It wasn't until Chen Tian walked into the noodle shop that the atmosphere at the scene eased somewhat.

The people sitting around a table began to whisper.

"Those people are dead, you all saw it, their necks twisted behind them."

"It's so horrible, I almost had a heart attack."

"Wait a minute, there will be city guards coming, will we take them away?"

"Those people even have guns..." The

uneasy atmosphere began to intensify among these people, many of whom could no longer sit still, but did not want to be the first to leave.

After another while, Xu Da walked out of the noodle shop with a complicated expression.

"Guys, I'm sorry, I almost got you affected." Xu Da looked apologetic.

On the big day, such an unpleasant thing happened, and his heart was very unpleasant.

I have always been honest, but I am still remembered.

If it weren't for Chentian's timely appearance, he and the children would have suffered at this moment.

"Let's open the table immediately, wait for the wine to be enough, and we should shock you." Xu Da squeezed out a smile.

He already sensed that the atmosphere was not right.

The people present were neighbors with no background, and they were obviously worried about their safety compared to the temptation of food and wine.

"Xiao Xu, I suddenly remembered that there are still things cooked at home, I want to go back and take a look first."

At this time, a gray-haired uncle stood up from his seat.

Xu Da smiled awkwardly.

He knew that what the other party said was just an excuse to leave.

"Uncle Wang, I can't let you come for nothing, this bottle of wine, you bring it back."

Xu Da stuffed a bottle of white wine to the other party.

Since someone is taking the lead, others do not want to stay, and the excuses are strange.

Xu Da gave gifts to everyone.

In just a few minutes, everyone was gone.

"Everyone go back first!"

Xu Da returned to the noodle shop and said lightly.

The empathetic Fang Shuping hurriedly walked over and said softly: "This is fine, it's simple, let's just have a meal with our own family." "

Let's eat!"

Chen Tian suddenly spoke, he didn't want the atmosphere to be so dull.

From his personal preferences, he also does not like to eat with a bunch of strangers.

In fact, this is also very good, they are all their own people, do not have to be so restrained.

Meals were readily available and soon a table was set up.

"Shall we not wait for Uncle Tu?" Mei Shan suddenly spoke.

Tu Yun had just been assigned to do something, and I was afraid that he would not be able to return for a while.

"Don't wait for him!" Chen Tian spoke.

He speaks, which is equivalent to a divine decree.

Everyone sat around a large round table, not knowing if it was because of Chentian's presence, the atmosphere had not been active.

At this time, Chen Tian used a killer weapon, and he tricked up and took out a metal box from under the table.


The metal box was placed on the round table, and some of the portions were shaken, and the dishes on the table trembled.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were attracted.

Chen Tian also did not sell Guanzi, and said directly: "'Evolution Elixir', one bottle per person, this is what I promised before, and now I will honor it to you." As

soon as the words fell, the metal box was opened with a "click".

When the "potion" inside was presented in front of everyone, the shocking effect was not ordinarily strong!

"I don't think I need to say more about its efficacy!" The corners of Chentian's mouth raised slightly.

"This... These are..." Xu

Da's tongue was a little knotted.

Although he had taken it at the beginning, it did not prevent him from being shocked at the moment.

How precious and rare the "Evolution Elixir" was, even a layman like him had heard of it.

It is no exaggeration to say that each bottle of "evolution potion" represents the birth of a prepared warrior.

Ordinary people like them, who have worked hard for more than ten years, cannot afford to buy a bottle of medicine, and right now, Chen Tian wants to give each of them a bottle.

This is equivalent to saying that they can all break through to become "evolutionaries".

In an instant, the atmosphere changed from the previous dull to excited and tense.

With Xu Da's example in front of him, everyone else knew what it meant to obtain this potion, and for a while, everyone's eyes could not take their eyes off the small bottle.

"What are you still stunned for, let's divide it!" Chen Tian smiled at Xu Da.

The "evolution potion" that was extremely precious in the eyes of others, in Chentian's hands, was no different from an expired drink.

It is useless to drink, it is a pity to abandon it!

"Evolution potions" are only effective for people who have not yet completed their evolution.

"Chentian, will this be..." Xu Da stopped talking.

"Mother-in-law's, not like you at all!" Chen Tian directly pushed the box forward and continued, "You have to be clear, this is something that can change your fate, don't send it to your eyes, you don't know how to cherish it!"

Xu Da's eyes were a little red.

In the face of suffering, he did not have a red eye; In the face of the wicked, he also did not have a red eye.

But at the moment, he couldn't help it.

How can he repay this kindness!

Can he still afford it?

"Children, get up!"

At this time, Fang Shuping pulled the three children and was about to kneel and kowtow to Chentian.

In addition to actions, any verbal gratitude pales in comparison.

"I don't like that!"

An invisible energy directly stopped Fang Shuping from kneeling.

Several people who had had this experience were immediately stunned.

If it weren't for the sunny daylight, they would even suspect that it was haunted.

"After eating, you can take the 'Evolution Elixir', and if nothing else, tomorrow you will usher in a new self." Chen Tian said with a smile.

Although it is said that "evolution potions" cannot help a person to complete evolution 100%, but with him, it is 100%.

"Little brother!" The little girl Liu Ying asked with excitement, "After drinking this, can I be as powerful as you?"

"That can't be!"

Chen Tian vetoed it very directly, and did not tactfully speak because the other party was a child.

If you want to be as powerful as he is at the moment, it is useless to drink many bottles of this potion!

"'Evolution Elixir' is just to tap the potential in your body and help you open that shackles. If you want to gain greater power, you need to work hard in the later stage. Seeing

that everyone was looking at him, Chen Tian added again.

The atmosphere of the scene, because of the "evolution potion", has become lively.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness that had just happened, and the focus of attention was on this potion.

Xu Da even interjected and asked, "Chentian, can this medicine cure diseases?" "

Healing? Who is sick? Chen Tian asked.

"Shuping, she has back pain and rheumatic legs."

"After breaking through to the 'evolutionary', the body's immunity and regulatory power will be greatly enhanced. Medicines by themselves do not cure diseases, but they can help people stay away from diseases. Chen Tian replied.

Hearing this, Xu Da showed a smirk on his face.

Chen Tian added: "After becoming an 'evolutionary', your appearance will become younger to a certain extent, except for children who have not finished development. "

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