In the past, the world was full of surprises.

[Ghost Ranking]

[NO1: SSS-level Simuwu Ding, owner Liudao]

[NO2: SS-level 12-story Ghost Suppression Tower, owner Liudao]

[NO3: SS-level Ghost Cherry Tree, owner: Liudao]

[NO4: SS-level Ghost Fairy Sword, owner: Liudao]

[NO5: SS-level Dragon Scale Ghost Shield, owner Liudao]

[NO6: SS-level Demon Sword Muramasa, owner: Miyamoto Musashi]

[NO7: SS-level Devil Blood Flag, owner: Shuai Ba Tianxia]

[NO8: SS-level Thunder Dragon Ghost Spear, owner: Liudao]

[NO9: SS-level Holy Spirit Book Holder: Emperor]

[NO10: SS-level Pharaoh Staff Holder: Tatum]


There are basically no major changes in the other lists,

After all, it has only been a few days since the last update. However, when his eyes fell on the ghost list,

Lin Haoran couldn't help but be slightly surprised, only to see that there were actually a few more SS-level ghosts on it!

The first thing that caught his attention was Miyamoto Musashi's demon sword Muramasa, which was successfully promoted to an SS-level ghost;

Not only that, Emperor and Tatum's original S-level ghosts were also upgraded to SS-level.

In addition, a new SS-level ghost was added to the list-the Devil's Blood Flag,

and the holder of this ghost was Li Shuai, a person on his blacklist.

Lin Haoran still remembers this Devil's Blood Flag.

In the previous life, Li Shuai made countless people terrified with this blood flag.

This is an extremely cruel and bloody weapon. After killing ghosts and humans, it refines their flesh and blood to create extremely ferocious demons.

Moreover, the more blood it absorbs, the more powerful the refined demon will be.

I never expected that in this life, Li Shuai would get this terrifying ghost so early!

"Li Shuai... continue to live in fear, I will find you soon."

Lin Haoran's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he said lightly.

Then Lin Haoran continued to go to the official forum and browsed the information of the past few days.

The mysterious secret realm in Jinghai City is undoubtedly the hottest event on the forum now.

Another person got an S-level ghost in it, which is extremely rare.

What's more enviable is that he actually contracted an S-level ghost wife in it!

This is simply a winner in life!

With these, he soared to the sky and lived a happy and shameless life from then on.

As soon as such news came out, it immediately attracted countless players to rush in like a tide, and they all rushed into this mysterious secret realm.


A strange luster flashed in Lin Haoran's eyes, and an indescribable strange feeling rose in his heart.

He always felt that this secret realm was like a huge and extremely greedy mouth,

which continuously attracted players to enter it,

and then ruthlessly devoured them!

Who would be so stupid! ?

After obtaining precious treasures in the secret realm, he actually dared to make a loud noise and publicize the treasures he got?

Under normal circumstances,

people would choose to hide the treasures!

After all, in the doomsday world, exposing treasures is definitely not a wise move,

and it can even be said to be a way to self-destruction.

Because once there is no strong enough strength to back it up, it will definitely become the target of others' covetousness.

"It's really interesting............."

Lin Haoran's mouth corners slightly raised, outlining a playful smile.

"I hope this time I can get some unexpected surprises!!"

His eyes were shining with excitement,

as if he was looking forward to the next adventure.

"Children..........Let's go!!"

"Father will take you on an adventure."

Lin Haoran grinned,

and said to Xiao Leiming and other ghosts with a smile.

The huge island that had been floating in the sky for a few days finally moved at this time.

The terrifying island was like a giant beast,

and flew quickly towards the location of the mysterious copy.



At this time,

the entrance to the mysterious secret realm of Jinghai,

there are already a lot of people here, and this area has been cleared by these players,

no ghosts have appeared within a few miles.

"Team up, team up... I'm level 20, I have B-level ghosts, girls first!!"

"Gege... I'm a girl too, look at my sister!"

"Get lost, strong girl... Fuck!"

"Level 25 boss is on the team... Here comes a player above level 20 who is an exploration and support type, come quickly."

"Fuck, level 25 boss!? Big boss, take me..."

"The master of the Hades Guild is leading a team to find a player who supports ghosts. If you perform well, you can join the Hades Guild."

"Fuck... It's the Hades Guild, I'm going to sign up, I want to join the Hades Guild!"

"Selling Bobo Chicken... One piece of ghost crystal and one piece of Bobo Chicken, the authentic Bobo Chicken before the end of the world!"


In front of this secret realm, noisy and noisy sounds came one after another,

and never stopped.

Various shouts intertwined together,

forming a strange and lively scene.

Some people shouted loudly, looking for like-minded teammates to adventure together;

Some guild organizations were recruiting new members to expand their own teams;

What's more, some players who called themselves "big dick cute girls" acted cute and coquettishly,

asking all kinds of masters to lead them to explore the secrets;

There were even some savvy businessmen who smelled business opportunities and set up stalls to sell Bobo Chicken and other delicious snacks.

For a while, the place was bustling with people!

At this moment, a mysterious figure quietly appeared.

I saw that this person was wearing a blood-red mask, revealing a strange breath.

What's more amazing is that his left eye is as dark as a ghost's eye, but it flashes a red light.

This person is none other than Lin Haoran who just arrived here.

Faced with so many people, he didn't want to attract too much attention.

So, he thought about it and transformed Shura Road into a small mask,

lightly covering his face.

However, no one could imagine that this seemingly ordinary blood-red mask,

actually, is a legendary boss with SS-level qualifications and up to level 40!

Its powerful strength is enough to shock anyone.


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