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Zhang Lei said with a look of resentment,

And Li Ming and the other two players were also very angry at this salvation organization, and cursed:

"Salvation organization!? Bah........."

"It's just a group of Beasts, they even drove out the elderly and children, are they still human! ? "

"Humph.........It's so high-sounding, saying that the elderly and children will affect their ability to save the world, it's really disgusting."

"In fact They just despise the elderly and children for not having fighting power, being burdens and wasting food. ”

“They are all beasts... What’s even more disgusting is that many families have joined them. ”

“Even their own The children and old father were driven out, but they still joined them. These people deserve to die. ”

............................. .....

Li Ming and others were excited, and felt ashamed of those who joined the Salvation Society.

They actually abandoned their parents and children.

If this is not a beast, what is it! ?

Lin Haoran's eyes flashed with a strange color when he heard this. ,

This is not a cult organization! ?

Although he is also a selfish person, he thinks he cannot be so free and easy towards his parents and children.

After all, the former are the ones who gave birth to me and raised me,

and the latter are his own flesh and blood.

Just like Xiao Leiming and Xiao Xue Xiaoying, he will never abandon them, so he is constantly getting stronger,

just because he doesn't want someone to threaten him one day.

As long as he is stronger than anyone else, no one or other ghost thing can threaten him to make a choice, Only you can make choices for others,

No one can make choices for you.

A gleam of light flashed in Lin Haoran's eyes, and a faint aura emanated from his body.


"Boss.....you still have time to go What! ? "

"If you need furniture, there are furniture in these houses. Although they are a little old and dirty, we can help you clean them and they are still usable."

"There is no need to go to the underground shopping malls and the group of beasts of the Salvation Society. "

"Although they are indeed inhumane.....but they are indeed very powerful."

"We are alone, so it is better not to provoke them."

Zhang Lei kindly advised Lin Haoran,

Lin Haoran saved them,

He I don't want Lin Haoran to die.

Others nodded and agreed with what Zhang Lei said.

"I don't want it if it's used by others."

Lin Haoran refused directly and said:

"Lead the way.. ...You just need to take me there, and you don't need to care about what happens. "

Lin Haoran directly cut off their retreat and dispelled their worries.

He also knew that Zhang Lei and others did not want to provoke It is human nature to cause trouble. Lin Haoran understands. "Okay..."

Zhang Lei and the others looked at each other, then nodded helplessly and said:

"Boss... please follow us." Then he took Lin Haoran, a group of old people and several children and walked towards one direction on the street.

........................... ................

At the same time,

In Longling County, in an underground shopping mall,

In a wide hall, a primitive people’s most primitive desires are being indulged,

Singing and dancing, Lights and wine.

A group of men were indulging in the most primitive communication.

After the communication,

several men lit cigarettes and were puffing out smoke with a look of enjoyment,

each of them had a comfortable smile on their face.

"Boss... I really love this doomsday."

"Hehehe, this is not the doomsday, it's simply heaven!!"

"Hahaha... I didn't expect we also have It's the day for us to be successful. It's all thanks to the master who gave us such a powerful ghost."

"Shhh... The master told us not to expose his affairs, otherwise our ghosts will be Take it back."

"Oh, yes, yes.....Pfft!!"

The four men were smoking and talking with great pleasure.

When they said

When they called the so-called "master", they all showed a trace of fear and piety in their eyes.

They seemed to be very afraid of this so-called "master", but they also respected him in their hearts.

The leading man had a black dragon tattoo on his body and a scar on his face.

He was the leader of the Salvation Society,

named: Zhao Pantian.

Before the end of the world, he was a gangster. Because he liked playing games, he bought a gaming helmet with his brothers,

and then met the end of the world.

Originally, they didn't charge much money, and the ghosts they contracted were also average,

the highest qualification was D-level,

like other ordinary players,

avoiding the pursuit of ghosts everywhere.

But in the end, they were found by a terrible ghost. When they thought they were dead,

a black-robed man wearing a ghost mask appeared,

forcefully suppressed the ghost,

and gave them the contract, and also gave them several powerful ghosts.

This made them ecstatic, and they called the ghost-faced man their father.

The ghost-faced man only told them to set up an organization, gather players and young humans,

and then wait for his summons!!

Of course they readily agreed, and then the Salvation Society rose strongly in Longling County,

becoming the most powerful organization and gathering place,

the number of people has reached thousands,

and they are all young men and women,

all in a state of being able to work or be worked.

And the four of them became the local emperors here,

changing women every day, eating the most delicious red wine steak every day, it is simply heaven.


"Boss.........did the master contact you!?"

One of the big men asked Zhao Pantian,

the other two looked at Zhao Pantian, because only Zhao Pantian had the master's game friends.

"No.........but I told him that we have 50 players in the Salvation Society."

"I got a reward from the master... and he gave me a C-level ghost, hehe."

Zhao Pantian said with a smug smile on his face.

"Fuck.........C-level ghost!?"

"The master is so generous!!"

"As expected of the master........."

"Boss, take it out and see what C-level ghost it is. Is it strong or not!?"


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