Rosa had already understood the beginning and end of the matter from Roger's mouth, and at this moment with a gloomy face, she walked directly to Gao Anzhi.

"High Master Examination, can you tell me why in the 'Warrior Assessment', there are killers mixed in?"

The momentum of the mid-level warrior made Gao Anzhi feel pressure.

He didn't dare to underestimate this charming lady, and smiled with him: "Ms. Luo, I'm also surprised that this kind of thing happened, but the matter has not been investigated clearly, and it is difficult to make a conclusion." This

kind of official tone, Rosa saw a lot, did not talk nonsense with the other party, and said directly: "I want to retrieve the information of these two candidates."

"This..." Gao Anzhi showed a embarrassed expression, "The candidate's information is confidential, which is really inconvenient."

"Oh, so it's convenient to install killers in the 'martial artist assessment'?"

Rosa's gaze was as sharp as a knife, it was about her only relative, and she had to investigate.

"Ms. Luo, please don't be angry, I will definitely investigate clearly and give you a result."

At the moment, Song Chengjun can't get out of bed, only he is alone, in the face of this kind of thing can be delayed, save time, and can also come up with a decent way to deal with it.

"Gao Master Exam, it's not me who embarrasses you, it's about my nephew's life, I must investigate clearly. If it's not convenient for you, then I'll personally investigate, and I still have some connections in the 'Dawning City'. Rosa said coldly.

Her tone and demeanor at the moment allowed Chen Tian to find a little shadow of the "Ice Blade".

Sure enough, this woman cared about her nephew.

"Ms. Luo is angry, angry!"

Gao Anzhi squeezed out a smile while coaxing.

This matter should not be made public, otherwise it will be difficult to end well.

After hesitating, Gao Anzhi finally took a step back, took the tablet from the assistant next to him, and began to retrieve the registration information of the two people in front of him.

At this time, the two killers, their hands and feet were broken, and the masks they were wearing on their faces had long been torn off, lying there like mud, they should be unconscious.


Gao Anzhi, who was rummaging through the registration information on his tablet, muttered something on his mouth, as if he had encountered some problem.

He rummaged among the candidates who were conducting the second level of assessment, but did not find the information of the two people on the ground.

"Gao Zhao, what's the problem?" Rosa asked aloud.

"Maybe I just ignored, let me rummage again."

Gao Anzhi said, and looked through the candidates' information one by one, and for each one, he would compare it with the two people on the ground to prevent them from being missed.

As a result, when I turned to the last candidate, I still did not find it.

Things are in trouble.

In the level information, there is no information about these two, so how did they blend into the second level assessment area?

You don't have to think about it to conclude that there must be an insider to take over.

The question now is, what went wrong, and who conspired with it?

"Are there no these two in the information?" Rosa suddenly spoke up.

What a smart person she was, she immediately saw a lot of information from Gao Anzhi's cramped expression.

Gao Anzhi was speechless, such a big thing happened, as the chief examiner, he had an unshirkable responsibility.

"Listen to Roger, there are five killers, can you trouble the high examiner to bring the bodies of the other three and compare them again."

Rosa suggested in an irrefutable tone.

Gao Anzhi, who knew that he was at a loss, could only follow the other party's wishes and hurriedly send people to search for the coordinates of the incident.

After a while, the man who had gone to search returned, carrying three stretchers, all covered with white cloth.


Gao Anzhi motioned to lift the white cloth, so that he could compare the information again.

When the white cloth was lifted, the corpse was miserable.

One of them, a shocking blood hole opened in his chest, and his internal organs gushed out; The other, only half of his body remained, and the fractures were scattered.

The most frightening thing is the last one, whose body is sparse, and can only be distinguished from the clothes that this object was a person before death.

Gao Anzhi's eyebrows furrowed, and he endured the surge in his belly, comparing the information again.

The results are still not qualified candidates.

That is, five people, all mixed in.

The inclusion of five unregistered killers means that five registered candidates are missing.

It's a big deal!

Gao Anzhi only felt a tingling in his scalp.

This matter is no longer something that he can handle alone, and this matter must be told to Song Chengjun.

"How about a few people, please come with me in detail?"

At this time, Gao Anzhi, the smile squeezed out of his face, was uglier than crying.

Chen Tian and Tu Yungang stood quietly on the side without making a sound, this matter, the protagonist belongs to someone else, they only need to watch from the sidelines.

Roger, as the party, was silent at the moment.

Whenever his sister-in-law is present, he will try to keep his mouth shut and avoid saying too much and making more mistakes.

Moreover, he was also a little frightened by this incident, after all, he was still a seventeen-year-old boy.

"Ms. Luo, this matter needs to be discussed with another examiner, you see..." Gao Anzhi turned his gaze to Rosa, whose face was as heavy as water.

Rosa didn't look at him, turned to the girl on her side, and said, "Galo! Just

shouted her name, and the girl named Galo seemed to have a soul in her heart, and immediately understood, and walked to the unconscious killer.

"This mental fluctuation, what is she going to do?"

Chentian, who was watching the play on the side, looked stunned, and he felt strong spiritual fluctuations from the girl's body.

Garo leaned down and pressed his slender finger against the eyebrow of one of them.


The sudden condensation of thought energy was like casting a stone on the surface of calm water, which immediately stirred up ripples.

Maybe others didn't notice it, but Chen Tian was different, as a divine master, in terms of mental energy, he was stronger than the teenager.

"Essence Mysticism!"

Coming to this conclusion, Chen Tian was even more surprised.

Essence mysticism is a kind of magical power that only a divine master can master.

The "Six Astrolabes" that Chen Tian learned are the essence of mysticism.

It is precisely because he has also studied that he knows the power and mystery of the mystic arts.

At this moment, when I see others performing, I feel the urge to spy on one or two.

The effects of the Essence Occult Technique soon became apparent.

The killer who was originally in a coma woke up, but his sanity was a little strange, obviously his eyes were open, but there was no focus, and he knew everything in the face of the girl's questions.

"Is it hypnotic?"

Chen Tian watched from the side, already guessing.

In a short time, the hypnotized guy said everything he knew, and finally fainted again.

As concocted, the girl hypnotized another killer and asked the same question.

Gao Anzhi, who witnessed this scene, was stupid there.

In such a short period of work, not only did I figure out the ins and outs in the future, but I even asked the participants.

This method is too creepy!

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