Michelle put the dazed harpy on the ground. When his feet touched the ground, harpy came back to his senses.

He took out a fish from the small bag behind him and took a careful bite. This bite made his face turn blue.

“Ugh, it tastes like celery,” he swallowed the fish with difficulty.

[Maybe only the first bite was.

He bit off half the size of the previous one.

“Ugh, it smells like vomit and rags. This time he couldn’t hold it back and spit out the fish in his mouth with his eyes rolled up.

Habib took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, and decided to take one last bite. This time he bit off a soybean-sized piece of fish.

“Ugh, this time it smells like celery in vomit.”

He suddenly felt the world spinning, and Habby knelt down in despair, lying on the ground and began to cry.

“Wow, why does the delicious fish taste so disgusting? Will everything I eat taste like this in the next three days?”

“I might as well die.”

Seeing Habi crying out of breath, Lucy felt a little guilty.

[Am I going too far? Otherwise, I’ll ask Xiaoyang to purify the beads.?

“Hey, Happy, how about this?” Lucy was about to say”How about I ask Xiaoyang to help you get rid of that state?”, when she saw Gray walking towards her with a curious expression on his face.

“Hey, what happened here? Why does the atmosphere feel a little weird?

As soon as he finished speaking, Habib came to him and said excitedly:

“I know, I know, Gray, you know, Lucy has no charm, what happened is…………”.


She clenched her fists, [I just felt guilty about this stupid cat. I’m so stupid. This bastard, I’m going to feed him 100 more beads like that.

At this moment, Lucy thought of the 40 Star Spirit desserts she promised before. It would take more than half a month to make these. It’s not worth it for that stupid cat of Harpy.

[Lucy, calm down, calm down, don’t get angry and get sick, no one can replace you, it doesn’t matter, he is just a cat, he is just a cat.

After finally convincing herself, she saw Mira walking towards this side with a smile.

“Ah, what is Happy talking to Gray about? He seems very happy.

Happy teleported in front of Mira:”(^o^)Mira, listen to me, Lucy was dumped by a man.……”


“Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, relax, he is just a cat, he is just a cat, if I argue with him, I will lose, Lucy, you are a generous and beautiful girl, you have a heart as broad as the sea”, Lucy said to herself.

After she calmed down a little, she saw Elsa coming towards her again.

“What happened here? Why is the atmosphere like this now?

A large group of people who just came back were covering their mouths to hold back their laughter. Lucy’s face was gloomy as if a storm was about to break out. Habib was talking nonstop about the legend to Mira, and didn’t even notice Lucy’s horrible face behind him.

Habib:”(^o^) Erza, you guys are back. Lucy was dumped by a guy. Let me tell you something.”

Lucy: (皿)”I don’t think I’m that generous.”

She instantly came to Happy and grabbed his mouth and pulled it up like pulling noodles. This action blocked the rest of his words.

Lucy said sinisterly:”Happy, do you know what it means to stop? Are you going to go back to the guild and use the microphone to tell the whole guild that I was dumped?”

“O oBut Lucy, didn’t you say it’s okay before? And you’ve already hurt me, doesn’t that mean I can say whatever I want?” Habib pouted and said unclearly.


“(^)Have you ever thought that I would punish you again, harpy?”

Lucy said, grabbing harpy’s mouth and spinning around.

“o O I thought, Wow, Rosie, my mouth is about to fall off.

Lucy stretched the harpy’s mouth hard, and when it was stretched to 10 centimeters, she suddenly let go. The harpy’s mouth instantly bounced back like a spring, making a”pop” sound.

“Ouch! It hurts.” Ha rubbed his mouth and continued:

“Lucy has promised Xiaoyang 40 cakes, which will take about 23 days. Besides, Lucy will go to see her father with Michelle later, so she will definitely show off the new cakes.”

“This means Lucy will have one month left. If you make another promise to Xiaoyang at this time, your magic power will be insufficient, so Lucy probably won’t get the bead anymore.”

Lucy smiled with a fake smile on her face.

“Oh, you know a lot, don’t you? You even know what I’m going to do next.”

The harpy proudly put his hands on his hips and said,”Of course, we are harpy.”

“(She lifted up the harpy and whispered in his ear:

“Habi, do you know what I will do next? I will spread your words in Xia Lulu’s ears, so that Xia Lulu will be disappointed in you and hate you more and more.”

“I will also say good things about Lili and praise Lili as much as I can. Then Xia Lulu will abandon you and be with Lili. It won’t be long before Harpy will also be a male cat that no cat wants.”

“What is this called? Oh! By the way, Habby was dumped by his girlfriend”.

Lucy’s voice was like the devil’s whisper, which frightened Habby so much that he trembled all over.

He trembled and said,”Lu, Lucy, you are talking nonsense. Xia Lulu, Xia Lulu will not dump me. We will always be together.”

Lucy had a bright smile on her face.

“.Oh, harpy, you should give it a try. It doesn’t matter. At most, you will be dumped by Xia Lulu.)”

Her voice was deep and distant, like the sound of an ancient bell, echoing in the harpy’s ears.

After thinking for three seconds, the harpy decided to follow his heart.

“I’m sorry Lucy, I was wrong, please forgive me, I won’t say that again”

“Oh, yeah, Habby knows he’s wrong.”

“Yes, that’s right, Habib knows he’s wrong”

“()Then let me think about how to punish Habby.

Habby was stunned when he heard this and looked at her in disbelief.[]

“Hasn’t he been punished before?”

Lucy shook her finger lightly:”You said it yourself, that was before. Let me think about it. By the way, you go to Haomeishi Restaurant every morning to buy a shrimp meal for Xiaoyang for 20 consecutive days.”

Habby’s eyes widened in surprise:”Are you kidding me?Σ(OДO? You asked one cat to buy seafood for another cat. Aren’t you afraid that I will eat it all on the way? O o And this is clearly what you promised Xiaoyang.”(Zhao said well)

Lucy spread her hands:”Yes, this is indeed what I promised Xiaoyang, but this does not prevent me from giving this task to you. After all, this matter was caused by you.”

“As for eating on the way, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, if you don’t deliver it one day, I will go and chat with Xia Lulu for a week.”

“How should I tell Xiaoyang?”

Lucy thought for a moment and clapped her hands.

“By the way, Habby was afraid that the shrimp meal he sent over was not fresh, so he”voluntarily” helped me deliver the food. What do you think?”

The smile on her face became brighter.

Habby was shocked by these shameless words:”Lucy, you, you are shameless, you are a devil!!”

Lucy opened her mouth and licked her white teeth with her pink tongue.

“”Habi, I have teeth, and they are white and straight. What do you think?””Brother.”

Although she asked him to consider it, Lucy’s eyes clearly said that if you don’t agree, I will go and talk to Xia Lulu right now.

After thinking for three seconds, Habi gritted his teeth and agreed.

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