The old man was very angry.


"SS-level qualification!?"

"Level 20 ghost!?"

When everyone saw the information of this banyan tree spirit, they suddenly took a breath of cold air,

and exclaimed in shock.

SS-level ghost!!

This is the first time they have encountered an SS-level ghost, which makes several people's eyes flash with greed.

SS-level ghosts are extremely rare even if they look at the whole world.

Ghost qualification ranking list,

How many SS-level ghosts are there! ?

No more than 20!

If they can contract this ghost,

Wouldn't it be a big success! ?

Liming and others looked at the banyan tree spirit with greed in their eyes and excitement.

One of the men said excitedly:

"We are getting rich, we are getting rich........."

"Great opportunity, this is a great opportunity!"

"We are going to rise!!"

Others were also excited and were already imagining a better life in the future.

But Liming had calmed down from his excitement, his face looked a little ugly,

he said to everyone in a deep voice:

"Don't be happy too soon............."

"This banyan tree spirit is a level 20 ghost. Didn't you see the corpses of the ghosts around?!"

"Underestimate it.........those mummies will be our fate. Don't be careless."

Liming's words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the flames in the hearts of others.

He also calmed down, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly. He couldn't help but ask:

"Fuck...what should we do then?!"

"Can we just stare blankly?!"

"If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life!!"

Everyone felt very unwilling.

If they left like this,

they felt that they would not be able to sleep in the future.

This is a ghost with SS-level qualifications! !

"Hey... Look, there's another snake on this banyan tree, it's the mutant green snake!!"

At this time, Meiling suddenly pointed to a strange green snake hovering on the banyan tree,

raising its head and looking at them coldly.

This strange green snake is about four meters long,

its body is the size of a human calf, and there are two protruding tumors on its head,

as if something is about to break out of the tumor,

not only on its head, the weirdest thing is that it has a pair of dragon claws under its belly,

the emerald green scales on its body are flashing green light, making this green snake look very delicate and mysterious,

like a beautiful snake.

Everyone also checked the attribute information of this mutant green snake as soon as possible:

[Name: Mutated Green Scaled Snake (Ghost Beast)]

[Qualification: S-level]

[Type: Physical/Elemental]

[Level: Level 9]

[Description: A green snake with atavistic mutation, huge potential]


It is indeed a ghost beast with S-level qualification!!

Liming and others' eyes flashed with surprise and greed.

S-level qualification, and the level is only level 9,

Liming's ghost level has reached level 12,

while others are level 10 or 11,

If they work together as a team, there is a high probability that they can defeat this mutant green scaled snake,

and then contract it.

"Liming... is this green snake!!"

"Let's catch it quickly."

Meiling pointed at the green snake and shouted to Liming excitedly.

Liming looked at the mutant green-scaled snake with fiery eyes. Compared with the banyan tree spirit, this mutant green-scaled snake was more suitable for his contract. However, only children make choices. He wants them all!! Liming's eyes flashed with greed, and he thought excitedly in his heart. "How to catch it!?" "The banyan tree spirit is a level 20 ghost. We will die if we go up." "Yes, yes... We have to think about it." The other three men looked at Meiling, and said with a strange look in their eyes. "I have a way......." At this time, Liming smiled and said to everyone confidently.


"Captain..........what can we do!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then asked Liming hurriedly.

"Have you forgotten... no matter how strong this banyan tree spirit is, it is still a tree in essence."

"First, it can't move."

"Second, what is a tree afraid of!?"

Liming smiled brightly, pointed his finger, and said to everyone lightly.

"Afraid of fire!?"

"Fire attack!?"

Everyone reacted instantly when they heard this, and exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right... We just happened to get a lot of gasoline at the gas station last time!?"

"It's just in use now!!"

"Let's use a fire attack to burn the banyan tree spirit and force the green-scaled snake out."

"Let's capture it..."

"Then wait until the banyan tree spirit is dying, and then we will contract the banyan tree spirit, killing two birds with one stone."

Liming's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a confident smile, and he said his chance.

"Liming... you are so smart!"

Meiling's eyes suddenly sparkled with little stars, and she looked at Liming with admiration and said excitedly.

The other three men looked at each other, and a strange light flashed in their eyes.

Then they immediately said:

"The captain is worthy of being the captain..."

"This is a really good idea. Maybe this way can really subdue these two ghosts."

" seems that God is helping you!"

"Could it be that the captain is the son of destiny!?"

The three men praised Liming for a while,

and they wanted to praise Liming to the sky, but no one knew what he was thinking in his heart,

only they knew.

Liming showed a proud smile on his face, and looked at the banyan tree spirit and the mutant green-scaled snake not far away with fiery eyes.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised,

and he murmured to himself:

"You are all mine..."

"No one can escape!!"

"When I contract the banyan tree spirit and the green-scaled snake...Except for Liudao, I can fight against everyone else."

"The second best person in the world!?"

"Hahahaha...I like this title!!"


PS: After the recent start of school, few people read books,

I am crying, everyone please give me some free gifts,

Forget about being a student, just read books well.

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