The dead body was broken, and the dead body was broken.

"My slaves... Crush them for me!!"

Hell Dao's eyes suddenly flashed with amazing ghost fire, and he raised the double-edged knife in his hand high,

and roared at his own skeleton army.


"Boom boom boom..."

As Hell Dao's words fell, countless skeleton soldiers instantly shouted one after another,

Holding the bone knife, like a wave, they charged at the four queen insect guards at the entrance of the cave.

The whole ground instantly rang with a deafening sound of running,

raising a burst of thick dust.

Hundreds of thousands of skeleton soldiers attacked in full force, and the scene was even more shocking than a science fiction movie.

Li Feng and other soldiers were already dumbfounded, looking at this scene with a shocked face.

A voice of shock and emotion came from the soldiers.

"A few days ago... I would never believe that this was a power that a human could possess."

"This scene is so shocking... Others had a hundred ghosts parading at night, but now there are hundreds of thousands of ghosts rampaging!!"

"This power can directly sweep across major military bases, and even the Kyoto headquarters may not be able to withstand this group of skeletons."

"This is simply the power of ghosts and gods............"

"The number one game player, Liudao!! It really deserves to be the person that Lieutenant General Zhang Zhen is trying hard to win over."

"If I had such power, it would be great!!"


The soldiers' eyes were filled with shock and envy, looking at the hundreds of thousands of skeletons,

and a strong sense of awe rose in their hearts for Lin Haoran.

This is simply the power of ghosts and gods! !

Not only the soldiers had such thoughts, even the Dragon Blade team members who were also gamers were also very shocked at this time.

"My brother Liudao is really invincible. I have no culture, so I can only say one thing: awesome!"

Li Yan looked at the scene of hundreds of thousands of skeletons charging in front of him, and couldn't help but sighed with admiration.

"One person is an army, and an army can defeat a country!!"

Jin Geng pushed the frame of his glasses, calmed down the waves in his heart, and spoke in a deep voice.

Zhongshan and Bai Xue didn't speak, but they could still know from the slightly trembling pupils in their eyes that they were not calm at this time.

Behind the few people, Dashan's eyes were full of jealousy and resentment, and there was a trace of indelible fear! !

"Damn guy........."


"Why is God so unfair? Others can control hundreds of thousands of ghosts, sweep everything, and be the best!?

"And I can only pretend to be a grandson in front of others! ? ”

“I am unwilling... I am unwilling to accept this! !”

“This is unfair! !”

At this time, Dashan’s face was hideous, and he roared in anger in his heart, and the hatred in his eyes was about to overflow.


At this time, the four ghosts of the Royal Guard saw the skeleton soldiers all over the ground charging towards them,

The four ghosts showed a crazy smile on their faces.

“Let me do it....”

The mad lion took a step forward and said slowly.


The other three ghosts suddenly showed a strange smile, and then covered their ears at the same time.


The mad lion suddenly took a deep breath. The mouth was full of air, and the abdomen was bulging high, like a pregnant woman.

The belly exuded a strong ghost aura,

"Roar, roar, roar..."

The eyes of the mad lion suddenly flashed with a trace of fury, and he opened his mouth and immediately let out a terrifying lion roar.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

Then a terrible scene happened!!

An invisible force instantly surged out of the mouth of the mad lion, and the terrifying sound waves shook and distorted the air,

The air had a terrible sonic boom!!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In an instant, this terrifying sound wave power was like a nuclear bomb that destroyed everything in its path,

and instantly rushed towards

The skeleton soldiers swept away.

"Boom boom boom boom............."

The next scene,

shocked everyone present, and their faces showed a look of disbelief.

I saw that where the sound wave swept,

the skeleton soldiers exploded instantly,

"Pah pah pah..."

made a sound of balloon explosion,

the skeleton soldiers burst like balloons,

and were shattered to pieces!!

The bones of the whole body were crushed into countless white powders, floating in the air with the wind,

In an instant, countless skeleton soldiers turned into powder,

the whole sky was filled with white powder,

like smoke!!

Hundreds of thousands of skeletons evaporated more than half in an instant,

only the skeleton soldiers at the back were spared, and the skeleton soldiers in the front and the middle were all blown up.

There was white smoke floating in the sky, proving that those skeleton soldiers had existed.


At this time, the whole mountain has become silent,

Falling into a dead silence!!

Silent, you can hear a pin drop.

The Dragon Blade Squad and the soldiers were completely stunned at this time, their mouths could fit a big watermelon,

staring with eyes as big as copper bells,

looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief!!

"This.........I........I am dreaming!?"

A soldier said in a trembling voice,

The tone was full of shock and disbelief.

"No........This, how is this possible!?"

A soldier next to him also said tremblingly,

Both legs were shaking!!


In the team,

Loud swallowing sounds kept ringing,

The faces of the soldiers were completely numb,

This world has gone completely crazy!!

Li Feng, on the side,

The gun in his hand was trembling slightly, his pupils were trembling violently, and his pupils were full of shock.

"This... Is this really not a dream!?"

Li Feng muttered to himself.


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