Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 78 078: Invulnerable to all poisons, Tang San’s nemesis!

Tang San also wanted to thank Kong for taking away Tang San's opportunity, which made the smile on Kong's face even wider.

On the human-faced demon spider that was divided into two halves, a purple soul ring was floating. In addition, Kong Neng could keenly sense that there were some energy fluctuations on its eight spider legs. These energies were related to the soul ring. The connection, if it were ordinary people, would be impossible to detect.

"Is this the Eight Spider Spears?"

Kong sighed secretly, the Man-Faced Demon Spider was killed by him, even if Tang San wanted to absorb the purple spirit ring in front of him, he couldn't. Therefore, these Eight Spider Spears have no chance with him.

"Dear Yingbao Wife."

There is no way that Kong himself can only absorb this externally attached soul bone. He can't do anything, but that doesn't mean that Shadow Treasure's wife can't do anything!

This was what Kong had communicated with Ying Bao before. If Ying Bao had nothing to do, his purpose in coming to the Star Dou Forest was not to "get his own" external soul bone, but to cut off Tang San's opportunity.

"Put your hands on the spider's legs."

The voice of Shadow Treasure's wife rang in his mind, and Kong nodded calmly, then placed his hands on the spider's legs. Because the Man-Faced Demon Spider was divided in half, Kong touched both sides.

"The legs of the Man-Faced Demon Spider are poisonous..."

Perhaps it was because Kong "saved" Tang San's life. When Tang San saw this, he reminded Kong that he didn't understand what was going on with the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!

You said you were fine, why did you touch something poisonous?

The spider legs of the Human-Faced Demon Spider are extremely poisonous, and it is impossible for ordinary soul masters to stop them.

If this Man-Faced Demon Spider was only one thousand seven hundred years old, no, even if it was only about thirteen hundred years old, Tang San would be willing to absorb its spirit ring.

Unfortunately, this Man-Faced Demon Spider is too old and not suitable for him. Not only that, this Man-Faced Demon Spider was not killed by him.


After remembering Ying Bao's concise and clear voice again, Kong withdrew his hand and subconsciously said to Tang San: "I am immune to all poisons."

What he said was not a lie. After the Ice and Fire Eyes were taken into the Pure Land by Shadow Treasure, he ate the Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Tree not long after, and then used the Ice and Fire Spring water to absorb and refine them.

Not only is it immune to ice and fire, it is also invulnerable to all poisons!

Tang San was stunned, did Jade Sky say he was immune to all poisons? ? ?

He looked at Sora's hand and after touching the Spider's legs, it seemed that nothing happened!


Suddenly, Tang San's pupils shrank and his eyelids twitched wildly. Could this guy in front of him be the Tang Sect's nemesis?

You know, besides hidden weapons, the most powerful thing in the Tang Sect is poison!

If it is true that the jade sky is immune to all poisons, then he is really the nemesis of the Tang Sect. It is better to say he is Tang San's nemesis. After all, he is the only one in the Tang Sect in the other world.

If what Yu Tiantian said is false... it's impossible. He is the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. There is no reason to lie to him with this statement!

"Invulnerable to a hundred poisons? Maybe it's just some ordinary poisons? The poisons of my Tang Sect are ever-changing, and it's not so easy to be immune!"

Thinking of this, Tang San's expression recovered a little.

"By the way, Yu Tiantian, can you ask the elder of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus to help my father, Tang Hao, deal with those two talking soul beasts?"

"As a titled Douluo, my father will definitely be grateful one day!"

Tang San cupped his hands in the air and said solemnly.

He believed that since Kong "saved" him, he should be willing to help him. Tang Hao was a titled Douluo, and with his favor, Kong had no reason not to help him.

Maybe Kong "rescued" Tang San just so that his father, titled Douluo, could owe him a favor?

"Tang San is actually drawing cakes for me?"

Sora thought with a weird look on his face.

Seeing that Kong's expression was a little abnormal, Tang San scratched his head, a little confused.

Is Sora unwilling to help him? The father who helped him gain the title of Douluo?

To be honest, Tang San really didn't expect that Tang Hao was actually a titled Douluo!

Still the kind of titled Douluo with a hundred thousand year soul ring!

A hundred thousand year soul ring, a legendary thing.

"Tang San, do you know how old those two talking spirit beasts are?"

Kong asked doubtfully, let Contra deal with the hundred thousand year spirit beast? It's not that you can't fight, but it's no different from dying!

Do Tang San and Tang Hao have such big faces?

They were waiting for Tang Hao to be injured, seriously injured and dying, and then pick him up...

Tang San was stunned. It was obvious that he didn't know why Kong would ask this question.

Shaking his head, Tang San said matter-of-factly: "I don't know."

Yu Xiaogang was afraid that Tang San was too ambitious, and there was a lot of knowledge that he had not been taught yet, such as the external soul bone, the characteristics of a hundred thousand year old soul beast, and so on.

"These two talking soul beasts are both hundred thousand year level beast kings. If they were ordinary hundred thousand year soul beasts, such as soft-bone rabbits, the two elders could still fight."

"These two, they are super soul beasts! Ordinary hundred thousand year soul beasts and titled Douluo cannot possibly be their opponents!"

Having said this, Kong paused, and then continued: "Your father, Tang Hao, is a ninety-five-level super Douluo. If his strength can deal with one, there will be no problem..."

If Tang Hao was in his prime or had no hidden injuries, he would have no problem dealing with a Titan ape or azure bull python with the two secret techniques of ring explosion and giant Sumeru hammer.

But not only is he not in his prime, he also has serious hidden injuries, making dealing with one a problem!

"It's not that we don't help, it's that we can't help at all. Do you understand?"

When Sora said this, a smile flashed in his eyes. He couldn't help, he just didn't want to help. It was good without stabbing him in the back!

After hearing Kong's words, Tang San nodded thoughtfully, these two talking spirit beasts turned out to be hundred thousand year spirit beasts!

If they could become his Tang San's soul rings, then how powerful would his Tang San be!

Tang San only thought about this idea for a moment, and then threw it away.

Now is not the time to think about these things!

He vaguely remembered that Xiao Wu and these two hundred thousand year soul beasts were in the same group.

It was Xiao Wu who was the first to attack Tang Hao!

This is why?

Tang San really couldn't figure it out!

"Are you thinking about that girl again?"


Tang San replied subconsciously.

"She is also a 100,000-year-old soul beast, but she has turned into a human form and has lost the fighting power she once had."

"Killing her will also give you a hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bone."

Sora said calmly.


Tang San was shocked, he couldn't react for a moment!

Xiao Wu is actually a hundred thousand year old soul beast!

"If you ask your father or teacher about some things, they will tell you."

"Really, I'm a little envious of you..."

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