The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

Meiling covered her neck with both hands and looked at Lin Haoran in disbelief.

She never expected that Lin Haoran would be so decisive.

He killed her even if he didn't say it.

She has always been confident in her figure. She doesn't know how many men she has fascinated.

Before the end of the world, how many men licked her.

She didn't expect Lin Haoran to kill her directly.

Could it be that he is gay! ?

Meiling's eyes were filled with a strong unwillingness.

She lost her last breath and died! !

But what she didn't expect was that Lin Haoran had done too much last night and now happened to enter the Buddha form.

He didn't feel anything when he saw a woman.


"Damn it, you actually seduced me!?"

"Am I that kind of person!?"

Lin Haoran shook off the blood on the ice sword in his hand, looked at Meiling's body with disdain, and said coldly.

In fact, he just couldn't get up,

because he was completely drained by the queen last night,

not a drop left.

After Lin Haoran dealt with these people, he looked at the old banyan tree and the green-scaled snake that were burning in the flames not far away.

What made Lin Haoran a little strange was that

this green snake could obviously leave, but it was desperately helping the old banyan tree put out the fire,

although it was useless.

Because it was a wood-attributed ghost beast, using wood-attributed energy made the flames more vigorous.


The green-scaled snake's eyes showed a trace of sadness, and a mournful hissing sound came out of its mouth.


The old banyan tree roared in pain, and it was already seriously burned.

If it continued like this, it would be burned to death.

"Little fish... put out the fire."

At this moment, a voice sounded faintly,

making the green-scaled snake raise its head and

look in the direction of the voice.

I saw a human and a mermaid ghost standing not far away.

The mermaid glowed with a deep blue light, and instantly condensed into a huge water ball,

and then suddenly shot towards the top of the old banyan tree.

"Boom boom boom..."

In an instant, the water ball suddenly exploded in the void,

and countless raindrops fell into the flames.


Countless streams of water, like the water of salvation, put out the flames on the old banyan tree spirit,

Countless smoke slowly rose,

revealing the charred body of the old banyan tree spirit.


The old banyan tree spirit roared with joy,

The tree roots were tumbling with joy.

"Hiss hiss hiss............"

The green-scaled snake also hissed happily.

Lin Haoran walked slowly towards the old banyan tree spirit and the green-scaled snake with Xiao Yu'er, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes,

The ghost master of his left eye had immediately brought the information of these two ghosts to his mind:

[Name: Devil Banyan Tree Spirit]

[Qualification: SS]

[Type: Physical/Elemental]

[Level: 20]


[Devil Tree Spirit: The Devil Banyan Tree Spirit absorbs the flesh and blood of other creatures to strengthen itself, becoming more powerful, and can obtain sunlight and land energy to become stronger. ]

[Tree Roots Dancing: The Devil Banyan Tree Spirit controls its countless tree roots, entangles the enemy, binds the enemy, and absorbs the opponent's flesh and blood. 】

【Devil's Fury: The Devil Banyan Tree angrily unlocks the power of the Devil Tree Spirit in its body, greatly increasing its own power. All attacks have a blood-sucking effect, and the attack range and speed are greatly increased. 】

【Ghost Information: The century-old banyan tree was nurtured by ghost energy and became a terrible devil tree. When you walk into it, you can no longer escape, and it will suck you dry. 】


The information obtained by his own reincarnation ghost eye is much more detailed than the information obtained by the player's game system exploration function.

Lin Haoran has decided when he saw this devil banyan tree spirit. He wants to kill this

It moved to its own ghost island.

The most important thing is that it can absorb sunlight and soil energy to become stronger.

The ghost island just meets these two conditions.

The obsidian soil on the ghost island is delicious to the rat king.

It works 365 days a year and only eats soil.

The rat king is happy.

It is conceivable that

the obsidian soil is precious and rich in energy.

In addition, the ghost island is high in the sky, and the sunlight is abundant, so it can absorb the sunlight as it pleases.

Lin Haoran is very satisfied with this old banyan tree.

It is very suitable to be the guardian tree spirit on his ghost island! !


The next is this mutant green-scaled snake,

which is also Lin Haoran’s main target! !

[Name: Mutated Green Scale Snake]

[Qualification: S]

[Type: Physical/Elemental]

[Level: 10]


[Green Snake Spirit: Green Scale Snake has a strong affinity and compatibility with natural energy. It can listen to the voices of natural plants, control plants, and absorb the life energy of plants to heal itself. ]

[Snake Spirit Bullet: Green Scale Snake condenses natural energy to form energy bullets, causing damage to the enemy. ]

[Ghost Information: Green snake that has undergone atavism mutation, and it is only a preliminary atavism. It can continue to atavism as the level increases. The qualifications change with the number of atavisms, and it has great potential. ]


"Yes, it's this green snake!!"

After seeing the information of the green scale snake, Lin Haoran's eyes flashed with excitement, and he muttered to himself.

Lin Haoran originally had doubts about the qualifications of the green scale snake. The Azure Dragon King in the previous life could crush the ghost beast of the ghost king.

How could it be only S-level qualifications! ?

When Lin Haoran saw its ghost information,

he was completely sure that this green-scaled snake was the Azure Dragon King in the previous life.

Because it can continue to revert to its ancestor, and then improve its qualifications and strength,

this is really unlimited potential!!

"I have contracted the Queen, the Sword Fairy, the Silly Duck and the Little Fish, and there are three contract positions left."

"Contract this green-scaled snake again.........I have the last two contract positions left, and I have another ghost that must be contracted, so I only have the last available position left."

Lin Haoran's eyes were shining,

and he was secretly calculating in his heart.


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