Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 69 Ma'am, You Don't Want Sasuke Either...


Little Sakura screamed and jumped in front of Sasuke. At this time, Sasuke was in a panic, and his eyes turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He felt a lot of pressure because he was rescued by Naruto in the land of waves, but now he was critically attacked by Naruto, which made Sasuke even more crazy.

Little Sakura wanted to help Sasuke excitedly, and at the same time she yelled at Naruto: "How can you do this!"

However, Sasuke pushed the little Sakura away and shouted angrily: "That's too much!!"

Naruto frowned, and looked away from the little Sakura. He stared coldly at Sasuke and said confidently: "You are not my opponent now! And as I said, what Naruto in the projection does has nothing to do with me!"

Sasuke stared at Naruto firmly, a ferocious look had already begun to appear on his face.

Seeing this, the little Sakura on the side was anxious: "Naruto, how can you say that about Sasuke, isn't it you in the projection? Even if it doesn't matter, you can let Sasuke vent your anger!"

Naruto's pupils shrank, and his face became gloomy.

At this time, a slap suddenly fell from the side,

With a snap, little Sakura's face immediately turned red.

She looked aside in disbelief, Xianglin didn't know when she stood beside her and stared at her in disgust.

"Why don't you let him vent your anger? It's none of Naruto's business!"

Little Sakura covered her face and looked at Xianglin angrily: "You dare to hit me?"

As she said that, she also slapped Xianglin with a slap.

However, a palm suddenly appeared and grabbed her arm.

She looked to the side in astonishment, Naruto was standing beside Xiang Rin with a cold expressionless face.

Naruto snorted:


Little Sakura's eyes were full of disbelief, and she asked in a confused voice: "You stop me?"

Naruto looked at the little Sakura as if looking at a stranger and didn't speak. He just threw her hand aside and pulled up his clan sister and walked towards the side.

Little Sakura's eyes were full of disbelief,

The licking dog who had been licking her for so many years suddenly stopped licking, which caused endless anger in her heart.

"Naruto, do you know what you're doing?!"

Naruto just turned his head and gave her a cold look, and still walked towards the side in silence.

The little Sakura behind was furious and pointed at Naruto and shouted: "You wait! You will definitely regret it, and I will never talk to you again! I will go to Teacher Kakashi later and kick you out of the team for the guy who shot at your companions!" The ninja rules say you can't do anything to your companions, you violated the ninja rules!"

However, there was still no slight expression change on Naruto's face, only a hint of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The other little powerhouses looked at the hysterical little Sakura speechlessly,

As the only commoner ninja among the 9 Xiaoqiangs in the same period, her knowledge is indeed too far behind. She still doesn't understand that she is the only one among the 9 people in the same period who was stuffed in to make up the number.

If it wasn't for Naruto's favorite object, she wouldn't be put in the team of Naruto and Sasuke by Sarutobi Hiruzen even if she had the first place in liberal arts. Obviously, she didn't see this fact at all, and she tried to kick Naruto out of the group .

Shikamaru rubbed his temples with a headache on his face, the atmosphere in Konoha became more and more weird.

Although most people survived Infinite Tsukuyomi twice, its side effects became more and more obvious, and everyone's negative emotions were magnified without limit.

Especially for civilians like little Sakura who have not experienced ninja training since childhood, after experiencing the painful memories of those years, the negative emotions in their character began to explode.

If we talk about the little Sakura before, there may be favoritism and discrimination, but not to this level.

But at this time, the little Sakura has completely turned into a green tea appearance, she subconsciously attributes all the painful memories brought to him by the blackened Naruto in the sky to Naruto, but she hasn't discovered it yet. .

Shikamaru looked solemnly at the projection in the sky and muttered to himself, "What are you going to do?"

Even with his current super high IQ, he can't think of the purpose of blackening Naruto.

[At this time, Naruto is carrying Mikoto and quickly shuttles through the Uchiha clan. 】

【Relying on the Nine Tails Chakra's induction, he easily dodged Genbu and Anbu who were making up the knife. 】

【Uchiha Mikoto struggled in Naruto's arms with some excitement. 】

【"Let me go! I'm going to find Fugaku!"】

[Naruto didn't hesitate at all, knocked him unconscious with a knife in his hand. 】

[Soon, he came to the ancestral temple where the Uchiha clan often gathers. He turned the mechanism in a hidden corner, and a dark passage was revealed from the front hall. 】

【"Itachi!" An excited voice came, and Uchiha Izumi ran from the darkness and hugged Naruto. 】

【She was taken aback when she saw Mikoto in Naruto's arms: "Auntie? What happened to her?"】

【Naruto said calmly: "It's okay, I knocked him out."】

【Uchiha Izumi: "???"】

【At this time, Uchiha Mikoto suddenly opened her eyes and jumped up. She was holding the Knuckles to confront Naruto. 】

【"Who are you!"】

【Uchiha Izumi was taken aback, "Auntie, what's wrong with you? He's Uchiha Itachi."】

【Mikoto looked at Naruto with a pale face and sneered, "I can't tell my son apart!"】

【Uchiha Izumi's eyes widened, and he looked at 'Uchiha Itachi' in disbelief. 】

【 Naruto clapped his hands in approval, and with a bang, his Transformation Technique was unlocked, revealing his original appearance. 】

【Uchiha Mikoto's expression changed: "Naruto?"】

【This is my best friend's son, also a Nine Tails Jinchūriki, why did he appear here? 】

[At this moment, the corners of Naruto's mouth are raised, revealing a trace of indifference on his immature cheeks. 】

【He looks at Uchiha Mikoto who is full of doubts and sneers:】

【"Ma'am, you don't want Sasuke to go through the same experience as me, do you? Then you'd better be obedient in the next few days."】

Everyone: "???"

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