Douluo: Forced to become a villain, I started to save myself

Chapter 77 The strange velvet Babel chrysanthemum

Friends always part ways.

Life is full of gatherings and separations.

The time spent with Mengyuan was the happiest time in Tianyue's life. He was the girl's first friend. However, this kind of happiness is short-lived after all. Now that I have obtained the soul ring, it is time to say goodbye.

"Miss Yue, see you in Wuhun City."

Seeing Mengyuan's smile, Tianyue turned away and wrote her unhappiness directly on her face.

For a little girl who only spends time with her grandfather, having a friend is very rare and valuable. This period of getting along has made Tianyue ignore the slight age gap between the two.

She felt that they should get along more as equals.

Of course, Mengyuan also had an idea.

This is why Tianyue never gives Mengyuan any nicknames, and Mengyuan only calls her Miss Yue.

"When are you planning to return to Wuhun City?"

Meng Yuan thought for a while and said, "In one or two years, it depends on the situation."

Wait until the planned war is over.

Back in Wuhun City, Meng Yuan would not be able to control the war so easily. Just letting Prince Xue Yue take charge would cause big trouble.

"One or two years, that's a long time."

Tianyue turned around and said, "Well, remember to look for me when you go back. We'll see you in Wuhun City."

After that, the girl got directly into the carriage.

Yue Guan shook her head and teased her: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's the hardest to accept the kindness of a beauty. Yuan'er, you may have to endure it in the future."


Meng Yuan's face darkened, and then he watched Ghost Douluo drive away: "Aren't you planning to go back too?"

Ju Douluo shook his head: "I am going to Hudok Principality. After completing the mission, I will return to Wuhun City."

"Of course, I may also go to Tiandou Imperial City to find you first."

Mengyuan nodded, and then a magical chrysanthemum appeared in his hand: "Teacher, I accidentally found and picked this in the Sunset Forest when I returned to Tiandou Imperial City last time. It may be of great benefit to your cultivation."

"This is - the strange velvet Babel chrysanthemum!"

Yueguan is so familiar with this mellow and gentle Gengjin breath that he can no longer be familiar with it.

Yue Guan hurriedly summoned his martial spirit, and two strange antler chrysanthemums shone brightly, looking very magical.

Meng Yuan smiled and pushed the flower out and said: "Thanks to your care over the years, this fairy flower can enhance the teacher's origin and be regarded as a disciple's sincerity, so you must not refuse."

Yue Guan and Gui Mei can accompany Tian Yue to obtain the martial soul. Obviously, this is the enshrinement hall to test their attitudes. If Yue Guan can break through to level ninety-six at this time, it will undoubtedly be a better choice.

Mengyuan was also very particular about giving away this immortal product at this time.

The reason why the ghosts are not strengthened is very simple. The attributes just don’t make sense.

Both Mengyuan and Ghost have extremely rare death attributes.

If an immortal item with the attribute of death is offered, the ghost's character will definitely refuse to accept it.

The effects of ordinary immortal products are better than nothing for Meng Yuan's Nether Phoenix Spirit.

The only thing that can promote the evolution of Pluto Phoenix is ​​the King of Flowers Acacia Heartbroken Red.

Therefore, the final result of choosing to give Ghost Douluo immortal products will most likely be to achieve nothing and achieve no effect.

It is different from Yueguan. Compared with the real old ghost and Juhuaguan, Juhuaguan is relatively more selfish. It is difficult to refuse this magical object that can enhance one's own origin.

The properties of the Geng-metal Qiantongtianju and Meng Yuan's Nether Phoenix martial spirit also don't match very well. Yueguan's acceptance of this immortal plant was relatively less of a psychological burden than the old ghost's.

This is indeed the case. Yue Guan looked at this strange velvet-toothed chrysanthemum, but he couldn't say anything if he wanted to refuse.

After a long mental struggle, Yueguan still took over the immortal plant from Mengyuan's hands.

At the same time, tears of emotion also left his eyes: "Yuan'er has really grown up and is such a magical creature - don't worry, Yuan'er, when my master breaks through the ninety-fifth level, even if I risk my life, I will give you a ten Thousand-year soul ring!"

For Mengyuan, the only disciple, Yueguan felt very warm and relieved.

Even if this immortal plant does not match Mengyuan's personal attributes, there is still no problem in giving it to his fiancée, the little princess.

In the future, it will be a good choice to win over the Golden Crocodile of the Enshrinement Hall for your own future.

After all, the attributes of Tianyue and this immortal plant are quite matched.

Yue Guan was so touched that the first thing his disciple thought of was him.

His own disciple learned everything very quickly. Except for some fighting skills, Yueguan had nothing to teach him.

In addition to helping his disciple obtain a hundred thousand year soul ring, he can show his care for this disciple.

Moreover, the immortal product is indeed a precious divine object that matches a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Meng Yuan sighed and said: "It's a pity that such treasures can only be found but not sought. I will keep an eye out to find treasures that can help Second Teacher."

A smile appeared on Yue Guan's lips, and he patted Meng Yuan's shoulder lovingly: "You and the old ghost have exactly the same attributes. If you can help him, you will naturally be able to help you. He won't want it."

"Yuan'er, we are very happy that you have this kind of intention. As long as you can reach the Titled Douluo as soon as possible, the old ghost and I will be happier than anything else."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's just say goodbye."

Saying that, Yue Guan hurriedly chased in the direction where the ghost left.

Obviously, he planned to absorb the QiRongTongTianJu first before carrying out his mission.

And now the only ones who have been guarding Mengyuan for hundreds of years are the five deacons of Wuhun Palace.

Regarding incorporating these five people into his Holy Spirit Cult... Mengyuan has no idea yet.

The five old men were all half dead, and to take them under his command, one had to find a way to extend their lives.

The consumption of this resource is far less than the later income, and it is a loss-making transaction.

Meng Yuan will never do anything at a loss again.

Compared with these old soul saints, Meng Yuan prefers those geniuses who are young and powerful and still have a lot of room for improvement.

But now that Yue Guan and Gui Mei are gone, it's time to get in touch with his two subordinates.

Thinking of this, Mengyuan waved his hand, and several bright flowers of the other side suddenly bloomed under a tree.

One of the soul saints guarding him asked curiously: "Young Master, what are you going to do?"

For those people who support Meng Yuan in the Wuhun Palace, they all like to call Meng Yuan "Young Master" to get closer.

Mengyuan smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just my first time here, and I want to leave a souvenir of this forest when I leave."

It was in line with the thoughts and practices of this age. After hearing the explanation, Soul Saint stopped asking any more questions.

Obviously, he didn't expect that this mature little adult would have such a childlike side.

Sure enough, no matter how precocious a genius is, he still has the temper of a child to some extent.

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