Douluo: Forced to become a villain, I started to save myself

Chapter 14 The Ancestor of the Evil Soul Master

The Night Devil Raven has six scarlet eyes and is said to be able to see human souls. Its body shape is similar to that of an eagle.

This is a greedy and ferocious creature that can rival a thousand-year soul beast in a century.

The raven stood on the branch, looking around very vigilantly.

Unfortunately, no matter how smart the crow is, he is no match for the titled Douluo. For Yue Guan, as long as he appears in front of him, there is no such thing as a battle of wits and courage.

The petals of the chrysanthemum shot it off the branches and pinned it to the ground.

The raven screamed loudly and fluttered its feathers.

"Kill it."

Mengyuan didn't hesitate at all. With a wave of his hand, an unopened flower from the other side of the underworld penetrated the raven's eyes and inserted into its brain.

"Gah, gah!!!!"

The extremely miserable screams echoed in the forest.

Visible to the naked eye, a trace of black energy from the raven condenses on the other side of the flower. The green leaves wither, while the scarlet flower blooms quietly.

Mengyuan felt cold.

This other shore flower can purify the absorbed soul power and feed it back to its master again.

The raven soon lost the strength to struggle, and a yellowish-purple soul ring floated up.

Yue Guan said softly: "Sit cross-legged on the ground, let the soul power and the soul ring come into contact, and pull the soul ring to yourself."

Meng Yuan did as Yue Guan said.

Instantly, a hot soul power filled his body.

The phantom of the Hell-blooded Phoenix was hovering over Mengyuan's head, and this soul ring was wrapped around the body of the Hell-blooded Phoenix.

In the dark space, six scarlet eyes flashed.

The remaining soul of the raven began to scream, and then launched an attack on Meng Yuan.

However, a cold snort directly shook away the remaining soul of the raven.

Dugu Bo's soul appeared in front of Meng Yuan, and his tone was full of envy, jealousy and hatred: "You are so lucky, kid! You actually got the external soul bone! I really want to take off your eyes and put them on Yanyan." .”

"Well, it's a good thing that I'm here, otherwise your life might be in jeopardy. Remember Wuhun City treats my Yanyan kindly."

The poor raven still wanted to rely on his soul to fight for his life, but he didn't expect that a portable old man would jump out and kill him!

Mengyuan also slowly opened his eyes.

His left eye flashed crimson before returning to normal.

A loud phoenix call echoed in the forest.

Let the nearby soul beasts flee.

A pair of black and red wings spread out behind Meng Yuan, and at the same time, long phoenix tail feathers sprouted from his butt.

After obtaining the first soul ring, Meng Yuan unlocked the soul-possessed form of the beast soul.

The beast martial spirit is recognized as the most convenient martial spirit.

First, the beast spirit can give the spirit master a powerful physique, making his physical strength far greater than that of the weapon spirit master.

The later the stage, the more obvious the physical quality gap between beast soul masters and weapon soul masters becomes. At the same time, the higher the quality of the martial soul, the more obvious it becomes. Especially after the activation of martial soul possession and martial soul true body, every level is a qualitative change.

Second, the beast spirit can also make the spirit master's battles more diverse. When the martial soul is not possessed, the beast soul master is equivalent to having an extra summoned beast to fight together, which is very disgusting.

Finally, there is the super physical recovery ability. This gives the beast soul master a strong endurance in battle. If the explosive weapon soul master fails to take away the beast soul master in one wave, then he will wait to be kited to kill him.

Meng Yuan's martial spirit, as a divine product, not only brought Meng Yuan these three basic abilities, but also brought him another magical skill, which is the standard equipment of the strong - the field.

At this time, Meng Yuan was also frightened by the information fed back by Wuhun.

This treatment is simply that of a protagonist!

Meng Yuan's first realm is called the Nether Phoenix Blood Realm, which is a bird among flowers and birds.

The first stage is to weaken the enemy's all attributes by 10% and increase your own by 10%. In addition, the Blood Sea Realm will corrode other people's martial souls. At worst, they will be riddled with hostility for the rest of their lives, and at worst, they will go crazy and torture themselves to death.

The second realm is called the Netherworld of Death, which comes from flowers.

The growth of flowers decreases as well as that of birds. The difference is that the soul power consumed in the flower cannot be replenished, and the soul skills played will also be absorbed by the field, and even people will be absorbed directly.

Mengyuan did not reveal such shocking things to his teacher Yueguan. Without him, there is a big problem with his own composition. Mengyuan doesn't think Bibi Dong will treat him as one of his own, even if Yue Guan and Gui Mei are his teachers.

Everyone must have a trump card, and Mengyuan planned to use the field as a trump card.

Seeing Meng Yuan's expression calm down, Yue Guan asked curiously: "Yuan'er, what is your first soul skill?"

Mengyuan said: "Teacher, I have two first soul skills. To be more clear, one belongs to flowers and one to birds."

Yue Guan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he said excitedly: I knew I was right. Your martial spirit is exactly what I guessed. Two souls are one, flowers and birds are one body! The old ghost and I have indeed found the wrong successor! "

Meng Yuan continued: "Hua's first soul skill is called Butterfly Education. The souls of enemies killed by Bianhua will be absorbed by the flower, and then strengthen myself."

Yue Guan thought for a moment and nodded, "It's a very powerful soul skill that you can continue to use even if your level is high in the future. But Yuan'er, you must not indulge in killing just because you gain power!"

"Teacher, don't worry, this disciple will never do such a thing."

Regarding this soul skill, Meng Yuan did not dare to tell the truth, because this soul skill was too evil.

Meng Yuan was afraid that Yue Guan wouldn't be able to bear it if he told her.

The true effect of butterfly breeding is that it will form a butterfly egg after absorbing the enemy's soul.

The eggs can be planted in other people's bodies to extract their soul power and grow continuously, using their bodies as cocoons. The day when the underworld butterfly breaks out of its cocoon is when the person dies.

After the butterfly egg is planted, it will automatically bind and assimilate to an organ of the human body.

Of course, conversely, eggs can also help people cultivate. As long as the butterfly eggs are fed by other means, the butterfly eggs will also feed back benefits to the host. The underworld butterflies cultivated under such circumstances will not harm human life.

But Mengyuan can control the life of the butterfly host by manipulating the butterfly.

This soul skill is a perfect template for an evil soul master!

After asking about the first soul skill, Yue Guan asked curiously: "Yuan'er, what is the soul skill belonging to Minghuang?"

"The first soul skill, Hell Blood Ming Song, can directly attack the enemy's soul through its cry. At the same time, the blood from the wounds attacked by the Ming Phoenix will continue to flow out until it is completely drained."

Another effect is that after bathing in blood, all attributes will be slightly improved.

Yue Guan praised: "A very strong passive soul skill. The active effect can also directly hit the enemy's soul. It is worthy of being a top soul beast. The soul skills produced by this soul ring are really powerful!"

Meng Yuan put away his martial spirit and stood obediently beside Dugu Yan.

Now he is a perfect evil soul master template!

Not to mention anything else, once the effect of Yu Die is exposed, I am afraid that Qian Daoliu will be unable to suppress him.

In Wuhun City, you must be careful!

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