Douluo Godly Choice System

Chapter 1132: , The way of the dragon girl

For everyone, Qi Ling had confidence. With his help, it was not unimaginable to obtain the position of God.

For example, Dai Mubai's position of the God of War, Ma Hongjun's position of the Phoenix, and Oscar's position of the God of Cookery will all belong to them sooner or later, and now it is just the time.

Everyone also expressed their support for Qi Ling's decision, but for the fact that everyone can become a god, some people seem very unconfident.

This was after Qi Ling's speech was over, after everyone had had lunch, Qi Ling was about to take a walk, and finally met Yu Tianyi, who was uneasy.

At this time, Yu Tianyi looked worried and worried. He didn't notice Qi Ling in front of him at all. As a result, he ran into Qi Ling's arms directly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just lost my mind, you...Master?" Yu Tianyi looked at Qi Ling in surprise and said.

"What's the matter, Tianyi, why are you so entangled? Is there something that embarrass you?" Qi Ling couldn't help asking.

And Yu Tianyi lowered his head at this time and said: "I...Master, I'm just worried about what I should do if I can't get the approval of the god's position."

"Oh? How could this happen, Tianyi, you are my student, so you have to have a little confidence in yourself." Qi Ling said, "What's more, if I am not mistaken, you are about to break through to Title Douluo now. It's a realm, and a titled Douluo as young as you is not available everywhere."

"However, Master, Sister Zhu Zhuqing, Sister Ning Rongrong, and Sister Xiaowu have all been recognized by the gods and challenged the gods, not to mention other people. Many people have already won the gods. I...I really don't know, what should I do." Yu Tianyi said.

In fact, Qi Ling knew about this, but fortunately, Qi Ling also knew how to solve Yu Tianyi's troubles.

"Well, Tianyi, I can make an agreement with you, as long as you can break through to level 90 within this month, I will take you to find a **** position that suits you, how about?" Qi Ling smiled at this time.

And hearing what Qi Ling said, Yu Tianyi was immediately happy and said: "Really? Teacher, great, I will not let you down!"

"Don't be happy too early, Tianyi! You have to know that making such a breakthrough is not an easy task." Qi Ling said, "However, I have confidence in you, come on!"

After this, Yu Tianyi seemed to have taken a reassurance pill and went back to continue practicing, while Qi Ling looked at Yu Tianyi's back and sighed helplessly.

In fact, Qi Ling had already prepared for Yu Tianyi's **** position, and he had also found a **** position suitable for Tianyi. Only when Yu Tianyi broke through to level 90, he could take her there.

But these are all built on the basis of Yu Tianyi's amazing talents to be able to gain the approval of the gods! And this kind of thing cannot be copied to other people.

In other words, for Huo Wu, Shui Binger, Toria, and Dugu Goose who are not talented enough, even if they are willing to go to the God Realm, this wish will be very difficult to achieve because of their own qualifications.

This is also one of the reasons why Qi Ling is so entangled. For these women who have had skin close to him, Qi Ling naturally does not want them to grow old in the Douluo Continent, but if they are forcibly taken to the God Realm or Devildom, and will make them unable to adapt.

Regarding this matter, Qi Ling has also thought about many methods, including forcibly enhancing their strength, or allowing them to gain other strengths.

But unfortunately, the talents of several people are indeed insufficient. This is something that cannot be changed, and Qi Ling has no better way at all.

For this matter, Qi Ling struggled in his room for an entire afternoon, but did not think of a solution until the arrival of the dragon girl.

Qi Ling has become accustomed to seeing the dragon girl's appearance or disappearance, and knowing that Xiao Wu is indeed with the help of the dragon girl, went to the test of the forest goddess, and Qi Ling was relieved.

"What's wrong, Master, I see you look tangled and hesitant, is there anything bothering you?" The Dragon Girl smiled at this time, "You have already obtained the position of a demon god, and you have reached the strength of a true god. It should not be right. Is it the time when the spring breeze is proud?

So Qi Ling explained his worries to Dragon Girl, but after listening to it, Dragon Girl couldn't help but laugh, and she couldn't stop at all.

Looking at the exaggerated look of Dragon Girl, Qi Ling couldn't help feeling helpless, and said, "Really, it's not Dragon Girl? Although I am a little bit of fraternity, I won't make you laugh like this, right?"

"Master, with all due respect, you are not just a little bit of love, but a lot of love." Dragon Girl smiled, "And, if we guess wrong, I am afraid that in the devil world, you and many women , Forged an indissoluble bond, right?"

Qi Ling said embarrassingly: ", not much! This is really not!"

"Hehe, then I will believe you for the time being." Long Nuo smiled, "However, there is no solution to your entanglement just now. It can even be said that this is a very easy problem that can be solved."

Qi Ling suddenly felt surprised. He had been struggling with such a long-term problem, and waited until the dragon girl could solve it? So he asked: "What is the solution? Dragon Girl, can you let them also get the gods?"

"No, Master, this is impossible, because all the inheritance of the gods needs to pass the assessment, and it is very difficult for them to pass." Dragon Girl said, "And the cost of not passing the assessment of the gods, you should also know Right? That's pretty serious."

"So, we can use a more reliable, safer, and more convenient method to solve your problem."

"Oh, okay, you don't want to sell it anymore, tell me what the method is." Qi Ling asked anxiously.

"The method is actually very simple, and the key lies in your body." said the dragon girl.

"Me? I'm so hesitant and entangled just because I can't help it." Qi Ling said.

"But this is indeed a problem that must be solved by you, Master." said the dragon girl, "because of the power of the Dragon Emperor you have obtained, you can perfectly help you solve this problem."

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