Double Naruto Comparison, Blackening Naruto Is Crazy!

Chapter 21 Congratulations To Them For Obtaining Eternal Life!

The blackened Naruto figure appeared again in the sky,

Senju Hashirama: (smile.jpg) Is this the root? When did Konoha have this thing?

Senju Tobirama: Brother, I don’t think the problem is too big. There are too many things to manage, and the existence of dead soldiers is necessary.

Senju Hashirama: Tobirama! Shut up!

Senju Tobirama: Brother, this is your fault. I think the monkey is doing very well. It is worthy of being my disciple.

Uchiha Madara: Hashi hot mom, your brother is crazy, that's the guy who killed your Senju clan.

Senju Tobirama: Hehe, we are already dead, and the affairs of future generations have little to do with us. There will always be wars in the ninja world, which is inevitable. There is nothing unusual about the survival of the fittest.

Senju Tobirama: And our Senju clan is not really extinct. Doesn't Anbu have a ninja who uses Wood Style? He must be the genius of our Senju clan.

Tianzang: ...

Senju Tobirama: (Sigh) Danzo, Monkey, although you are very courageous in reforming like this, but after this video reward, your life may be difficult. I think there must be many people who want to abolish Anbu and root, you have to think about it Thinking of countermeasures.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: (moved) Master Second Hokage understands me, I have already broken my heart in order to develop peace, and I don't want to cause such a big loss to the Senju clan, my apprentice Tsunade is one of the Sannin, how could I Have the heart to entrap the Senju clan.

Senju Hashirama: Hahaha, Tobirama, I didn’t expect you to think this way. I’m still worried that you won’t be able to get over this hurdle. After all, you value your tribe more than me. If you can let go, I’ll be more at ease. As long as it’s for Konoha , For the sake of peace, it is normal to make sacrifices.

Uchiha Madara: Huh.

Taodi will not cut again: Are you 2b? This disgusting assessment of the root has far exceeded our Kirigakure blood fog policy. We are just fighting one-on-one, the one who lives becomes a ninja, and only one of you dies, are you still bragging?

Shimura Danzō: Hehe, isn't this the legendary ghost and peach land? Are you qualified to say this? Who killed all the candidates at the same level by himself?

Terumi Mei: Hehe, here I would like to clarify for our seniors, the reason why seniors do not kill is because he wants to prevent the implementation of the blood mist policy, and after his assessment, Kirigakure also canceled the blood mist policy. Also, you Konoha's use of Sharingan to control our Mizukage has not yet been settled.

Two-day scale Onoki: Danzo dog, I must beat Konoha later, and then tear you to pieces! I am so old, do you see that what you are doing is human affairs?

Shimura Danzō: ? ? ? What's in my way! That is illusion! I was beaten by myself!

Two-day scale Ohnoki: Hehe.

Danzo, who just came out of Infinite Tsukuyomi, was very angry. In the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi, he was abused by his subordinates and humiliated by himself. It was disgusting enough.

After the result came out, he would be blamed by himself in the illusion, which is really a shame.

He can already imagine the days when everyone shouts and beats him. The entire ninja world has been taken care of by "himself" for 3 years, or even more than 3 years. After he comes out, maybe a bunch of lunatics will desperately look for him revenge.

At this time, Danzo felt that he had been misunderstood by the blackened Naruto in the sky.

My fucking self is clearly responsible for Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Infinite Tsukuyomi space 3 years,

There are only three seconds in this world, and as the first batch of visitors pass the level, many people escape from the environment every three seconds.

But basically, the time to clear the customs varies with the strength of the strength.

The rankings of names began to appear on the stone slabs formed by the transformations of the Yin-Yang Duns of the major ninja villages.

1. Senju Hashirama, it took 2 years and 6 months to pass the customs.

2. Uchiha Madara, it took 2 years and 7 months to clear the customs.

3. Third Raikage Ai, it took 2 years and 7 months to clear the customs.

4. No Second Tsuchikage, it takes 2 years and 8 months to clear the customs.

5. Third Mizukage ghost moon, it took 2 years and 8 months to clear the level.


30. Fourth Raikage Ai, it took 6 years to clear the customs...


50. If the peach field is not cut again, it will take time...


A series of names appeared on the slate continuously with the return of consciousness.

138746, Uzumaki Kushina, 60 years...

And as the last ninja broke away from the Infinite Tsukuyomi space, the demonic voice of the blackened Naruto resounded from the sky again.

"Welcome to your successful return. I think you have gained a lot from this reward, right? Then let's continue to play the next comparison video."

Iruka: Naruto! Wait a moment! What about those who are unconscious? !

Naruto grinned at the corner of his mouth, and said something that made everyone shudder:

"Then congratulations to them, they will gain eternal life."

ps. Alas, there is no data, and the writing is boring... How about you leave a comment, has anyone seen this?

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