Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 58 058: General Manager Ma Hongjun

Why does Ma Hongjun walk like this?

It all started the night before yesterday, when Flanders gritted his teeth, his heart became cruel, his hand shook, and he raised the knife and dropped it...

"Fat man, what's wrong with you?"

Oscar asked doubtfully. He always felt that there was something weird about Ma Hongjun now, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Ma Hongjun frowned, shook his head, and said nothing.

What's up with him?

He said goodbye to his brother of twelve years, what else could he do!

Yesterday, he tried to practice and found that just as that person said, the evil fire was really solved!

Evil fire, powerful yang energy, at this time he could not store the yang energy at all. The powerful yang energy was generated and then leaked, forming a subtle cycle.

Therefore, the evil fire generated during his cultivation will be nothing to fear!

"Hey, my Ma family is a single generation of three generations. When it comes to my generation..."

Ma Hongjun's sadness arose in his heart, and he couldn't help it at all!

Of course, directly destroying the martial spirit is the most perfect way, but he is a soul master, how can he accept himself who has disabled the martial spirit!

His Ma family finally mutated a phoenix martial spirit, but now it is going to be abolished? Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Everyone is here, great!"

Flanders arrived first, and then he appeared in front of everyone.

It is very easy for a strong soul saint like him to perform this act in front of a group of children who only have great soul masters and soul masters.

After looking at Tang San, Flanders expression became very exciting!

Shrek Academy is really busy these days!

The daughter of the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect came, but unfortunately, she did not stay at Shrek Academy in the end.

The young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is here. Unfortunately, he is just here to visit Shrek Academy and has no intention of enrolling. Besides, even if this person wants to enter school, Flanders can’t teach him!

Whether he can beat the other party is a question!

It was just a number one soul skill that instantly killed Zhao Wuji who was using his martial soul avatar. Flanders knew very well what level Zhao Wuji was. If he was not of the agility attack type and could still fly, he might not be Zhao Wuji. Wuji's opponent.

Finally, Tang San, the son of Haotian Douluo of the Haotian Sect, also came to Shrek Academy and successfully enrolled.

When Flanders thought of this, his expression was very exciting. How could he, Shrek Academy, be able to let the disciples of the three upper sects come to visit him no matter what?

"Hello, dean (teacher)!"

Everyone shouted. Ma Hongjun was calling the teacher. His voice was a little hoarse, but everyone didn't think much about it.


Flender nodded, and then continued: "Since everyone has decided to stay at Shrek Academy, let's start the formal classes."

A total of four little monsters came this year, but unfortunately, two left due to some reasons.

This made Flanders a little sad, but he was helpless.


"Well, Dean, I..."

Oscar said hesitantly. He felt that if he didn't talk about this matter, he might have to wait for a few more days.

He was not late, so he did not attract Flender's attention. Who would spend their free time watching the changes in the soul power of the students? That would be very tiring!

"Oscar, what can you do?"

Flanders asked doubtfully.

Before Oscar could reply, Flanders' eyes narrowed and he said in surprise: "Oscar, have you broken through to level 30?"

That's right, Flanders just glanced at Oscar and found that Oscar's soul power fluctuated a bit. Under normal circumstances, this would not happen to a soul master.

Either during the battle, or the soul power broke through...

Oscar is obviously the second type. He has been stuck at level 29 for a long time, and Flanders expected a breakthrough.

"Yes, Dean, I have a breakthrough!"

Oscar said excitedly, after Flanders knew about this, wouldn't he take him to get the soul ring?

Once he obtains the soul ring, he will become a soul master level expert. At the same time, he can also receive one hundred gold soul coins from the Wuhun Palace every month.

That's one hundred gold soul coins. You can't spend them all. You can't spend them all!

As a food soul master, the simulated training scene is actually cooking. The better the ingredients, the better for training. However, with the conditions of Shrek Academy...

"Very well, Oscar, you did not disappoint me!"

A smile finally appeared on Flanders' face, which was the only good news in several days.

"Oscar, you are the second student in the academy who has broken through to Soul Master. Congratulations!"

After hearing this, Tang San and Xiao Wu subconsciously looked at Oscar, but they didn't expect that this guy would actually be one step ahead of them and break through to Soul Lord!

Thinking about Oscar's age, the two of them were relieved. This guy was already fourteen years old, and it was normal for him to break through to Soul Master.

"Congratulations, Oscar!"

Tang San and Xiao Wu said somewhat insincerely.

We were not familiar with each other, and Tang San didn't know much about this roommate.

Fourteen years old, Soul Master? Pooh……

"Oscar is a food-type soul master. Among the food-type soul masters in the entire Douluo Continent, he is definitely the youngest soul master!"

As if seeing through Tang San and Xiao Wu's eyes, Flanders explained.


"Originally, we were going to have a formal class today. Forget it, you guys go back and have a rest and get ready. Tomorrow we will set off to the Star Forest to help Oscar pass the third soul ring."

Friend said.

Yes, Flender did not mention Zhao Wuji, because Zhao Wuji was still lying down and his injuries were not healed. How could he go to the Star Dou Forest?

Flender plans to personally lead the team to help Oscar obtain the third soul ring.

Among Shrek Academy, Zhao Wuji is the most comprehensive, and his soul skills are also the most effective in helping students obtain soul rings.

Zhao Wuji was seriously injured, and there was no other way. As the dean, he had no choice but to fight on his own.

Tang San, Xiao Wu: "..."

This first class dragged on and on, and both of them were quite speechless.

When she heard that she was going to the Star Dou Forest, Xiao Wu's eyes lit up. It had been six years since she left the Star Dou Forest.

If Flanders hadn't mentioned the Star Forest, in the human world, she would have almost forgotten why she wanted to transform into a human and become a cultivator.

"Da Ming, Er Ming, are you okay now?"

Xiao Wu thought to himself.

"Teacher, can I not go?"

Ma Hongjun said at this time that his injury was not healed yet and he had traveled a long distance. What if there was something wrong with the wound?

After hearing this, Flanders thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed to Ma Hongjun's proposal.

"Hongjun, you can recuperate in the academy first. You don't have to accompany us to the Star Dou Forest tomorrow."


Everyone was stunned and looked at Ma Hongjun. He looked a little pale...

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