The next morning, Xiao Yang arrived at the guild and flew straight to Makarov who was drinking, and handed him a photo.

“”President, look at this photo.”

Makarov took the photo from Xiaoyang’s hand and glanced at it casually. This glance made his eyes go dark and he spit out the wine he had just drunk. He raised his hand to wipe the wine stains on his mouth.

“Ahem, Xiaoyang (speaking earnestly), you can’t secretly take photos of others without clothes. Even if you want to take photos of yourself, you shouldn’t take photos of a man. You should find someone with a great body… hehe.

Makarov showed a lewd smile.

“=_=President, what are you thinking about? The person in the photo is a sneak attacker. Yesterday, Phantom sent people to attack Rebby, but I tricked them.”

Makarov’s expression became serious when he heard this,”What, you said that Phantom sent people to attack Rebby yesterday?”

Xiaoyang nodded,”Yes, yesterday I had a premonition that Rebby was in danger, so I cast a spell on her. If I hadn’t taken action, Rebby would have become like this.”

Appeared in mid-air���The image of Levi and the other three being hung on the tree.

When Makarov saw the appearance of Levi and the others, white steam gradually emerged from his head and he roared angrily like a kettle that had just boiled:

“Damn it, damn ghosts, since you are unkind, don’t blame us for being unjust.”

Makarov waved his hand and said,”Call all guild members to start the war.”

Xiaoyang hurriedly stopped him when he heard his words.

“President, wait a minute, the Phantom’s men didn’t succeed yesterday. If we start a war now, even if we win, they will definitely bite us back.”

“I have a good idea, but I need your cooperation.”

Xiao Yang whispered his plan in Makarov’s ear.

After hearing the plan, Makarov looked at him with a look of”are you kidding me?”

“Xiaoyang, will this work? The other party is not a fool.”

Xiaoyang patted his chest and said confidently:”Believe me, think about what you will get after success. The brave ones will be fed to death, and the timid ones will starve to death. If we succeed, our guild will become rich!”

Makarov thought of the pie that Xiaoyang had just painted for him, and he made up his mind to agree.

“OK (nods heavily), I’ll listen to you. If it doesn’t work, I’ll take the responsibility.”

“Don’t worry, it’s all right.”

Xiao Yang made an OK gesture.

At this time, Lei Bi just walked into the guild. Xiao Yang saw her and flew to her and asked,”Hey, Lei Bi, you closed your eyes yesterday, right?”

After hearing what Xiao Yang said, Lei Bi’s face suddenly turned red, and she stammered with smoke coming out of her head:

“Xiaoyang, I, I didn’t open my eyes yesterday, and I didn’t see anything naked, ah! No, no, I didn’t see anything”.

After saying that, Lei Bi immediately lowered her head, her face as red as a ripe tomato.

Seeing this, Xiaoyang stopped teasing her, and said seriously:”Okay, Lei Bi, I came here to ask you to do me a favor, and I will give you 200,000 J after it’s done.”

Lei Bi looked up and waved her hand to refuse,”No need, I’m willing to help Xiaoyang, no need for money.”

“Leibi, please listen to me first and then decide whether you want to do it or not.” Xiaoyang flew to her ear and repeated the plan.

After hearing it, Leibi frowned and disagreed,”Xiaoyang, aren’t we cheating by doing this?”

“How can this be called cheating? This is called strategy. Look, it’s true that the person wanted to attack you yesterday.”

“But I’m not injured?” Leibi looked puzzled.

“Although you are not injured, others may be attacked. What if Lucy is attacked? I can’t accurately predict everything.”

After listening to Xiaoyang’s words, Leibi fell into deep thought. After thinking about the pros and cons, she agreed with a tangled expression.

“Very good, then proceed as planned.”

After that, Xiao Yang took out a lot of cosmetics from the space and put a battle-damaged makeup on Lei Bi (Xiao Yang won the makeup skills and cosmetics in the lottery).

After 20 minutes, the makeup was completed. Lei Bi, who was intact just now, was now covered with scars.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, her clothes were tattered, and the ghost’s guild emblem was printed on her abdomen.

Xiao Yang saw Lei Bi’s broken appearance and nodded with satisfaction

“Very good, it’s me, take a look for yourself”.

He took out a mirror from the space and handed it to Leibi.

Leibi took the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror and exclaimed:”Wow! It’s amazing, I look like I’ve really been beaten up!””

“But that guy didn’t hit me yesterday, won’t he tell others when he gets home?”

Xiao Yang waved his hand,”Don’t worry, he won’t spread such an embarrassing thing yesterday. I’ll take you to the big tree over there in the park to take a picture.”

“Then Lucy and the others will help you back. Remember to take three steps forward and two steps back when you go back. Keep your head tilted and your body limp.”

“Okay, I understand, Xiaoyang.”

After Levi nodded, Xiaoyang secretly took her to the park, and then notified Lucy and the others.

Under the watch of Magnolia residents, Lucy helped Levi to go to the hospital for treatment.

The other members of the guild were very angry when they learned that Levi was injured, and proposed to Makarov to go to war with Spectre.

Makarov agreed, and a group of people went to Spectre in a grand manner.

After arriving at Spectre, Makarov rushed in and fought with Joseph.

The battle between the two sides was one-sided, and the Fairy Tail people beat Spectre back step by step.

At this time, a man with long hair suddenly fell from the sky and landed on a sign not far from the crowd.

“Who is this guy?” Elfman asked curiously, looking at the guy with a face full of iron nails.

Erza:”He is the Iron Dragon Slayer, Gajeel, the Iron Dragon.”

Natsu rushed out first and started a big battle with Gajeel.

Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, there was a loud bang on the ceiling, and Makarov fell from above with a livid face.

Erza looked at Makarov, who was dying on the ground, with horror on her face.


Not far away, a fat man with his eyes covered cried and said,”Oh, it’s so sad, why is it so sad? It turns out that it is the sadness of the great wizard’s imminent death.”

A mean-looking man walked out slowly, holding Lucy in his arms, and mocked everyone:

“That’s right, this is the magic of Mr. Aria of the Four Elements (Sky), which turns the opponent’s magic power into air.”

“This is a kind of magic that makes the magic power disappear completely. It seems that we have won this battle.”

The man said this with a smug look on his face.

“Damn Joseph”, Elsa glanced at Joseph with anger on her face, then rushed forward and hugged Makarov in her arms.

Makarov stretched out his hand tremblingly and said in a weak voice:”My, my magic.”

Elsa was panicked,”President, cheer up.”

Gray looked at Makarov and shouted in shock:”I can’t feel the old man’s magic at all.”

Elsa turned to look at everyone and shouted:”Retreat quickly, everyone go back to the guild immediately.”

No one agreed, they all said that they could still fight, they wanted to avenge the president and take back Lucy.

Elsa took Makarov and retreated first,”No, the president is in danger of life, retreat first, save the president first.”

Everyone was a little unwilling after hearing this. They could obviously fight over, but Joseph actually made a sneak attack.

In order to prevent the president from having an accident, everyone returned to the guild.

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