There was heavy snow falling in the sky.

The further north you go, the colder the temperatures get.

The Far North is a very special place.

There are only a few times of the year when day and night change.

Under normal circumstances, it is either always day or always night.

At this time, it was the dead of winter and the polar night.

The sky is filled with colorful auroras.

Looking up at the sky, it looks very magnificent and beautiful.

And a golden carriage pulled by eight unicorns moved forward leisurely, escorted by a team of elite paladins.

Paladins are the mainstay of the Spirit Hall, and their average level is that of a powerful spirit master with five rings. Only when the elder is out can the Holy Knights be mobilized to accompany him.

The biting cold wind did not shake the loyalty of the knights. They paid extremely careful attention to the surrounding situation to prevent the spirit beasts lurking in the snow from attacking the nobles in the car.

The cold ice and snow had no impact on these majestic unicorns.

These unicorns roam leisurely in the ice and snow, and combined with the aurora, it feels like they are walking out of a fairy tale.

After getting off the carriage, Meng Yuan tightened the fur jacket he was wearing, looked at the sky and sighed: "So beautiful."

The colorful aurora shines in your eyes, the bright stars shine, and the endless snowfield is extremely peaceful.

The combination of these seems to purify people's soul.

Before they knew it, they had been on the road for three months.

After Meng Yuan proposed to go to the far north to obtain a soul ring, Ju Douluo agreed the next day.

However, as the front elders of Wuhun Palace and busy with business, they were unable to accompany him on long trips. It would take Mengyuan half a year to come and go, plus the time spent searching for the soul beast, he would not be able to come back in a short time.

While the ordinary Contra accompanied Meng Yuan, the two titled Douluo Ju and Gui were not at ease.

Fortunately, Lingyuan Douluo was dismissed from his post and was at home, just when he was feeling unhappy. Mengyuan then sent an invitation to Lingyuan. If she was willing to follow Mengyuan to the far north, Ju and Gui had no other objections.

Without any hesitation, Lingyuan immediately agreed to come with Mengyuan. She has never been to the far north, so she is gaining more knowledge.

Bright light diffused in the dark night sky.

Blue, green, yellow...the colorful lights are like the swaying skirt of a goddess, boundless until the end of the sky. The stars are like gems dotted among them, twinkling in the sky and looking particularly stunning.

Lingyuan stared at the colorful sky, her eyes full of shock.

This was the first time she had seen such a gorgeous scene.

She felt exactly the same as Mengyuan at this time, feeling that her whole soul had been baptized.

The little girl with light blond hair who got out of the car behind Mengyuan covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Is this the aurora? It looks even more beautiful than what is described in the book."

Xue Ke was picked up by Mengyuan when they passed by Tiandou Imperial City.

The current relationship between the Tiandou royal family and Wuhun Palace is still very harmonious. Now that Meng Yuan has arrived in the imperial city, he invites his young fiancée to meet him, and when he sees her, Xue Ke starts clamoring to come with her.

Considering the influence of the Tiandou royal family here and the tacit approval of Emperor Xueye, Meng Yuan took this little girl with him. What I have to say is that the aristocratic children in this world are indeed much precocious, especially the princesses of the royal family.

Her manners and manners were so graceful that no one could fault her. If you ignore her appearance and age, no one will treat her like a child.

Mengyuan took out the map from the soul guide and studied it carefully.

Lingyuan Douluo stretched out an arm and spread his palm.

Illusive orange-red feathers condensed in the palm of the hand, and then suddenly turned into a ball of flame, instantly dispelling the surrounding cold. It also made the snow wolves that wanted to attack retreat silently.

Meng Yuan lowered his head and said: "The Far North is a special place in the entire continent. The normal alternation of day and night during the year is rare here. It is either always bright or always dark."

"The most dangerous time is now. After the stars are obscured by dark clouds and the aurora dissipates, the ice sheet will be covered in darkness."

"Humans' adaptability to darkness is far lower than that of soul beasts. This environment is quite dangerous for us. Just like just now, if Sister Yi hadn't released her momentum to scare away the wolves, we would have fallen into a trap. It was a tough battle.”

Lingyuan Douluo chuckled lightly, clenched his palm suddenly, and the flames turned into sporadic light spots and scattered everywhere.

"Brother, how long will it take for us to reach the far north city?"

Mengyuan estimated the distance and then shook his head and said: "If we continue walking, it should take more than a day. Let's take a rest here now. Everyone is very tired."

After driving for more than thirty hours in an extremely cold environment, even an iron man would be unable to endure it. The Holy Knights of Wuhun Palace have already shown the strength of these guys before they reach their limit.

After receiving Lingyuan Douluo's permission, the team leader ordered to set up camp, take a rest and move on.

Some of the paladins were clearing away the snow to make room.

Some were sorting out the camping equipment taken out of the soul guide.

The rest are to form a hunting team to hunt soul beasts to replenish supplies and prevent accidents.

"Brother, I will go to the carriage to rest for a while."

Lingyuan Douluo patted Meng Yuan on the shoulder and gave Meng Yuan and Xue Ke some space to be alone. He also lamented that children nowadays are so awkward, and they can even say that they like them for so long.

The light bulb went out and the atmosphere seemed even more awkward.

Xueke lowered her head and looked at Mengyuan quietly again. When she found that Mengyuan was also looking at her, her face turned slightly red. Holding the hem of his clothes with his hands, his little feet wearing deerskin shoes kept rubbing on the snow.

"Um, you..."


After a moment of silence, Meng Yuan broke the silence first. He took the initiative to find a topic and said: "Ake, have you met Prince Xue Yue?"

Emperor Xueye, the emperor of this generation of Tiandou, has two younger brothers.

His younger brother Xuexing stayed by his side to assist him in handling government affairs.

Another Prince Xue Yue has been ordered to guard the Far North since Xue Ye ascended the throne.

This person is extremely mysterious, and there are very few rumors about him in Tiandou Imperial City, but he is the mainstay of the royal family, and the establishment of the royal family enshrinement corps has a lot to do with him.

Meng Yuan was also very curious about this character who did not appear in the original work.

Xue Ke recalled carefully: "The last time I saw him was two years ago. In my impression, the emperor's uncle was a very gentle man. He seemed to be in poor health. My father often wrote letters to care about his condition. , I also asked you to bring some tonics this time."

"That's it."

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