The sun was high in the sky, burning the earth mercilessly.

In this hot secret desert,

the sun was high in the sky, scorching the earth mercilessly.

The endless desert seemed to have become a burning hell, and the scorching temperature had exceeded 50°C,

making it unbearable.

The rolling heat waves swept in like surging waves, causing the surrounding air to distort and deform.

The players in the Hades Palace and Phoenix City,

are now staggering through this hot desert.

Their lips are cracked due to extreme dryness, and their skin is cracked due to long-term exposure to high temperatures.

Everyone is panting,

looking very embarrassed.

These players have been on this journey since early morning,

but as of now, five or six hours have passed, and they have not yet set foot out of this vast desert.

The drinking water they brought with them is almost exhausted.

If they continue like this, even if they don’t become the ghosts of the demons and monsters,

they will be tortured to death by the heat,

or die of thirst.

", do you have any water?"

A player from the Hades Hall, his face was as pale as paper, and his lips were so dry that he could hardly open and close.

He patted another companion beside him weakly, and asked in a hoarse and almost silent voice,

"Give me a sip, I really can't hold on..."

The man next to him was shaking with his legs at this time. If he hadn't been hugged by his own demon,

he might have already fallen to the ground.

He glanced feebly at the man who asked him for water, and said hoarsely:

"Look at me........."

"Do I look like someone who still has water!?"

If there was still water, he would have drunk it long ago,

Why wait until now! ?

This hot weather is really tormenting.


In the team,

Yan Mo and Feng Qingcheng seemed to be in better condition, and did not seem to be affected too much.

The reason for this is that both of them have the power of ghosts and have extremely high physical fitness,

and this power is also related to fire.

Therefore, facing such a hot environment,

they are completely fearless.

"This is not a solution..."

Yan Mo's face became a little ugly, and he turned to Feng Qingcheng beside him and said:

"Our people are about to be unable to withstand this extreme high temperature. If it continues, I'm afraid someone will die of heat or thirst."

Hearing this, Feng Qingcheng also nodded slightly to show her agreement.

She glanced at the female players from Phoenix City behind her.

They were almost at their limit. Many of them were almost unbearable due to the scorching heat.

Some of them even had heat stroke and fainted on the ground. These unconscious people could only be carried forward by other ghosts.

"What a mistake............."

Feng Qingcheng frowned and said in a heavy tone:

"Among so many people, there is not a single ghost with water attribute."

"If someone could control the ghost with water element power, perhaps the situation would not be so difficult."

Yan Mo's face became more gloomy when he heard this.

He couldn't help but retort.

"Water attribute ghosts belong to elemental ghosts. How can they be so easy to get!!"

Feng Qingcheng nodded when she heard this. It was true.

Elemental ghosts are indeed rare, and they are inland, so it would be better if they encounter water attribute ghosts.

Unless it is a coastal area,

then there may be more water attribute ghosts.

"We don't have it... maybe Liudao has it?"

"Why don't we ask Mr. Liudao!?"

At this moment, Qingque, whose lips were also a little chapped, couldn't help but speak.

Yan Mo and Feng Qingcheng couldn't help but look at the figure on the shoulder of the huge water-eating sand king ghost in front of them.

The two looked at each other,

Feng Qingcheng's beautiful eyes flashed a strange light, and she slowly said:

"I'll go ask... you wait a moment."

After speaking, Feng Qingcheng suddenly spread a pair of red wings behind her and flew towards Lin Haoran.


At this time, in front of him,

Accompanied by bursts of roars,

"Boom boom boom..."

Every time the Water Devouring Sand King Ghost took a step,

it crossed several meters, and its huge body made the surrounding sand tremble involuntarily.

Lin Haoran stood steadily on the shoulder of this giant beast,

the scorching heat seemed to have no effect on him,

his face was still calm,

as if he was just here for sightseeing.

He stared quietly ahead, and suddenly a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes,

revealing a strange look.

"Mr. Liudao.............."

Just at this moment, a crisp and pleasant voice like the sound of nature slowly sounded.

Lin Haoran turned his head and saw a pair of gorgeous wings spread out behind Feng Qingcheng,

flying towards him quickly.

"Lord Feng..........I wonder what you want to talk to me about!?"

Lin Haoran's eyes flashed with a barely perceptible gleam, and he asked in a calm tone.

"I want to ask if you have any water-attributed ghosts?" Feng Qingcheng's voice was filled with anxiety and desire.

Her eyes were fixed on Lin Haoran in front of her, revealing an urgent need for water.

Because the people in their team were already thirsty, and the hot weather made it almost unbearable for them.

"If you have a water-attributed ghost, Mr. Liudao, I hope you can let it release some water to quench everyone's thirst and cool down."

Feng Qingcheng continued earnestly.

"Of course... Yan Mo and I will be grateful for your help, Mr. Liudao, and we will definitely remember this favor."

Feng Qingcheng looked at Lin Haoran sincerely,

and also felt a little embarrassed.

After all,

Such a request is not so easy to be agreed to.

After hearing what Feng Qingcheng said, Lin Haoran

did not respond immediately.

He first glanced at the people below who looked like dead dogs, then raised his mouth slightly and said slowly:

"Water attribute ghost? I have it........."

His tone was relaxed and casual, as if he had expected Feng Qingcheng to make such a request.

Then, Lin Haoran paused, a barely perceptible cunning light flashed in his eyes, and he added lightly:

"I will earn this favor........."

At this moment,

Lin Haoran showed a faint smile on his face.

In fact, he knew very well that these people were almost unable to hold on.

However, he was not the kind of kind person who would easily do favors to others, and would not do things without benefits.

For him, he would only consider whether to help when it was profitable.

What he was waiting for was for them to come to him,

Isn't this just earning two favors for nothing! ? And he only paid a little bit of insignificant water.


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