The old man was still busy, but the old man was still busy.

At this time, Lin Haoran had returned to the village.

In the novice village No. 4, people were still coming and going, and each player brought his own ghosts.

There was the Kunkun ghost who played basketball,

There was the Ma Bao ghost who practiced Tai Chi,

There was the Jikun ghost who wore suspenders and had a middle-parted hair,

These were all F-level ghosts, and Lin Haoran also saw some slightly stronger ghosts,

Thick-skinned zombies, poor ghosts, big-headed ghosts, etc.

The entire novice village was like a ghost village.

Lin Haoran was just about to go back to the castle with his thirsty wife to fight for 300 rounds, when he suddenly received a message from a friend. Lin Haoran was slightly stunned. He clicked it and saw that it was a message from the number one gold farmer. The message said that there were ghost crystals for sale to Lin Haoran, asking Lin Haoran if he wanted them. Lin Haoran didn't say much and directly sent the location to the gold farmer (abbreviation). After a while,

The goldsmith came to Lin Haoran and said to him:

"Brother... Sorry to have kept you waiting."

Lin Haoran didn't wait long, just a few minutes, so he said without caring:

"It's okay... How many ghost crystals do you have this time!?"

The goldsmith said excitedly:

"This time our studio has expanded, and there are a total of 460 level 4 ghost crystals and 65 level 5 ghost crystals."

The goldsmith knew that Lin Haoran's level was definitely not low, so he also killed high-level ghosts.

You know, there are not many people who can kill level 5 ghosts at this stage, but if you kill them in a team, you can still do it.

"Okay... I'll take them all, and I'll keep the previous price, 40 yuan for a level 4 ghost crystal and 50 yuan for a level 5 ghost crystal."

"A total of 21,650, right!?"

Lin Haoran didn't bargain and said directly to the goldsmith.

"Okay, okay... I'll give you a discount of 650, just give me 21,000."

The gold farmer smiled brightly and said to Lin Haoran.

Lin Haoran nodded, then transferred the money to the gold farmer offline, and then re-entered the game.

After the gold farmer received the "huge sum of money",

the smile on his face became even brighter, and he immediately traded all the ghost crystals to Lin Haoran,

"Thank you, boss... you are generous."

The gold farmer said to Lin Haoran with a smile.

"You're welcome... everyone has their own needs."

Lin Haoran nodded, and then left.

The gold farmer received the money, full of motivation, and immediately went back to continue upgrading and killing higher-level ghosts.


In the Ghost Emperor Castle,

Lin Haoran and the Ghost Emperor Yanhou were singing and advancing in the castle, their voices were pleasant to the ears, rising and falling, like the sound of an oriole flute, like panting and clacking,

"Husband... I love you!!"

"I love you so much... You are so awesome."


After more than an hour, Lin Haoran came out of the castle with some weak legs,

And the Ghost Emperor Yanhou returned to his ghost pattern to take care of the baby.

Lin Haoran was looking forward to the birth of his second ghost offspring, what kind of ghost was it.

It was a pity that he didn't have the ghost treasure: the ghost pregnancy crystal, otherwise there would be another SS-level ghost monster, which would be really invincible.

Lin Haoran took out the ghost crystals from his backpack and divided them equally among the Sword Ghost, Soul Devouring Raven Ghost, and Little Thunder Ghost.

Of course, there was also himself, but because the levels of himself and his ghosts were too high,

these level 4 and 5 ghost crystals were also limited in use, and they were evenly divided among four people.

They could only increase the experience bar by one level. He was still level 8, Sword Ghost was level 8, Little Thunder Ghost was level 8, and Soul Devouring Raven Ghost was level 8.

But Little Thunder Ghost was almost level 9.

Lin Haoran looked at the time. It was already evening, and it was time to log off and have a meal and rest.

Lin Haoran did not hesitate and logged off in the castle.


Real world

Lin Haoran took off the game helmet, and there was a protest from his stomach. He was starving.

Lin Haoran put on his clothes and went downstairs to eat.

Lin Haoran decided to give you a good rest. There was no other way. His wife was a ghost, and her yin energy was a little bit heavy.


His Yang Qi was sucked dry.

Lin Haoran came to a nicely decorated beef restaurant, which was doing very well.

Almost all of them were full.

Lin Haoran found a seat and sat down, then ordered beef, eggs, oysters, and leeks,

plus a few dishes, and the waiter placed the order for Lin Haoran with a weird look.

Lin Haoran found that people around him were talking about the doomsday weird online game,

which showed how popular this game was,

and you could hear about it everywhere.

But think about it, the only 100% holographic virtual game in the world,

it would be strange if it wasn't popular! ?

People around were talking about it:

"I really envy you guys for getting the gaming helmet. When I went to buy one after get off work, it was already sold out."

"Hehe... I was just lucky. Don't worry. This game is so popular now. The forums have been attacked and the official is asked to sell more gaming helmets."

"Yeah... The official will sell more helmets soon. I don't believe they don't make money, right?"

"By the way... What level are you?!"

"Hehe... I joined a leveling team. I'm now level 4, and the ghosts are also level 4."

"Fuck... You're such a jerk. I'm only level 3. Damn it, remember to take me with you when you leave the Novice Village."

"It's just a small matter... What about tonight's meal?!"

"Okay, okay, I'll pay for it, okay?"

"Hahaha... so cool."

"The competition in this game is very fierce. Others already have SSS-level ghosts, but I'm still a D-level shit-eater."

"Yeah... so perverted. If he sells it, someone will definitely pay a high price for it, maybe even 1 million."

"Hiss... 1 million!? So scary!?"

"Hehe... I heard that a rich second-generation man named Yan Wang has spent hundreds of thousands to enter the novice village No. 4."

"Yeah, they're still recruiting people on the official forum."


PS: My dear friends, please don't support me~

I'm working hard to save the manuscripts, and keep following up and urging for more updates! !

Thank you my dear friends~

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