After purchasing the supplies, Mengyuan and Duguyan went to meet Yueguan outside the city.

Meng Yuan also told Yue Guan about Tang San's information.

After hearing that Mengyuan wanted to use Tang San to test his suspicions about martial arts, Yueguan no longer thought of taking Tang San back to train him.

The quality of a martial soul determines a person's upper limit. This is a deeply ingrained concept among all soul masters.

In Yue Guan's eyes, Bluesilver Grass is still Bluesilver Grass, even if it is full of innate soul power, it has no value in cultivating it.

In this way, I continued to drive for half a month, and finally arrived at my destination, Wuhun City, at the end of September.

Wuhun City is the headquarters of Wuhun Palace. It is a miracle city located between the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo.

A cart pulled by four unicorns slowly entered the city.

Mengyuan couldn't help but lift the curtain, wanting to see the difference between this Holy Land of Soul Masters and Tiandou Imperial City.

On the spacious streets, people were bustling.

Everyone here has a heartfelt smile on their face. Only people with no pressure in life can have such expressions. This seems to be a place without any worries.

The people living here are mentally healthy, even the people in the imperial capital are far inferior to them. The expressions on their faces usually only appear on the faces of soul masters and nobles in Tiandou Imperial City.

Yueguan smiled and said: "The people living in Wuhun City are the family members of the soul masters of Wuhun Palace."

"Martial Spirit City does not have the harsh taxes like the two great empires, and there are no rich and powerful dandies oppressing the people. For the common people, this is a rare paradise."

After a pause, Yue Guan continued to say to Mengyuan and Dugu Yan: "People here believe in the just God of Angels, and slaves are not allowed in Wuhun City. It is basically impossible to expect someone to take care of you everywhere in your life. of."

"You two little guys who only have food to eat and clothes to stretch out your hands had better control your temper."

Yue Guan warned Meng Yuan and Dugu Yan not to have too high demands on the quality of life.

Hearing what Yueguan said, Meng Yuan nodded: "Don't worry, teacher. The disciple will take care of himself and will not embarrass you."

Yue Guan fondly touched Mengyuan's head: "Ha, I didn't say that I would let you take care of yourselves as a teacher. What I meant as a teacher was that I would dispatch a few soul masters and let them be responsible for your daily lives. For You must maintain enough respect for those who are stronger than you."

Mengyuan nodded, while Dugu Yan was a little unhappy.

Under her grandfather's pampering, the sense of superiority and inferiority was engraved in her bones.

She believed that the weak should obey the orders of the strong, and the servants transferred by Yueguan should all obey her orders.

Yue Guan could easily see what Dugu Yan was thinking, and he shrugged: "There is no way, after all, Wuhun Palace is composed mostly of soul masters from civilian backgrounds. We must be clearly different from the two empires in order to ensure fresh supplements. His blood will always maintain his current status."

In fact, many soul masters in Wuhun Palace also have this idea.

However, the word "equality" is the political correctness of Wuhun Palace. It is violated quietly in private, but no one dares to violate this principle publicly on the surface, not even the major enshrined elders.

The particularity of Wuhun Palace lies in its attitude towards civilians.

Among the two empires, Tiandou is the spokesperson for the interests of many soul master sects. In the Tiandou Empire, all major soul master sects and families have a great say in their respective territories. The royal family actually mediates and balances the forces of all parties.

The Star Luo Empire is suitable for King Juan to survive. In this country, strength is completely respected. The Star Luo Empire values ​​the strong. As long as you are strong enough, you are the master. The strong can decide the fate of the weak at will. What they believe in is Sheda's way.

In both empires, civilians had no chance to stand out.

If you don't join the sect and don't rely on strong people, you won't even have a chance to awaken your martial soul.

And this also gave Wuhun Palace an opportunity to grow and develop.

The new blood in Wuhun Palace is mainly supplemented by civilians.

Not to mention, Mengyuan's teachers Yue Guan, Gui Mei, and Pope Bibi Dong were all discovered from the common people.

Under the great waves, even if the probability of civilians becoming soul masters is low, if it is expanded to the entire continent, it can still recruit many good seedlings.

However, this also has a big shortcoming. In this world where force is paramount, no one wants to be a master.

Before Bibi Dong came to power, many civilian soul masters used the resources of Wuhun Palace to develop themselves, and then after reaching the top, they let their children go to the two empires.

Their descendants either became nobles, or established sects and families, became new people in power, and continued to oppress the common people.

It can be said that in the past, all major forces had inextricably linked with Wuhun Palace.

This is also the reason why all the forces on the mainland can allow such a behemoth as Wuhun Palace to bear down on them.

Because the existence of Wuhun Palace will allow all parties in the mainland to form a virtuous cycle: Wuhun Palace will discover and train civilians, and then the soul masters trained will go to work for the two major empires, and the two empires will use Wuhun Palace to suppress the major sects to ensure their own right to speak.

This is the so-called balance. It was not until Bibi Dong came to power that this situation that had been circulating for thousands of years changed.

The carriage continued to drive until it reached the center of Wuhun City, where the Pope's Palace was located.

This is a very magnificent pure white building.

The angel statue stands in front, constantly accepting worship and prayers from the people.

Ju Douluo cupped his chest and saluted the angel statue, and Dugu Yan and Mengyuan who followed him also followed Yue Guan's example and saluted.

Afterwards, Yue Guan led the two of them into the main hall.

A long carpet is spread on the road, with complicated patterns outlined by gold threads.

The windows refract in through the glass, giving the entire back of the hall an extremely sacred aura. On weekdays, the middle-level cadres of Wuhun Hall listen to the Pope's holy sermons here.

Further forward, the light began to disappear and dim.

After passing through a door, you entered a spacious room with only a gorgeous throne.

And a woman in gorgeous clothes is holding a scepter here and closing her eyes to meditate.

Dugu Yan shuddered. The sensitive snake could feel the difference between here and the outside; while Meng Yuan's expression was much more relaxed. He liked such a dark environment very much, but the sacred and majestic environment outside made him feel uncomfortable. He felt slightly uncomfortable.

Yue Guan led the two of them to the front of this beauty, half-knelt down with a respectful look and said: "I am here to see His Majesty the Pope."

After Mengyuan and Duguyan looked at each other, they also knelt down and said, "See His Majesty the Pope."

The beauty slowly opened her eyes, and she said softly: "Elder Ju, there is no need to be polite, you all should get up."

Then she focused her eyes on Meng Yuan and asked in a majestic tone: "Are you the little guy with a companion martial spirit? It's interesting. Since records began, you are the second person in the continent with a companion martial spirit. people."

This article contains my personal conjecture about Wuhundian becoming a super powerful force...

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