The rat was also a mouse that had seen the world and knew that humans had powerful weapons. It was afraid of death, so it spent a lot of effort to build this earthen castle. This way, it could have an absolutely safe residence and finally sleep peacefully. "Stupid human..." "I won't go out. I'll see what you can do to me, hehehe!" The rat king had a sly smile on his face and laughed in the empty space. The rat king was very powerful, but he was cautious and afraid of death, so he would never go out to fight if he could. This may be related to its experience as an ordinary rat. Rats are naturally timid and like to hide in safe places. Even if it has become stronger now, it still retains this fear of death.

"Rat, I... go to sleep first."

The Rat King yawned and felt a little sleepy. He immediately lay comfortably on the earthen bed,

preparing to take a nap.

"Hey... Brother Rat, are you ready to sleep!?"

Just when the Rat King just closed his eyes and prepared to sleep,

a voice suddenly sounded,

"Ah ah..."

The Rat King suddenly jumped up from the earthen bed and screamed in fear,

"Boom boom boom..."

Hiding behind the earthen bed at an astonishing speed, he looked at the man who appeared in his bedroom with a horrified face.

"Brother Rat... don't be afraid."

"I'm here to recruit!!"

"I want to recruit you to my house... and then build a house for my family, provide food and accommodation, and buy you five insurances and one housing fund."

"Please think about it..."

The man was none other than Lin Haoran, who sneaked in using the shadow.

Lin Haoran said to the Rat King with a smile,

He offered the Rat King a "generous" employment condition.

The Rat King was stunned on the spot,

What the hell is this! ?

How did this psychopath get in! ?


At the same time,

Outside the Earth Castle, the Dragon Blade Squad was also stunned,

Looking at Lin Haoran's disappearing figure,

Falling into silence.

"Where is my big brother Liudao!?"

"Where did he go............."

Li Yan was dumbfounded and couldn't help asking.

Everyone: "..................."

Everyone fell into silence, no one spoke.

"He was here just now, how come he suddenly disappeared?"

A gleam of light flashed across Jin Geng's glasses, and he said with a puzzled look on his face:

"Could it be that he was dragged away by the Rat King!?"

Zhong Shan's mind flashed with the ability to get into the shadows in the village, and he immediately had some guesses in his mind, and said:

"If I'm not mistaken..........."

"Mr. Liu Dao has entered the castle!"


"Entered the castle!?"

"There is an earth wall blocking to get in!?"

"Can't he get in underground!?"

Li Yan was stunned when he heard this, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes, and he asked a series of questions to Zhong Shan.

Other people also showed a trace of surprise in their eyes, looking at Zhong Shan in surprise,

This earth wall is so thick, how can he get in! ?

Could he really get in underground! ?

"You all know that Mr. Liudao has the power of ghosts. In fact, he also has the power of shadows."

"I saw him get into the shadows before."

"He probably got into the castle through the shadows."

Zhongshan's eyes flashed with a gleam of light,

explaining to everyone.

"Get.........into your own shadow!?"

"Isn't this the same as his hooded ghost?"

"Fuck... they are all perverts. Minister, didn't you say that there are very few shadow ghosts?!"

"Why do they feel like they are everywhere........."

Li Yan found it hard to accept what he said, staring at Zhongshan and asking.

Zhongshan: "................."

Zhongshan's mouth twitched slightly, and he was speechless


You ask me, who should I ask! ?

He doesn't know why Liudao has so many abilities,

that black lightning,

and shadow ability,

I wonder if there are other abilities.


Zhongshan suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind,

and his pupils shrank slightly.

"Black lightning!"

"Shadow power!"

"Is this a coincidence... Why does Liudao have the same abilities as his ghosts!?"

When Zhongshan wanted to fight the queen bug incident,

Liudao's contracted ghosts, two of which also had the power of black lightning and shadow respectively,

and Liudao just happened to have the same power! ?

Isn't this too much of a coincidence! ?


Liudao can obtain the power of his contracted ghosts! ?

This thought flashed through Zhongshan's mind, and then it was quickly denied, because Liudao only possessed these two powers temporarily, and other ghosts' abilities did not seem to be available, such as the ice and snow power of the little girl, and the soul power of the crow, etc. Liudao had never used them. "Maybe it's just a coincidence..." "If you can really have your own ghost power, it's against the will of heaven!?" "Then is he a human or a ghost?" Zhongshan dispelled this thought in his mind. "Minister... What should we do now? " Li Yan asked Zhongshan in a daze. Others also looked at Zhongshan, waiting for his answer. "Wait..." Zhongshan glanced at the earthen castle, and then said a word lightly. Everyone looked at each other and was silent. They felt that they were similar to Li Feng's soldiers! ? It's just that Li Feng and his men were waiting below, while they were waiting above, that's all, there is no essential difference. Li Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he said speechlessly:

"If I had known... I would have waited down there too."


At the same time, inside the earthen castle,

The Rat King was dumbfounded when he heard Lin Haoran's "recruitment" information.

He stared at Lin Haoran with a pair of confused eyes.

For a moment, his mind was at a loss.

Wow, which company is so awesome! ?

You actually came to someone else's company to recruit! ?

Are you stupid! ?

And you're not mistaken, I'm a mutant ghost beast, the Rat King,

I'm actually working for you! ?

Are you worthy! ?

I'll kill you with one tooth.


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