The old man was very angry, but he was still very happy.


Lin Haoran looked at the contemptuous look of the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost and couldn't help but sneer.

He was also angry and laughed.

He was actually despised by a beast.

"Then let me break your pride............"

Lin Haoran's eyes flashed a strange black lightning, and he said coldly to the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost.

The mockery in the eyes of the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost became even stronger when he heard the words, and he let out a low roar,

"Roar, roar, roar...................."

It seemed to be saying: Just you! ?

"Old turtle.....How dare you laugh at my master!?"

"Look at me, I'll beat the shit out of you."

Xiao Qing naturally knew the mockery of the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost, and a trace of anger rose in her heart.

Her most beloved master was mocked,

Of course she was angry.

"Ang Ang Ang..."

Xiao Qing opened her mouth and let out a dragon roar, and immediately condensed a huge green energy bomb,

Then suddenly blasted it towards the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost was tied up tightly and could not dodge at all, so he directly took the Azure Dragon Bomb.

A deafening roar sounded,

The terrible energy fluctuations were emitted,

Xiao Qing's Azure Dragon Bomb blasted on the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost's body, and only some small cracks and charred appeared,

It was impossible to break the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost's defense.

If it weren't for Xiaoqing's high level and the 12-story Ghost Suppression Tower weakening the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost,

it might not be possible to cause this damage to it.

This turtle shell is too hard, and it needs a skill to break the defense to have a chance to cause some damage to it.

And the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost hasn't released its Black Rock Shield yet, obviously it is confident in its defense and

doesn't bother to release it.

"Roar, roar, roar............"

The Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost showed a mocking smile to Xiaoqing,

as if laughing at Xiaoqing's overestimation of his own abilities,

that's it! ?

Tickle me! ?

"Master... this turtle shell is still hard, I can't move it at all."

"This damn turtle said I didn't eat, so I had to use some strength, wuwuwu... it's so hateful."

Xiaoqing saw the mocking look of the black rock alligator turtle ghost, and suddenly became a little angry.

She said to Lin Haoran angrily, like a bullied child who went to his parents to complain.

"Xiaoqing is good..."

"Let the master teach it to be a turtle!!"

Lin Haoran was a little amused and said to Xiaoqing, then looked at the extremely proud black rock alligator turtle ghost,

a glimmer of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice:

"Old turtle... Since you are so cheap, I will torture you well."

"Silly duck... I leave it to you."

Lin Haoran had an idea,

and immediately let the silly duck out.

"Duck, duck, duck..."

(I'm here!!)

The silly duck flapped its wings and made a sharp and ugly duck cry in the air.

"Silly duck...torture this turtle for me."

Lin Haoran said to the silly duck.

"Duck, duck, duck..."

The silly duck was shocked when he saw the huge black rock snapping turtle ghost below. Such a big monster is so scary! !

But when he saw the black rock snapping turtle ghost was tied up,

he immediately showed a lewd smile.

This kind of torture of ghosts is

what it likes to do the most.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

The black rock snapping turtle ghost felt nervous when he heard Lin Haoran's words, and thought that Lin Haoran was going to do something strange to it,

but the next second,

when he saw a bald crow coming out, the black rock snapping turtle ghost was happy, and his mouth showed a mocking roar.

What can this bald crow do! ?

Comparing blackness with itself! ?


Silly Duck was in a good mood, but suddenly heard the laughter of the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost,

his face instantly darkened.

It duck

Damn it,

It has never been laughed at since it was born,

How dare this damn old turtle laugh at me! ?

It's really like a crow lighting a light in the toilet, looking for shit!!


The silly duck stared with anger in his eyes. It gathered the power of its soul in its mouth,

as if it was gathering the power of its whole body.

As the power gathered, the silly duck's mouth trembled slightly, as if it was brewing a powerful attack.

Finally, it suddenly opened its mouth, accompanied by a shocking cry,

The crow cry that condensed the soul of the silly duck gushed out like a torrent.

Suddenly, an invisible force rushed into the head of the Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost.

The Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost's eyes widened,

and in a moment, they were full of bloodshot.

"Roar, roar, roar............"

It let out a miserable cry of pain, and its body struggled frantically.

But its limbs were bound by countless tree roots and vines, and it couldn't move at all. Its head swayed wildly,

and even blood leaked from its nose and eyes.

This was the full-strength attack of the silly duck,

with its strong anger,

surpassing the usual soul crow cry, directly causing a pseudo-legendary ghost to be seriously injured in the soul,

and fell into a weak state!!

The Black Rock Snapping Turtle Ghost was in great pain at this time. Its soul was like being hit by a truck,

and its entire soul was about to fall apart. It was in great pain,

making it wish it could die here.

Its body defense is strong, and its soul is often very fragile. If it didn't have the pseudo-legendary BOSS template,

it might have been killed instantly by the crow cry of the silly duck.

"Duck, duck, duck..."

(Damn turtle, are you comfortable!?)

(Look at the cheap (arrow)............)

When the silly duck saw the black rock snapping turtle ghost howling in pain, he was immediately very proud.

Then he continued to condense the soul spikes and continued to attack the black rock snapping turtle ghost.

The black rock snapping turtle ghost was completely tragic! !


PS: Xiaoqing: Brothers, you are so bad. I said I would let you ride on my back, which means you ride on my back.

What are you thinking. ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ

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