Douluo: General Wuhun Thunderbolt is so good at cooking

Chapter 14 014: I didn’t, I’m not, don’t talk nonsense!

"After some time, when old guy Yu Yuanzhen's anger subsides, prepare a gift and come to apologize."

It is impossible to truly apologize. As long as the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect accepts the gift, this matter will be considered a thing of the past.

"By the way, let's take another look at this little guy."

This is Ning Fengzhi's true purpose.

For the sake of an adopted grandson, Yu Yuanzhen almost broke up with him. It can be imagined that this little guy is definitely outstanding.

With the protection of Yu Yuanzhen, it is impossible for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to attack the air. If the hope of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is cut off, this old dragon will really fight with all his strength!

Everyone knows that Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect Qinghuang will not accept this matter.

The Qibao Glazed Sect almost encountered this situation.

Among the younger generation, there is no genius who can reach the level of Sword and Bone Douluo.

It's also a matter of not picking up the slack.

As for Ning Rongrong, the most outstanding genius of the Qibao Glazed Sect in a century, this was the second best.

The Qibao Glazed Sect's direct martial spirit is an auxiliary martial spirit without combat effectiveness. If it wants to remain standing, it must rely on its guardians.

However, there is currently no genius who can serve as a guardian. Once the Sword and Bone Douluo fall, the future of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will be worrying!

This is why Ning Fengzhi lamented why he didn't have an adopted son like Kong.

Innately full of soul power, if nothing unexpected happens, under the training of Qibao Glazed Sect, it is almost safe to become a titled Douluo in a few decades.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanzhen was offended by just one word...

"I want to take a closer look at this little guy. His innate soul power is definitely more than level ten!"

Chen Xin nodded and said.

grade ten? How long has it been?

Counting from the day the child's martial spirit awakened, it would only take half a year at most.

The fluctuation of soul power from innate full soul power to soul master level may not be completed in six years, let alone half a year.


The scene turned to Yu Yuanzhen and Sora.

"Grandpa, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin don't look like good people!"

Before Yu Yuanzhen could speak, Kong spoke first.

He knew that Yu Yuanzhen would mention this matter. After all, he had to give an explanation for his sudden change of attitude so that the child would not be so confused.

After hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Tian Tian, ​​those two guys look sanctimonious. How do you know they don't look like good people?"

"The old man looked at me with something wrong. For a moment, I felt that he wanted to say that this kid has extraordinary talent. If he can't use it for me, then he can only..."

Kong touched his non-existent beard, imitated Chen Xin, and said.

This actually made Yu Yuanzhen laugh. He believed that the old guy Chen Xin had definitely said this.

Everyone has done this kind of thing, and there is nothing to hide.

"Don't worry, as long as grandpa is still alive, they won't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool!"

Yu Yuanzhen said very domineeringly.

Even if Chen Xin is assisted by Ning Fengzhi, if there is a fight, there is really no telling who will lose and who will win.

If he really tried his best, he could drag one of Chen Xin or Gu Rong to die together!

To put it bluntly, the entire Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect is supported by Yu Yuanzhen alone.

For elders like Yu Luomian and others, it would be good if they don't hold back.

Kong looked at Yu Yuanzhen and twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking about more than ten years later...

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore!

As long as he is here, Yu Yuanzhen will definitely not die.

Suddenly, Kong seemed to have thought of something, and said to Yu Yuanzhen: "Grandpa, do you know Poison Douluo Dugu Bo?"

With Yu Yuanzhen's talent and the help of one or two fairy grasses, he might be able to break through to level ninety-seven or ninety-eight in a few years.

Yu Yuanzhen's own safety factor is higher. Even if he is not Bibi Dong's opponent, he should be able to deal with the ordinary elders of Wuhun Palace with ease.

Moreover, after Yu Yuanzhen breaks through to the ninety-eighth level, anyone who dares to make plans for him must think carefully.

"Dugu Bo? We know him, but we don't know him very well."

Dugu Bo has no family or influence behind him, so he is considered a "wild" titled Douluo.

His strength is only level ninety-one, and Yu Yuanzhen doesn't take him seriously at all with such combat power.

There used to be a Dugu family, but now only Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan are left.

The others were all lost.

This was not homicide, but poisoning by their own poison.

Of course, Yu Yuanzhen didn't know about this.

"Grandpa, someone told me that Dugu Bo Poison Douluo owns a treasure land where there is something that can enhance our strength."

Sora said calmly, as if someone had really told him this.

But, Yu Yuan was shocked!

There is no way, the origin of who let Kong is too big!

The person who told Kong this must be that god, right?

General Thunder: "I didn't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Balzebul: "I didn't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh? Dugu Bo actually still has such a good thing in his hand? How about we go and grab it now?"

"Ahem, go get it..."

Yu Yuanzhen scratched his head. When he was young, he was used to grabbing things and almost spoiled his children.

"Well, that person also said that Dugu Bo was poisoned. As long as we help him get rid of his poison, we should be able to subdue him, and then we can get the treasure land."

As expected of you, you grab it at every turn...

Although Kong wanted to do this, after thinking about it for a while, he decided to help Dugu.

This man is so pitiful.

"I see."

Yu Yuanzhen nodded without any doubt.

Dugu Bo is a Titled Douluo after all. Even if his strength is a little weaker, he is still a Titled Strong. His intimidating power is not comparable to that of several Contras.

If it can be conquered, that would be great.

"Take a day off, and tomorrow we will meet this Poison Douluo."

Yu Yuanzhen's idea is very simple. If this Dugu Bo is knowledgeable, he will do what Kong said.

If this Dugu Bo is ignorant, he will only be offended!

Sora just said something that could improve their strength, not a treasure that Sora could improve alone.

I didn’t know it before, but now that I know it, how can I give up?

He is indeed the Son of God. A little bit of information can benefit even a super Douluo like him.

When Kong grows up, maybe he, Yu Yuanzhen, can become the spokesperson of the gods or something like that! That’s the biggest benefit!

Time passed and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

An old man and a young boy walked out of the hotel and walked towards Dugu Bo's residence in Tiandou City.

Last night was not just a simple rest. The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect also had people in Tiandou City.

Let them investigate Dugu Bo's residence first, and then go directly to his door the next day.

Today, Dugu Bo just returned from Sunset Forest...

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