The black pillar of energy lasted for nearly half a minute before gradually dissipating.

But the people staring at the big screen did not move, as if they had forgotten to breathe.

"Just from the body of the 'corpse', a black substance was emitted, the magnetic detector showed violent, and the light wave monitor also found an abnormal reaction."

At this time, the person in charge of reporting the situation in real time spoke excitedly.

Xie Guangkun strode forward and asked the person who reported it, "Does 'that corpse' have any other abnormal reactions?"

"I don't see it yet!"

"People who are guarding nearby, are there any adverse reactions?" Xie Guangkun asked again.

The uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Switch to the surrounding scene on the display screen, and you can see that both the warriors and the researchers who have arrived recently are fine.

Everyone is discussing the strange phenomenon just now.

Xie Guangkun ended the conversation and contacted the satellite station instead, asking to monitor the movement of the area at all times.

He felt that the black pillar of energy was not a good sign.

"Leaders, we are going to sanitize the metal coffin by pouring incendiary oil and igniting it, hoping to kill the black substance."

A scientist walked up to a screen to apply.

This suggestion was adopted.

Flames can't burn "alien corpses", and it would be great if they could destroy that threatening black substance.

Sure enough, if there are more people, there are many ways.

However, before they could implement this method, there was a new change.


There was a dense gunshot.

Immediately after receiving a report, there were many fierce beasts gathering.

"Please be sure to protect the 'corpse'!"

A leader shouted into the communicator.

He is not afraid that the ferocious beast will destroy the "alien corpse", but he is afraid that the "alien corpse" will be taken away by the fierce beast.

"Prioritize the safety of researchers!"

Xie Guangkun snatched the contact device, and said in a majestic voice.

What is there to protect that "alien corpse", in his opinion, that is the trigger for disaster.


The gunfire not only did not stop, but at this moment it became more dense.

Inspector Leitch had already joined the battle, and as for Inspector Ma Changqing, he was guarding next to the corpse.

"There are too many ferocious beasts, our firepower can't last long, ask for support!"

"Ferocious beasts come from heaven and earth, and there are too many of them..."

"All scientific researchers, get on the fighter plane first, and be ready to break through at any time."


this moment, there was already a big mess over there.

Under the dark night, you can see that many blurry shadows are gathering over, their body sizes are large and small.


Something even more terrible happened.

A ground-type ferocious beast directly broke through the ground at the research site, with sharp scythe and claws, slashing at the moving targets around.

Two researchers have already been killed, their bodies torn apart by more claws.

This bloody scene appeared on the display screen, and it still has a strong visual impact.

Everyone in the conference room watched this scene in amazement.

Not long ago, those two researchers were standing here, and now, they have become ground meat.


A white light flashed, and Ma Changqing struck.

He slashed the ferocious beast that broke through the ground with one sword, showing his strong strength.

However, no matter how powerful he is, after all, he is only one person, and it is impossible to cover everything.

In particular, the threat of that black mass was still there, and he had to pay attention to the situation inside the metal coffin.

"Send someone to support quickly!"

Already someone can't sit still.

"Too late!"

When Xie Guangkun said this, he clenched his fists.

Even the fastest fighter takes half an hour to get there, not including the time it takes for the team to assemble.

"Give up the corpse, give up all research equipment, everyone, break through as much as possible."

After a moment of silence, Xie Guangkun roared loudly.

Now, time is life.

Before the ferocious beast has not formed a trend of encirclement, those who stay there can break out.

Instead of waiting for supporters, it is wisest to break through.

If those ferocious beasts are really attracted by "alien corpses", then their chances of breakthrough success will be greater.

In any case, you can no longer take that "alien corpse" with you.

The Leitch Inspector who remained there to fight, and the Ma Changqing Inspector, knew the situation very well, and did not wait for the above order to be issued, and had already made a decision immediately to prevent people from preparing to break through.

Since it is to break through, it is natural to look for the weakest place of the fierce beast.

"There are not many flying fierce beasts in the north, and they will break through to the north."

Ma Changqing made the deployment based on the data obtained by the surveillance radar.

"Team one, team two, fire suppression! Three teams, responsible for protecting the boarding of scientific researchers.

Leitch also immediately gave the order.

At this moment, no one cares about the "alien corpse".

If they are lucky, the locator pressed on the metal coffin and the "alien corpse" can also be recovered.


Just as they were methodically preparing to evacuate, above the sky, there was a sudden thunderous sound, which sounded like a fighter plane rushing over at great speed.

"Did our reinforcements arrive?"

The warrior, who was originally caught in a bitter battle, immediately cheered up when he heard this sonic boom.

"How could reinforcements arrive so quickly?"

Doubts were expressed.

You know, it has only been a few minutes since they started fighting.

"That's not a warplane, that... It seems to be..." Before

the man could finish speaking, a black shadow descended from the sky.


The black shadow directly smashed a large pit on the ground, and the air flow generated actually swept away the nearby ferocious beasts.

In the smoke and dust, through the light of the searchlight, you can vaguely distinguish that it seems to be a human figure.

It's just that this humanoid is also too big, six or seven meters tall, and looks like a robot.

"What the hell is that?"

There is more than one person who is curious in his heart.

Even Xie Guangkun and the others in the conference room wanted to know the answer.

"It seems to be some kind of 'mecha'."

In the conference room, someone spoke up.

As the smoke gradually dispersed, the silhouette of the black shadow finally appeared.

Pitch-black exterior, with a triangular head and four arms....

Such a strange thing, everyone has seen it for the first time.

It is said that it looks like a mecha, but it does not have a cockpit, and that it is a creature, but it is covered in a metallic luster.


At this time, a giant ferocious beast flew over, opening its bloody red mouth, as if it wanted to swallow this strange thing.


In the display screen, this strange metal body seems to be an arm wave.

Then, the fierce beast that pounced over, its body shattered instantly.

Not only it, but also the ferocious beast within a hundred meters behind him turned into pieces of meat.

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