The moment the animal contract was completed, Lin Haoran suddenly heard a clear and loud system prompt. His mouth slightly raised, and his eyes flashed with confidence and decisiveness. Without any hesitation, he immediately shouted: "Now... Evolution!!" The voice echoed in the air like thunder. Then, accompanied by the pleasant sound of the system: "Ding Dong... Evolution begins!!" The entire jackal tribe fell into a strange scene. I saw that dazzling white light suddenly shone on the body of each jackal,

as if countless stars were shining brightly at the same time.

The sudden change shocked all the jackals.

They looked at the mysterious light emanating from their bodies in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Some jackals murmured in surprise:

"What is going on... Why is my body glowing? And it feels so warm and comfortable."

Other jackals touched their heads with puzzled faces and muttered:

"Me too... I feel like something is crawling in my brain, itching. Oh my God... Is it really going to grow a brain!?"

This idea made them both excited and nervous.

Some jackals asked worriedly:

"If we really grow brains, will we become idiots!?" However, someone immediately retorted:

"Bullshit! You are an idiot now. Growing brains means we will become smarter!"

"I don't want a brain... I want a bigger gun, sharper claws, and sharper teeth."

"I want the strong body of the Lion King Tribe!!"


For a while, the jackals talked about it in a flurry, full of curiosity and expectation about this magical change.

Lin Haoran, who was standing aside, quietly observed all this with a faint smile on his face.

He knew that this evolution would bring unprecedented changes to the jackals.

Perhaps they would embark on a different path from now on.

He was looking forward to what these low-level species would evolve into and whether they could give him a surprise.

And beside him,

The body of the animal was also covered with dazzling light, just like the light of evolution of Pokémon.


As time passed, the light covering the jackal gradually weakened,

and the effect of the light of evolution began to dissipate.

"Ding Dong........."

The system's voice sounded again in Lin Haoran's ears,

"Ding Dong.........The jackal has evolved!"

"The jackal has evolved into - Jackal Tengu!!"

"Ding Dong.........The jackal's qualifications and level-up skills have changed. Please check for yourself."


The crisp and loud system prompt sounds continued to sound like dense drumbeats,

In front of Lin Haoran, the figure originally shrouded in white light gradually became clear.

After a closer look,

Those were not ordinary jackals, but evolved Jackal Tengu!

" this the evolved Jackal?"

Lin Haoran couldn't help but widen his eyes,

muttered in astonishment:

"Jackal Tengu!"

Lin Haoran stared at the Jackal Tengu in front of him, the surprise in his eyes became stronger.

If the Jackal Tengu before were just a group of inconspicuous dogs,

then the Jackal Tengu now are simply reborn, transformed into noble noble dogs.

They are dressed in handsome white flowing hair, as smooth as silk;

The strong body has clear muscle lines, revealing a strong sense of power;

The long tail swings gracefully, as if

Showing their majesty to the world;

The sharp claws flashed a metallic cold light under the sunlight, which was chilling.

Especially the pair of silver-white eyes,

like the eyes of a wild wolf, deep and sharp, flashing with the light of wisdom, as if they could see through everything.

A message appeared in Lin Haoran's mind:

[Name: Beast - Jackal Tengu (Elite)]

[Qualification: B]

[Type: Wisdom - Physical]

[Beast Nature: Tengu Clan: Speed ​​increased by 50%, in the moonlight, physical strength and life recovery speed increased, speed and attack increased by another 30%]

[Level: 12]

[Ability: Tengu Claw: Claw skill power increased by 50%

Tengu Tearing Claw: Use its sharp dog claws to cause terrible damage to the enemy, tearing the enemy's flesh and blood, causing continuous bleeding

[Information: It turned out to be the lowest class of jackal race in the animal world. After being conquered by a mysterious existence, the race evolved and possessed powerful power!!]


This is the evolved Jackal Tengu!!

The weakest Jackal Tengu has a B-level qualification,

This is simply terrifying,

Before, the qualifications of these Jackal Tengu were F-level and D-level, and now they have jumped to B-level,

This is undoubtedly a qualitative leap,

Not only are their looks high, their qualifications are also high, and even their animality and skills have undergone earth-shaking changes.

A real qualitative change has taken place,

Becoming a race with great potential!!

Not only that,

What is even more amazing is that Jackal Po, the head of the clan, is also experiencing some unknown upheaval at this moment.

His already extremely strong body became even thicker than other ordinary Jackal Tengu people,

with flowing white hair,

and extremely sharp thorns grew all over his body, exuding an unparalleled fierce momentum,

just like a ferocious thorn wolf!!

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Haoran's eyes, and a message appeared in his mind,

a new name appeared:

[Name: Jackal Tengu Man - Bone Thorn Tengu

(Elite BOSS)]


PS: It will be one million words soon, it's like a dream, it's already one million words without knowing it,

Thank you for your support,

otherwise I really might not be able to hold on.

Thank you family members!!


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