Douluo: Fall in love with Qian Renxue at the beginning

Chapter 8 Xueer, the color of your lipstick is asymmetrical!

I didn't expect that the fight between two beauties with different styles would turn out to be such a scene. It was really picturesque.

Su Chen's expression when he looked at Hu Liena changed, and he seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Hu Liena saw that her little brother also came to join in the fun and laughed at her, and said coquettishly: "Humph! You just like the sister who slept with you, right? You even laughed at me!"

Hear what Hu Liena said.

Su Chen and Qian Renxue were both stunned. This could be said directly!

Qian Renxue's beautiful face is illuminated by the sunset, her cheeks are rosy, and she is very cute.

The shy and contrasting state of the aloof goddess is fascinating.

Even Hu Liena was amazed when she saw Qian Renxue's current appearance and couldn't help but want to post it~

Hu Liena thought so, and of course that’s what she did

He came directly to Qian Renxue's side. The cat was in Qian Renxue's arms, and their cheeks gradually came together.

This was the legendary Tie Tie, and Su Chen was stunned by the intimate movements of the two beauties.

Qian Renxue quickly pushed Hu Liena away, and Qian Renxue discovered that Hu Liena was really not shy in front of outsiders.

Next time you go out to meet Su Chen, you can’t bring Hu Liena with you!


Hu Liena frowned, holding her stomach and instantly felt severe pain.

The skin all over the body gradually began to emit black sticky stuff.

Hu Liena panicked instantly, what was wrong with her, how could she be like this?

I just drank some tea.

Qian Renxue was also panicked at this time, not knowing what to do, and looked at Su Chen at a loss.

Su Chen enveloped Hu Liena with his divine power, felt it for a while, and said with a smile: "Sister Nana is washing the marrow and cutting the bones. These black things are all impurities. Just take a bath later and it will be fine." ”

Qian Renxue was still puzzled and asked: "Then why does Nana have a stomachache?"

Su Chen slowly replied: "Maybe it's because of the excessive accumulation of toxins."

At this time, Hu Liena couldn't bear it any longer and said hurriedly: "Brother Chen, I need to take a bath, oooooo~ It's so dirty!"

Hu Liena loves to be clean. Although Qian Renxue always sounds like a stinky fox, Hu Liena actually smells super fragrant, with a hint of osmanthus, which smells very good.

After looking at Qian Renxue, Su Chen could see Qian Renxue's resistance to the sticky things on Hu Liena's body from his expression.

Su Chen directly picked up Hu Liena and walked into the palace bathroom.

But it seems like I don’t have any clothes

After settling Hu Liena, Su Chen went to find Qian Renxue, looking for clothes or something. There were no clothes for women in his palace.

Hu Liena suddenly felt comfortable while bathing in the tub, and her body was sticky. For a beauty lover like herself.

It’s simply a big torture!

When Hu Liena washed off the black sticky stuff on her body, she found that her skin was as smooth as an egg.

Moreover, the body feels lighter, and the soul power has even been increased by two levels!

What kind of person is Su Chen? Even a piece of tea can improve himself so much.

For a titled Douluo like Hu Liena, the effort required to advance to a higher level is doubled. Even though Hu Liena is extremely talented, she can only advance to a higher level in a year and a half.

I didn't expect that just drinking tea would improve me so much.

I don’t know if continuing to drink tea will have any effect.

Hu Liena was instantly full of expectations for the future!

In the past, what could you do even if you were promoted to a titled Douluo? What could you do if you could beat the gods?

Even if he barely becomes a god, can he fight against the seven gods opposite him?

All this time, Qian Renxue and Hu Liena had even forgotten about improving their soul power. After all, it was no longer necessary.

But things are different now. Hu Liena feels that Su Chen is their hope!

the other side.

Su Chen also returned to the boat at this time, looked at the dignified and sacred woman in front of him, and said softly: "Xue'er, Sister Nana needs clothes~"

Qian Renxue glared at Su Chen, "This boy, Xue'er and Xue'er sister are called differently~"

As soon as Hu Liena left, Su Chen was no longer as big as he was young, really!

But Qian Renxue still likes Su Chen to call her Xue'er, because it's more intimate~

Qian Renxue smiled and said, "I'll go get it for her right now."

After saying that, the door to space opened, Qian Renxue slowly walked in, and Su Chen slowly followed behind him.

A man and a woman alone, living together in the same room.

In the end, nothing happened because Qian Renxue was busy looking for Hu Liena's clothes.

Looking at the mountains of clothes filling the room, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a headache. He had to find out when.

Qian Renxue also had a sad face at this time. In the end, Qian Renxue gave up searching and said, "Let's use my clothes. She can wear them anyway."

But perhaps because Qian Renxue turned around too quickly, she ran directly into Su Chen's arms.

The two eyes met, and the atmosphere instantly rose.

Qian Renxue felt that the temperature around her was constantly rising, otherwise why would she be so hot?

The aloof Qian Renxue looked shy and cute at this moment.

At this time, Su Chen's heart couldn't help but beat loudly.

Su Chen was not drunk at the time, but Su Chen remembered all the scenes clearly.

Look at the lovely person in front of you.

Su Chen slowly moved his hand towards Qian Renxue's waist, and found that Qian Renxue did not resist.

Su Chen made a wall-dong directly.

Su Chen lowered his head, Qian Renxue raised his head

With affection, they all saw themselves in each other's eyes.

Qian Renxue looked at the person in front of her, thinking that she would do this again, and slowly closed her eyes.

It's been a long time since the Spring Equinox.

Qian Renxue said angrily: "Nana is still waiting for us~"

After saying that, Qian Renxue ran away.

the other side.

Hu Liena changed the bath water several times, but she still didn't wait for Qian Renxue's arrival!

Why is it so slow? Although I have more clothes.

Really talking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here.

Qian Renxue came to Hu Liena and said, "Smelly fox, Su Chen has noticed how messy your room is."

"Ah!" Why did Su Chen get in?

Hu Liena instantly felt the death of society. Listen to my quibbles. Bah, listen to my explanation. It wasn’t like that before.

Wuwuwu~Su Chen must have felt that he didn't like to deal with it any more, and Hu Liena felt that her heart had been hit by a 10,000-point blow.

However, Hu Liena discovered something important!

That is!

"Xue'er! The color of your lipstick is asymmetrical!" Hu Liena exclaimed.

At this time Qian Renxue also reacted.

It must be that that bastard Su Chen didn't kiss her evenly!

Qian Renxue also instantly felt what social death is.

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