Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 23 The Konoha Shinobi Who Died

At this time, on the square outside Shinobi School,

Naruto frantically sent messages in the live broadcast room with his face flushed.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Wait a minute! Hey! No! It's not me, I didn't go!"

At this time, Naruto could already feel the strange eyes of the candidates around him.

If we talk about the original Twelve Xiaoqiang, it’s fine, but after experiencing the baptism of Infinite Tsukuyomi just now, this group of people has at least 3 years of memory, and they are no longer as naive as before.

Uzumaki Kushina: "It's okay Naruto, it's a small matter, boy, just be careful."

Uzumaki Naruto: "No, I just want to develop new ninjutsu."

Uzumaki Kushina: Don't worry, Naruto, I understand, my mother understands, and your father came here in the same way.

Namikaze Minato: I didn't!

Uzumaki Kushina: Go!

Namikaze Minato: ...

[Naruto, who saw the charm of bikinis, was out of control, and he began to frequent women's bathrooms to learn Transformation Technique. 】

Naruto sat on the ground dejectedly, looking numb at the picture that continued to be played in the sky. At this time, the girls looked at Naruto as if they were looking at a pervert.

[As the number of times Naruto was caught increased, his Transformation Technique became more and more exquisite. 】

【"Transformation Seduction Technique!"】

[When Naruko Uzumaki appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Naruko Uzumaki, who was naked, had a nosebleed and fell down. 】

Everyone: "..."

Sarutobi Lake Biwa: "Hehe."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "No, wait a minute! Lake Biwa, listen to me...explain! It was an accident, a simple accident! Ebisu, yes, Ebisu passed out directly from nosebleeds! This kind of ninjutsu, yes Men are very lethal! Are you right Ebisu?!"

At this time, Yebisu, who is looking after Konohamaru who is still in the space of Infinite Tsukuyomi, has 10,000 grass and mud horses running wildly,

Why are you dragging my back when you are dead?

Considering the safe and lucrative job of being an elite teacher, Ebisu spoke in the chat room with a face like eating flies.

Ebisu: "Ha, haha~ That's right, Naruto-kun's Harem Technique is really powerful, haha."

It was the harem technique that defeated Laozi, not the ordinary seduction technique!

But looking at the footsteps of the female ninja who carried the unconscious villagers back unconsciously, Yebisu knew that she had basically lost her right to choose a spouse in the village.

Akimichi Chōji: "Not bad, Naruto, I didn't expect the ninjutsu you developed to be so powerful. I knew that when you showed it to us, we would learn it well... Uh, uh!"

On the ninja school playground, Nara Shikamaru desperately covered Akimichi Chōji's mouth,

A group of male candidates looked at Shikamaru and Chōji with strange expressions, while the female candidates looked at them with disgust.

Shikamaru smiled at everyone and said, "Haha~, he was joking, please don't take it seriously."

Chōji struggled to pull Shikamaru's hand off and said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you pulling me? When Naruto developed the excellent lure Technique, you also watched it with great interest."

Shikamaru: "..."

Shikamaru glanced at Ino, who was far away from himself and Chōji, who was about to cry, and Temari, who was far away, unconsciously clenched the folding fan behind him, thinking about whether to eliminate harm for the people.

Shikamaru with a painful face turned his head and directly chose to blew himself up in the chat room.

Nara Shikamaru: "When Naruto was in the Transformation Technique assessment, the whole class watched it, and it's not just the two of us!"


The entire Konoha ninjas were instantly isolated by female candidates from other villages.

Instead, some male candidates shouted at Naruto:

"What seduction technique, harem technique! We ninjas will not be tempted by such superficial ninjutsu!"

Naruto was immediately unhappy when he heard that,

"How dare you underestimate the ninjutsu I developed?!"

"Shadow Clone Technique! Harem of..."


boom! !

The little Sakura stared and stood behind Naruto like a devil,

At this time, Naruto clutched his head and was blown away several meters by him, and the separated Shadow Clones also exploded on the spot.

She viciously swept around the staring male ninjas, and looked at Naruto who failed to release ninjutsu, and they all showed regretful expressions.

Then they pretended to be serious and put their eyes on the projection in the sky again.

[After opening Naruto of New World, the Transformation Technique progresses very quickly, and soon his Transformation Technique can be confused with the real one]

[The villagers still cast disgusted eyes, but their words have been restricted from public discussion. 】

[No one wants to be friends with Naruto except the children of Shikamaru and Ino ninja families]

[Naruto turns this loneliness into motivation every time, desperately practicing shuriken, refining Chakra, and practicing Three Body Technique, in order to become Hokage as soon as possible, and then get the approval of the villagers. 】

[Finally when he was twelve years old, he successfully became a Genin through Sarutobi Hiruzen's cheating. 】

Uzumaki Naruto: "???"

ps. Ask for data

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