final outcome naturally ended in failure, otherwise this piece of soul bone would not have fallen into Su Luoheng's hands.

And among the two people who absorbed the soul bones, one of them was in the same state as the Titled Douluo described by Xuedi. The outcome after failing to absorb the soul bone is self-evident...

As for the other person, although he was lucky enough to regain consciousness, his mental state was not much better.

Because the consciousness has experienced a completely different life under the constant erosion of the power of time, he has been lost between reality and illusion. This state leads to the birth of a whole new personality.

This symptom is called split personality on Blue Star.

Because of the schizophrenia on Blue Star, at least there are main and secondary personalities.

But this personality born under the power of time is exactly the same as the original personality, and both are the main personality.

And it is impossible for two master personalities to exist in the same brain. What's more, there are still two main personalities who are very different in terms of three views and acting styles.

The collision and conflict between the old and the new personalities finally led to his spirit being unable to bear it anymore and completely breaking down.

So far, the two of them should have a bright future, but because of this soul bone, the original trajectory of fate has been changed.

Since then, this piece of time soul bone that no one can control has been completely sealed up by Shrek Academy together with the research materials, and no other soul masters have tried to absorb it.

And now it is delivered to Su Luoheng...

Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart.



At the same time, Snow Emperor has come to an end.

"As long as this spirit bone is not the head, you can try it."

Xue Di's eyes flickered slightly, and he guessed, "Shrek Academy took out this soul bone, probably because they wanted to use its power of time to destroy you."

"Shrek, what a vicious method!"

Looking at this piece of soul bone, Su Luoheng felt a chill down his back.

If he absorbed this without asking Xue Di, the consequences would be unimaginable. Fortunately, I have always remained calm and vigilant against Shrek.

There was a moment of silence.

"This soul bone..."

Looking at the soul bone in his hand, Su Luoheng couldn't help sighing.

"I can only give up."

Although it is a pity, it is necessary to make a decision.

Although this spirit bone is good, it's better not to touch the power that you can't control. He has always been sane about this.


Snow Emperor nodded slightly in agreement.

"Since it can't be absorbed, then this piece of soul bone can't be wasted. We have to find a chance to trick Shrek."

Su Luoheng put away the soul bone, thinking secretly in his heart.

Isn't it just playing tricks? It's not like I don't know how to: find an auction someday and resell it to you.


Just when Su Luoheng had confirmed that he would give up this piece of spirit bone, a familiar voice sounded from his mind, and then conveyed to the whole room.

"No, Luoheng can absorb this spirit bone."

Hearing the sound, Su Luoheng and Xue Di were startled at the same time.



As soon as the words finished, a dark gray air gushed out from between Su Luoheng's eyebrows, and quickly condensed into an illusory old man's figure. Xuedi is not an outsider, so Yi Lao didn't hide it on purpose.

Su Luoheng thought of something, and confirmed, "Teacher, are you suppressing them again?"

Elder Yi nodded and said, "Well, they have calmed down."

Since coming to Shrek Academy, the two Tang San's spiritual consciousness intercepted from the Extreme North Land and the Golden Dragon Spear suddenly became active.

Although the strength of the space barrier of the half-dead plane is enough to block it. But in order to prevent accidents from happening, Yi Lao still stayed in the semi-dead plane to suppress them. At the same time, think about the new sealing method.

So during this period of time, Elder Yi rarely showed up.

Su Luoheng also knew what was going on and was in a hurry, so he didn't bother Mr. Yi during this period of time. When he encountered troubles, he discussed and resolved them with Xuedi.


Xuedi has always maintained due respect for Elder Yi, a mysterious old man with unfathomable strength and the grace of regeneration.

"Luoheng is in trouble these days." Elder Yi subdued his long beard and spoke softly.

"This is what I should do." Xue Di humbly shook his head.


Back to the topic.

Su Luoheng couldn't help but confirm, "Teacher, you just said that I can absorb this soul bone?"

"You kid, I'm just in a hurry. But you can really try this soul bone."

Elder Yi laughed and cursed, but still gave an affirmative answer.

Before Su Luoheng could speak, Xue Di couldn't help reminding her.

"Senior, the matter of the soul bone should be carefully considered. The head soul bone with the time attribute is difficult to fuse even for a Titled Douluo."

"It's okay, it's okay to lose balance."

Elder Yi waved his hand and gave an affirmative answer.

"I have heard all your conversations before. Although the power of time on this spirit bone is tricky, it is far from as difficult as imagined for Luo Heng."

"Teacher, what should I do?"

When Su Luoheng heard this, his eyes brightened slightly.

To be honest, there must be greed for this soul bone. After all, with such a high quality, which soul master would not be tempted?

And if ordinary people say they can absorb it, Su Luoheng has to think about it. But Elder Yi has always acted safely. If he says he can, he sure can.

Xue Di also cast a puzzled look.

"Ordinary means really can't fight against time."

After changing the subject, Elder Yi continued: "But the power of destiny can do it. For example, your eye of destiny."

"Blessed by the projection eye, plus the large amount of time power absorbed from the time compass projection martial soul. Now you are completely capable of fighting against time."

"So this head spirit bone with the time attribute is no different from normal absorption for you. As long as you have enough mental power and willpower, it won't be a big problem."

Elder Yi smiled indifferently, and Xue Di, who had profound eyes, paused for a moment before turning to Su Luoheng.

"If the senior is sure, it is possible."

Hearing this, Xue Di nodded thoughtfully, although his expression seemed calm and unchanged, there was a trace of relief between his brows.


Discovering this scene, the corners of Yi Lao's mouth curled up in amusement.

Obviously, he had already seen the change between Su Luoheng and Xuedi.

In line with the concept of seeing through and not telling the truth, it is better for the younger generation to handle the affairs themselves, as the elders do not need to interfere too much, just let nature take its course.

Yi Lao's state cannot stay in the outside world too much, and although the power of destiny can resist the erosion of the power of time, further guidance is needed on how to operate it.

So Su Luoheng greeted Xue Di, and returned to the sea of ​​spirits with Yi Lao.



A moment, sea of ​​spirits.

It is still the lakeside of the lake of life.

Maybe it contains a strong breath of life?

Or the unique scenery at the lake, or other reasons.

Ever since this lake was formed by absorbing the Life Watch Blade, Su Luoheng, Mr. Yi and his disciples would choose this place every time they met in the sea of ​​spirits.

Yi Lao didn't waste any time and directly cut to the topic.

"You don't need to say much about how the spirit bone absorbs it, you know it all."

"The power of time contained in it is what you need to pay attention to the most."


Su Luoheng nodded and listened to the instruction.

Yi Lao's speech speed is not fast, every sentence is very detailed, ensuring that Su Luoheng can understand how to use the Eye of Destiny to resist the erosion of the power of time and complete the absorption of the soul bone.


"So, if you feel that your consciousness is confused, you must immediately use the method given to you by your teacher to activate the power of destiny in the eye of destiny to break the falsehood."

"In the undead magic I taught you, there is a stable spiritual force, but remember to cast it in advance. In this way, there should be no problem in absorbing this piece of spirit bone."

After saying that, Elder Yi looked at Su Luoheng.

"Is there anything you don't understand about what I just said?"

"Teacher, I understand."

Su Luoheng's eyes flickered slightly, and he realized something.

"You mean to say that the power of time is invisible and difficult to limit, so I want to activate the power of the eye of destiny when it is activated, and destroy it in one fell swoop."

Su Luoheng has already understood what Yi Lao meant: it is not difficult for the power of destiny to destroy the power of time remaining in the soul bone, the real difficulty lies in how to find it.

You need to seize the fleeting moment.

"That's right."

Elder Yi nodded slightly, showing a satisfied smile.

What teachers like most is this kind of students who can understand a little bit and understand a little bit. It really saves effort to teach.


Immediately afterwards, Elder Yi confirmed the details with Su Luoheng.

"By the way, teacher, I encountered a strange thing today."


Just as he was talking, Su Luoheng thought of Ma Xiaotao's weird behavior before, so he casually mentioned it to Elder Yi. The original intention was to complain to Elder Yi, but who knew that Elder Yi also frowned.

"Wait a moment!"

Yi Lao interrupted suddenly, with a solemn expression.

"Luoheng, did she say anything before that?"

"When she just mentioned to me about that spirit bone, she suddenly clutched her head and moaned in pain. Then she just sat there in a daze as if she lost her mind."

"By the way, she kept repeating words like 'can't betray' and 'Shrek' back then. It was as if someone had manipulated her body, and she was trapped in some kind of obsession, which was hard to wake up."


Hearing this, Old Yi frowned tightly, with a dignified expression.

Seems to be thinking about something.

Su Luoheng also noticed the change in Yi Lao's expression, but he didn't interrupt his thinking without authorization.

"How did you regain your sobriety later?" Elder Yi suddenly asked.

Su Luoheng smiled awkwardly, and gestured, "In the end, I slapped you back to your senses."

Elder Yi: "..."

This method was only something Su Luoheng could think of.

"Then she left my place, but her shadow was a bit wrong when she left at the end."


Su Luoheng paused and guessed.

"Teacher, is there a problem here?"

"Luoheng, according to what you said, that Ma Xiaotao was most likely controlled by something. That's why that series of weird reactions happened."

Elder Yi nodded with a solemn expression.

"Ma Xiaotao is a key member of Shrek Academy, how could she let her students be..."

In the middle of speaking, Su Luoheng paused.

Facing Yi Lao's deep gaze, he suddenly guessed something.

"Teacher, you are saying that the person behind the control may be..."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Elder Yi nodded slowly.


Su Luoheng suddenly thought of a big event in the history book:

Four thousand years ago, the Sun Moon Continent and the Douluo Continent collided.

A large-scale war broke out between the Sun Moon Empire, the Star Luo Empire, the Dou Ling Empire, and the Douluo Empire of the Heavenly Soul Empire, sweeping across the entire continent.

At the beginning of the war, due to the discord among the people of the Douluo Three Kingdoms, lack of coordination between soul masters and the army, and poor coordination, the Sun Moon Empire's army took over a large number of territories in the Douluo Three Kingdoms.

But when the situation of the Douluo Three Kingdoms was in jeopardy, the dean of that generation of Shrek Academy raised his arms, and countless soul masters who graduated from Shrek Academy responded and joined the battle.

At this point, the Douluo Allied Forces under unified command swept away the decline and sent the Sun Moon Empire's soul engineer army back to the Sun Moon Continent. This continental chaotic war ended with the victory of the Douluo Three Kingdoms.

When Su Luoheng looked at this period of history before, he thought there was nothing wrong with it. It's nothing more than Shrek cowhide, Douluo Three Kingdoms cowhide and that's it. But after listening to Elder Yi's speculation today, he smelled a strange aura from it.


"Falling balance."

Elder Yi suddenly spoke.


Hearing the sound, Su Luoheng came back to his senses.

Elder Yi made a decision, and said in a deep voice, "As a teacher, I will teach you another attacking move."

When Su Luoheng heard this, his eyes lit up.

"New undead magic?"

"Not undead magic, but about the same."

Yi Lao shook his head and said slowly: "Strictly speaking, it is a derivative skill of the Holy Spirit Sword. It helps you mobilize the power of the Holy Spirit Sword. However, this move is very special, so you must be mentally prepared when using it. "

"The attacking moves of the sword of the holy spirit?"

Su Luoheng was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "Teacher, can I deal with a situation similar to Ma Xiaotao after learning this trick?"

Elder Yi smiled mysteriously, "As long as you [think], you can do it."

"I think it's ok?"

"Yes, you'll understand right away."

Saying that, Yi Lao's index finger and middle finger were brought together to form a sword finger, and he pointed towards Su Luoheng's eyebrows.


A wave of energy ripples centered on Yi Lao's two fingers and spread out in all directions. In contrast, Su Luoheng at this moment only felt the huge amount of memory information suddenly appearing in his mind.

Su Luoheng frowned slightly, and closed his eyes.

After doing all this, Elder Yi withdrew his fingers and stood beside Su Luoheng to wait.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Although this move is an attacking move derived from the spirit of the Holy Spirit Sword, its complexity is no less than that of the Holy Spirit Sword.

Even though he was surprised by teaching the exercises like this before, it took a full half an hour this time before he received all the information from Yi Lao.

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