The king of hell saw the ghostly figure of Lin Haoran in his mind.

In the game, he killed all his guild members with just himself and his ghosts.

Later, the bamboo forest siege of Liudao by thousands of people,

and the siege of the novice village by the ghost army,

all these famous scenes were witnessed by the king of hell.

He really knew how terrible Liudao's strength was, and now his ghost's true appearance was even more terrible.

The strength must be countless times stronger than before.

Although he had 20,000 guild game players, he really couldn't muster up the will to fight Liudao.

That was not a human at all! !

A cold sweat ran down Yan Wang's forehead, his hands were tightly clenched into fists,

a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes.

He was hesitating, should he save face! ?

Or should he face the revenge of Liu Dao, this pervert! ?


"Damn Liudao............."

"How dare you give me so little face!?"

"How can I be the leader of a gathering place of hundreds of thousands of people? I don't have any face!?"

The King of Hell stared with anger, his heart burning with rage, and punched the wall hard,

making a deep pit, and roared:

"Liudao... Fuck you monkey."

A cold light flashed in the King of Hell's eyes, and he immediately replied to Lin Haoran's comment:

"@Liudao, Liudao... I was wrong, I apologize to you, I didn't mean anything else, I just drank that day and made random comments, and I hope everyone can analyze rationally and don't talk nonsense without evidence."

After the King of Hell finished his comment, he exhaled deeply,

feeling that the stone pressing on his heart finally disappeared.


"Bullshit face..."

"You're almost dead, and you still want your mother's face!"

"Fuck your mother's face!"

The King of Hell threw the wine glass on the table and said viciously.

Then he issued a notice in his guild game group:

"@All members: All players in the King of Hell, please note, don't provoke the devil Liudao in the future, otherwise you will be expelled from the guild."

Since face is gone,

then he might as well go all out and admit defeat completely, so that his guild members can't provoke Liudao.

He didn't want to admit defeat,

but if his guild members provoked Liudao, then he really had no place to cry.

The members of the Hell Hall Guild were stunned when they heard the words of the King of Hell, and then they all replied in the group:




Although they felt a little embarrassed, they thought that Liudao was the number one player in the world, and it was not shameful to admit defeat to him.

Moreover, many people here have seen Lin Haoran's abnormal strength.

They are all players from the same Novice Village.

They saw the great battle between the ghost army, hundreds of thousands of ghosts and a terrifying epic BOSS troll with their own eyes.

They saw Lin Haoran kill the BOSS with their own eyes, and killed hundreds of thousands of ghosts.

How many players are there in their Hell Hall Guild! ?

Can it be compared with hundreds of thousands of ghosts! ?

Hearing that their president admitted defeat,

some Hell Hall players were relieved.

They were really afraid that their president would provoke that devil, and then they might be implicated,

then they would have no place to cry.

But some new players were upset. People on the forum said Liu Dao was a selfish person who was self-centered and had exploited the game loopholes.

But they didn't expect that their guild leader would actually give in to such a person.

They were immediately upset and uncomfortable, and couldn't help but discuss privately:

"Isn't our guild leader too cowardly? He actually gave in to a sinner like Liu Dao. I don't even dare to say that I am from the King of Hell Guild outside. It's embarrassing."

"That's right... Bah, I really look down on the King of Hell. I thought he was a man before, but he turned out to be a coward."

"Why don't we leave... I feel ashamed to stay in this guild."

"How to leave? You don't want to die. Don't you understand the principle of keeping warm together? If we go out and meet a powerful ghost, we will just wait to die."

"What you said

That's right... Forget it, just stay here for a while reluctantly. "

But these people were soon reported by old players and told to the King of Hell.

These people are simply looking for death.

If you want to die, don't drag us down.

You haven't seen the horror of the six realms, but they have, so they decisively reported this group of bad apples.

The King of Hell was furious on the spot and directly drove these people out of his Hell Hall Guild.

These people panicked immediately. They would definitely not be comfortable outside when they went out.

They would be scared every day, and their lives would be in danger. They really didn't want to go out.

"President, President... I was wrong, I was really wrong, I will never dare to do it again, don't drive me away."

"Yes, yes, yes... We are all joking. We are people of the Hell Hall in life and ghosts of the Hell Hall in death. Please don't drive us away."

"President, we know we are wrong, please forgive us, I really didn't mean it, if we go out, we will definitely die. ”


These people immediately knelt down in front of the King of Hell with a look of fear, crying and shouting at him,

They were completely different from the proud look just now,

They just said that they felt ashamed to stay here,

But when they were really driven out of the King of Hell's Palace, they really knew they were afraid.

But the King of Hell didn't tolerate them at all. He looked at the group of people coldly and said coldly:

"Didn't you say that it was ashamed to stay in the King of Hell's Palace?"

"Don't you want to leave the King of Hell's Palace! ?"

"What's wrong..........I'm satisfying you now, isn't this what you want! ?"

"Don't pretend to be pitiful here, get out of here, or I'll kill you on the spot! !"

"A bunch of idiots..........The Six Paths can slaughter 200,000 ghosts in the game."

"Who do you think you are! ?"

"You are qualified to talk about him! ? ”

“You really don’t know what you are talking about… If you want to die, don’t drag down the other brothers in the Hell Hall.”

“Get lost…”

The King of Hell looked at these people with extremely cold eyes. If he wasn’t afraid of affecting his reputation,

he really wanted to kill these guys.

The King of Hell was almost furious.

These players looked at the murderous King of Hell and the old players around them,

and were immediately scared to death. They could only suppress the grievance in their hearts and leave the Hell Hall Guild.


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