Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 25 Blackening Naruto's Mission

【"Hi, my name is Uzumaki Naruto."】

【Six-year-old Naruto grinned and greeted Sasuke who held his head up and looked proud. 】

【Sasuke glanced at Naruto, and nodded proudly in response. He was admitted to the ninja school with the first grade in the entrance examination. He even mastered the C-level ninjutsu Great Fireball Technique. Come to learn Three Body from this group Technique's vegetable chicken is not of the same grade at all. 】

【"Why did we come to the Jōnin school? Obviously, we have learned all the things taught in the ninja school."】

[Inuzuka Ya looked at the civilian children around with a look of disgust. These ninjas are different from ordinary people. They have a systematic ninja training plan. Although they are only 6 years old, at this time they have basically satisfied a Civilian Genin graduation requirement. 】

【"Shikamaru, do you eat?"】

【Akimichi Chōji held a bag of potato chips in his hand and asked the pineapple head beside him. Although he asked Shikamaru if he wanted to eat it, his body honestly moved the potato chips away. 】

[ Shikamaru shakes his head. 】

【"You can eat by yourself."】

【Shikamaru turned his head to look at Naruto beside Sasuke, frowned and asked Chōji next to him, "Chōji, does that yellow-haired kid look familiar to you?"】

【Chōji looked in the direction Shikamaru pointed, then shook his head: "I don't know each other, I don't have any impression."】

[And at the back of the team, a little girl with black hair and white eyes tremblingly looked at Naruto, her eyes full of disbelief. 】


[At this time, Naruto seemed to feel Hinata's staring eyes, turned his head and smiled at Hinata, and Hinata's cheeks suddenly turned red. 】

[At this time, Third Generation stepped onto the podium. He looked at the ninja disciples who were mixed in the team and couldn't hide his excitement. With the help of the Hyuga family to kill chickens and monkeys, the effect of bringing all the ninja families back together was much better than he thought! 】

【"Congratulations to everyone who successfully passed the Ninja School. I believe you all have your own beliefs."】

【"But I want to tell you that there is only one life in this world. You don't have to force yourself to choose a path you don't like. It doesn't matter whether you live or die according to your nature. However, no matter which path you choose, don't forget to protect what you cherish. people."】

【"Just like the origin of our Konoha Village, as long as there are flying leaves, the fire will burn. The fire shines on the village and makes the trees sprout new shoots. The will of fire will never be extinguished. Where the leaves are flying, the fire will also Endless life. You are all young, maybe one of you can become a Hokage.”]

【 Sarutobi Hiruzen proclaimed the will to fire to the students with a smile, the examinees below showed excitement, even Sasuke's eyes were shining. 】

【Hokage! The strongest man in the village, the target of the Uchiha clan! 】

【Among the crowd, Uzumaki Naruto applauded first with an expression of admiration on his face. 】

[Then everyone cheered excitedly. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Naruto, with a satisfied expression on his face. Although Danzo is stupid, he still agrees with the way he trains dead soldiers. 】

Senju Hashirama: That's right, the will of fire is indeed the case, the consciousness of risking one's life to protect the seedlings.

At the beginning, Senju Hashirama wanted to create a village for his younger brothers without going to the battlefield, so he finally resolutely established Konoha.

Two-day scale Ohnoki: Mr. First Hokage, you are still as stupid as ever.

Senju Tobirama: Do you want to die?

Two-day scale Ohnoki: Hehe, can you hit me, an old man? And don't tell me you didn't see Sarutobi Hiruzen's purpose.

Senju Tobirama: Don't forget, we can be resurrected, and what the monkey did was really make Konoha Village more cohesive.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: Nidaime, you really understand me!

Senju Tobirama: Monkey, I'm afraid you will have many enemies next, remember to pay more attention to Konoha's defense.

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little ashamed looking at the speeches in the chat room. After all, there was still a gap between himself and the First Generation and Second Generation.

It seems that the two of them have let go of their hearts at this time, and they are satisfied just watching Konoha's vigorous development.

Master Tobirama should really pay attention to the reminder given to himself. If the previous projection did not reveal the truth about the Uchiha genocide, I am afraid that he would have become the target of public criticism.

Sarutobi Hiruzen smashed two cigarette pouches. It seems that he has to consider the candidate for resurrection. If he wants to stabilize his current power, he may really need to find some important helpers.

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at the names in the chat room, and fell into deep thought. If he could really be resurrected, who should be resurrected first?

Just as Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking, the projection turned around.

[The entrance ceremony ends, and Naruto's figure appears on the roof of Hokage Building. 】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen has been waiting here for a long time,】

【"Naruto, your task is to improve Uchiha Sasuke's strength, he is too weak now."】


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