Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

Just then, another system prompt sound suddenly rang in Lin Haoran's ears:

"Ding Dong............Congratulations on triggering the blood dripping recognition, triggering the ghost's blood dripping recognition new mode, the game starts the ghost blood recognition version, all players' ghosts need to drip blood to recognize the master before they can be used, and after recognizing the master, other players cannot compete unless the master dies or voluntarily cancels it. "

"Now a global announcement will be made , do players hide their nicknames! ? "

Lin Haoran was stunned when he heard this voice,

"Blood recognition version! ? "

"Why so fast! ? "

Lin Haoran was stunned, he knew this version,

but in the In the past, the blood recognition version was activated one year after the integration of the ghost continent and the real world.

But now, how long has it been since the integration with the real world! ?

And this version has been triggered! ?

After this version,

all ghosts need to drip blood to recognize the master Lord,

The game has taken a step further towards realistic fantasy.

Actually, ghosts are in some awkward situations now.

For example:

The twelve-story ghost-suppressing tower released by Lin Haoran is hanging in the void.

If a player or a powerful ghost king forcibly takes away the twelve-story ghost-suppressing tower at this time ?

Is it gone! ?

Because the 12-story ghost tower is not bound to the player at all, if you use the ghost,

it will be taken away by a powerful enemy directly,

it will be very embarrassing.

The blood recognition version is released After that, you don't need to worry about this problem.

Unless the enemy is extremely powerful,

the binding between the player and the ghost will be broken directly.

Otherwise, the bound ghost cannot be taken away.

Of course, if the owner dies,

the binding of the ghost will also be broken. It will naturally resolve.


“ It seems that this butterfly has really changed a lot of things. "

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Haoran's eyes,

He murmured to himself,

"Don't hide........." Lin Haoran spoke calmly to the void.

As Lin Haoran finished speaking,

a deafening system notification sound suddenly rang in the minds and ears of all the players on the mainland:

"Ding Dong...................... ..”

“Congratulations to the player “Six Paths” for triggering the new mode of ghosts dripping blood to recognize their masters. The game has launched the version of ghosts dripping blood to recognize their masters. All players’ ghosts need to drip blood to recognize their masters before they can be used. After recognizing their masters, they will not be able to use them unless their masters die or voluntarily leave. Remove it, otherwise other players cannot compete for it. ”

“Ding Dong...........Congratulations to player "Six Paths" for receiving the reward: reputation +2000, special ghost: blood demon soul.”

....... ....................................

Three consecutive deafening system world system announcements suddenly sounded in the void. In the middle,

It sounded like thunder.

It made the world, which had just fallen into peace, become boiling hot again.

"Fuck you, Sixth Path.....are you going to let other people play the game? You've taken all the benefits. Have we ever played Chicken Overlord?"

"Blood drip version! ? Playing a cultivation game here! ? And you have to drip blood to recognize the master, it's really funny. "

"Fuck..........The version description says that if there is no ghost who drips blood to recognize the master, it will not be usable , I just tried it and the previous ghosts are no longer usable. They can only be used after dripping blood to recognize the master. "

"This game is becoming more and more realistic. Will it be possible to cultivate immortals directly in the future! ? "

"Wuwuwu .......... .I am so afraid of blood, and I have to cut my blood, woo woo woo, I don’t want this version~”

“Little fairy upstairs, how about I help you, I help you get the first blood, how about it! ? ”

“ Beast.....get out of here, Fairy Sister, let me do it."

"Why haven't these six paths died yet? Can you form an anti-six-path alliance? They are still rampant."

..... .............................................

In the chat channel, once again Falling into chaos, it was like a pot of boiling water, boiling endlessly.

Many players checked their ghosts, and as expected, they found that the ghosts that they could drive at will were now unresponsive.

After some attempts, everyone realized that only by dripping blood to recognize the master could these ghosts be reactivated.

So, everyone couldn't wait to cut their fingers, hoping to complete the blood dripping ceremony as soon as possible.

However, one of the unfortunate guys died of excessive blood loss during the continuous dripping process because of the large number of ghosts he had.

Another player felt that the blood flowing from his fingertips was far from enough,

and he cruelly cut his wrist artery, causing blood to gush out like a spring,

and finally died tragically.

In addition, there were some timid fairies who were afraid of pain and really couldn't bear to cut their white and delicate fingers.

Just as they were hesitating, a group of ferocious ghosts suddenly attacked.

These ghosts drooled over these weak fairies and devoured them mercilessly as delicacies. Poor fairies, their skin was as smooth as water, but they became delicacies in the mouths of ghosts. With the occurrence of this bizarre incident, the weird game ushered in the first small version update that was closely integrated with reality, making the whole game more real and creepy. Lin Haoran also dripped blood on his ghosts to recognize their masters, SSS-level ghosts: Simuwu Ding, SS-level ghosts: Twelve-story Ghost Tower, Dragon Scale Shield, S-level ghosts: Thunder Dragon Ghost Gun, Wait! ! After Lin Haoran ordered his ghosts to drip blood on their ghost weapons to recognize their masters, he was completely relieved. .................................................

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