The old man was so angry that he almost laughed.


" are looking for death!!"

"Who do you think you are!?"

"You don't really think you are six...six six"

The fat man and others were surrounded by a group of ghosts and were full of confidence. When they heard Lin Haoran's "boasting",

they were almost laughed at by others. The fat man showed a hideous smile and

cursed at Lin Haoran,

but before he finished speaking, suddenly a dazzling golden light appeared on Lin Haoran's head,

like a golden sun,

blinding the fat man and others' eyes.

[No. 1 in Player Level Ranking]

[No. 1 in Ghost Qualification Ranking]

[No. 1 in Ghost Ranking]

[No. 1 in Ghost Killing Reputation Ranking]


Under the golden titles,

a simple ID emerged,

LV22 [Six Paths]!!!

Lin Haoran directly turned off the hidden function and revealed his title and ID nickname.

The fat man's last word,

was still stuck in his throat and he couldn't say it out.

At this time, his pupils shrank, revealing a trace of incredible look,

even more shocked than when he saw Xiaoqing.

The level of 22 was even more shocking,

They were only level 12,

Are they still human? ?


The man with glasses on the side swallowed hard, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Cold sweat instantly broke out on his forehead, and he looked at Lin Haoran opposite in horror.

"Six...Six Dao!!"

"He...He, he is actually Six Dao."

The strong man looked at the title and ID on Lin Haoran's head in disbelief,

and exclaimed in shock.

Liu Qiang was already dumbfounded, his mouth was open, and even trembling,

He looked at Lin Haoran in horror,

his head was buzzing,

and a strong sense of fear surged in his heart.

He seemed to have said just now,

Six Dao is his son! ?

When he thought of this, Liu Qiang was sweating all over,

his legs were weak.


Liu Qiang swallowed hard, his face full of horror.

"What's wrong!"

"Have you thought it through?"

"Eat shit... or die!"

Lin Haoran looked at Liu Qiang and others with a smile on his face, and said lightly,

Lin Haoran's smile was sunny and handsome,

But in the eyes of Liu Qiang and others, it was the devil's smile.

"Six... Liudao boss, I... we were joking, I didn't know it was you."

"Sorry... We apologize to you!"

"Just ignore our words."

"You are a big shot, don't be so petty with us little guys."

"Isn't this damaging your reputation!?"

Liu Qiang was sweating profusely, and he barely squeezed out a smile on his face,

He said to Lin Haoran flatteringly.

Although they said Liudao was a beast before, and that he had exploited the game loopholes and ate alone,

but they were not fools,

and they knew Liudao's terrible strength in their hearts,

they were just talking nonsense,

if they really met Liudao, they would definitely pretend to be grandsons,

just like now.

"Yes, yes, yes... Liudao boss, we are joking. I didn't know you were Liudao. Ignorance is innocent, right? If you had revealed your nickname earlier, we would definitely not dare to talk to you like this."

The fat man endured the humiliation in his heart and said to Lin Haoran with a smile on his face,

but there was some yin and yang in his words, and he seemed to blame Lin Haoran for not revealing his nickname.

But in the end times, no fool would reveal his nickname ID,

just like himself and Liu Qiang and others, the top of his head was still empty, hiding his information.


"You mean to blame me for not showing my nickname, right?!"

Lin Haoran looked at the fat man with a smile, grinned and said to him,

"Don't dare, don't dare............"

The fat man was shocked when he heard this,

Although he had this thought in his heart

law, but he certainly can't admit it.

"Fuck... Isn't it!? If you show your nickname, will we still provoke you!?"

"Playing the pig to eat the tiger, fuck your mother's six ways, isn't it because you are stuck in the game loophole that you contracted so many powerful ghosts!?"

"Look at your ability... Before the end of the world, you are just a pile of shit, a rubbish."

"You bastard... Wait until the game fixes the loophole and reclaims all your ghosts, I want to see how you can still pretend!?"

The fat man cursed Lin Haoran in his heart with jealousy and cursed Lin Haoran bitterly.

"Xiao Qing..."

Lin Haoran just smiled slightly,

said lightly to Xiao Qing.

Xiao Qing understood,

a green light flashed in the dragon's eyes.

"Boom boom boom..."

Numerous tree roots and vines flashing green light suddenly emerged from the ground, like wooden dragons,

and instantly entangled all the ghosts of Liu Qiang and others,

like wrapping dumplings.


"Roar roar roar..."

These ghosts were tied up tightly before they could react.

They struggled desperately, but they couldn't get rid of the tree roots controlled by Xiaoqing.

The difference in qualifications and levels was too great.

"I hate it most when people talk to me in a sarcastic way, so I'm sorry."

"Your ghosts will pay for your actions!!"

Lin Haoran said to the frightened fat man with a smile,

Xiaoqing understood what Lin Haoran meant,

With a slight effort, the terrible tree roots and vines instantly squeezed the fat man's four ghosts.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The poor four ghosts cried out twice when they came out, and died in such a cruel way.

They were squeezed to pieces, and the black blood and water burst out.

Splashed on the fat man's face,

making the fat man's legs weak in fear, and the system's prompt sounded in his ears:

"Ding Dong..."

"Your contracted ghost Blue Pig Ghost has died."

"Your contracted ghost Black Pig Ghost has died."

"Your contracted ghost Wasabi Ghost has died."

"Your contracted ghost Starving Ghost has died."

In an instant, all the ghosts that the fat man had contracted with so much difficulty turned into a pool of blood.


The fat man touched the blood that was splashed on his face, and immediately let out a terrified cry.

His legs softened, and he sat down on the ground with his buttocks.

The whole body was shaking with fear and sweating.

All his ghosts were dead, and he knew that he was finished,

completely finished.


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