Since the old man didn't need this hundred thousand year old soul bone, Kong silently put away the right arm bone of the hundred thousand year old titan ape.

Yu Yuanzhen: "!!!"

Why don't you ask more? You're trying to shirk it, why don't we just accept it?

Yu Yuan was numb with shock, and the corners of his eyes twitched. He had nothing to regret in his heart.

After all, he was going to kill the severely injured Tang Hao in order to collect another 100,000-year-old soul bone for Kong.

"Grandson, you absorb the soul bones first, and I will help protect you!"

Two hundred-thousand-year-old soul bones should be enough to increase Kong's strength by a large margin, right?

Maybe he can break through to level 70 and become a Soul Saint?

Kong shook his head. If he absorbed the soul bone, he would actually be safer in the Pure Land.

"Grandpa, I do know a way to break through to Titled Douluo and Jiujiu. However, this method is a bit unstable and someone needs to try it."

Kong suddenly thought of the soul core theory. Titled Douluo of this period, and even peerless Douluo, had never possessed soul cores.

Ten thousand years later, why has the quality of Douluo Continent become lower, but the number of titled Douluo has increased?

The fundamental reason is the soul core!

Most of the current Soul Douluo's breakthroughs to Titled Douluo are due to luck and the accumulation of soul power. The age of breakthrough to Titled Douluo is already seventy or eighty.

Condensing soul cores can speed up the process of accumulating soul power. Moreover, during the battle, the soul power can be quickly restored.


Yu Yuanzhen took a breath of cold air. If what Kong said was true, no, Kong wouldn't tell lies!

"Grandson, what is the method?"

Yu Yuanzhen's eyes glowed with golden light, and he instantly forgot about the soul bones.

"Soul core, single soul core and co-resonance dual soul core, as well as yin and yang balanced dual soul core."

"Soul core?"

Yu Yuanzhen was confused. This was a field he had never understood. What was the soul core?

What are single soul cores, co-resonant dual soul cores and yin-yang balanced dual soul cores?

"Grandpa, let me first tell you what a soul core is."

Yu Yuanzhen has reached level ninety-eight. As long as you know how to condense the soul core, it should be very simple to condense the first soul core.

As for condensing the second soul core to break through to level ninety-nine, Kong looked at Yu Yuanzhen, was he talented enough?

"After condensing soul cores, one can actively gather soul power and recover quickly during battle. Once an eighty-nine-level soul Douluo condenses the first soul core, he can break through to a titled Douluo."

"This is a single soul core. As for the second soul core, there are two situations. One is the co-resonant dual soul core. This kind of cohesion method is relatively simple, which is to find the operating rules and frequency of the first soul core..."

"As for the yin and yang balancing the dual soul cores, this is more difficult..."

After listening to Kong's explanation, Yu Yuanzhen was shocked. With his vision, he could certainly see the feasibility of this method.

According to Kong, condensing the first soul core at one point is equivalent to having a ticket to enter the realm of Titled Douluo. Once two soul cores are condensed, level ninety-nine is not far away.

But, how can we condense the soul core?

"Grandpa, have you ever seen a whirlpool?"

Sora did not answer this question directly, but asked rhetorically.

The shape of the soul core is similar to a whirlpool in the sea, or a black hole, but the old man doesn't know what a black hole is, so he can only express it in terms of a whirlpool.

Yu Yuanzhen nodded. When he was young, he went to sea to explore.

That time he encountered a huge whirlpool. It could be said that he narrowly escaped death.

The power of a soul master seems so insignificant among the power of heaven and earth.

"The soul core is like a whirlpool. The first thing we have to do is to compress the soul power, and then use mental power to control the rotation of these compressed soul powers to reach the soul power vortex..."

"In the end, if we succeed, we will get a soul core."

"What if it fails?"

Yu Yuanzhen asked doubtfully.

"Failed? Um..."

Kong was slightly startled. If the first soul core failed, nothing would happen. At most, he would lose some soul power. After training, he could continue to condense the soul core.

If the second soul core fails, it's almost the same. Didn't Xuanzi fail twice? Finally, with the help of Munn, he successfully condensed the second soul core and broke through to level ninety-nine.

By the way, you can also use the Dragon Pill to force a breakthrough... Isn't Munn using the Dragon Pill to forcibly condense the second soul core?

As Munn's ancestor, there's no reason why Yu Yuanzhen can't do it, right? But, where to find Long Dan?

"Nothing will happen if you fail. At most, you will only lose part of your soul power."

After hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen felt relieved and sat cross-legged, ready to try to condense the soul core.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

"Condensing the soul core, I have some insights. I don't have a clue about the second soul core yet, but I am 50% sure that I can successfully condense the first soul core!"

Good guy, it's either success or failure, isn't it 50%?

"It's wrong for you to do this. After all, condensing soul cores is just an idea and has not been tested yet. What if you have three long and two short ones? What will the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Sect do?"

As soon as he said this, Yu Yuanzhen nodded. What Kong said made sense. What if he failed to condense the soul core and was injured, and another powerful enemy appeared at this time...

Just thinking of this, Yu Yuanzhen's scalp feels numb. No, he can't take this risk just yet!

It’s not that he’s afraid of death, he’s already reached this level. If he can’t see the scenery at level ninety-nine, he won’t be willing to die!

However, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect still needs him, and nothing can happen to him for the time being.

"Grandson, what do you think we should do?"

"Yu Luomian, your brother, isn't he level 89? With his talent, it would be impossible to break through to a titled Douluo under normal circumstances..."

Kong said with a red face and a heart that didn't beat.

He still remembered how Yu Luo Mian treated him back then. How could he forget such a thing?

Didn't Yuluo Mian want to sharpen him?

Haha, now it’s time to repay the favor!

Yuluo Mian: You...

Yu Yuanzhen twitched the corner of his mouth, and his eyes changed when he looked at Kong. This little guy really held a grudge! It's been so many years, and he still remembers...

It seems that I can only suffer for my second brother Yuluo Mian.

Kong was right, if Yuluo Mian had no chance, his life would have come to an end. It is impossible to break through to the level of Titled Douluo.

Of course, if he absorbs a hundred thousand year soul bone, he can break through at any time, but if Yu Luo Mian absorbs a hundred thousand year soul bone, he, Yu Yuan Zhen, feels like it is a waste...

"Second brother, the blame you planted back then must be repaid today!"

"However, if you can seize the opportunity, isn't this an opportunity?"

You know, how many Contras are stuck at level 89, unable to break through to the Titled Douluo level, thus regretting it for the rest of their lives...

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