The more you look at the more you want, the more you will be rewarded.

Lin Haoran was touched when he heard this.

This silly woman never thought about getting anything,

Power! ?

Name! ?

Or did she want to get her own preference! ?

None of them.........

In her heart, she only thought about how to help herself,

That's all! !

She was so simple and single-minded.

Whatever she decided on, and whoever she decided on,

she would do with her life and protect! !

Perhaps it was because of this persistence,

this simplicity and innocence,

that she transformed into a ghost fairy-like ghost! ?


Lin Haoran showed a warm smile on his face, stretched out his hand to hold Ghost Sword Fairy's jade hand, and said softly:

"Thank you...Xian'er."

Ghost Sword Fairy's jade hand was touched by Lin Haoran restlessly, Bai Jie's cheeks turned slightly red,

A hint of shyness flashed in her eyes,

She whispered to Lin Haoran:

"Don't...don't do this, there are people watching."

Lin Haoran said with a laugh, holding Ghost Sword Fairy's delicate and smooth jade hand, and said with a smile:


"I'm touching my woman's hand, who dares to laugh at me!?"

Lin Haoran's tone was full of domineering and confidence, and his voice was also very loud,

The Dragon Blade Squad and the soldiers heard it, and immediately looked at the nose and nose to the ground,

pretending not to see or hear it.

In his heart, he cursed Lin Haoran for being a real dog,

showing affection on the battlefield, eating enough dog food.

My heart was boiling like lemonade, so sour.

Damn, if I had such a beautiful ghost, they would become the undead knight without hesitation.

It's just a ghost, Ning Caichen said it was good,

What are they afraid of! ?

Xu Xian didn't even let go of snakes.


At this time,

The battlefields in all directions finally came to an end.

And the biggest winner was Hell.

All the ghost bones on the battlefields in the east, west, south and north were taken back to the bone space by Hell.

At this time, the bones in the bone space were full,

and there was no more space.

Only by raising the level of Hell can the bone space expand.

But the clone is linked to the level of Lin Haoran's original body, so Lin Haoran's level still needs to be raised.

But there are already a lot of bones in the bone space of Hell Road. If all bones are formed into skeleton soldiers, there will be at least 50,000. Although it is a pity, bones are the most abundant in the doomsday. When the bone space expands in the future, we can collect bones. Hell Road has taken back some "high-quality" bones into the bone space, and put them in it to nourish them and increase their hardness. The remaining bone creatures are densely packed, all standing on the battlefield, like a bone army, waiting for orders from Hell Road or Lin Haoran. Looking around, there are skeleton creatures everywhere, which are creepy and chilling. "Hehe..." The huge crowds of skeleton creatures let out deafening shouts, and their eyes flickered with ghostly lights. The scene was very shocking, just like a movie special effect. "Gulu..."

The soldiers looked at this scene with fear, their feet couldn't help but tremble,

There are too many skeletons!!

"Fuck........this is too scary!"

Li Yan looked at the sea of ​​bone creatures, then stared and said in shock.

At this time, Lin Haoran waved his hand, and a black ghost horse appeared in front of him.

"Hey hey............"

It was the Soul Bone Horse Ghost!!

As soon as the Soul Bone Horse Ghost came out, it immediately made an excited horse neigh,

Lin Haoran hugged the Ghost Sword Immortal and jumped up, sitting steadily on the back of the Soul Bone Horse Ghost,

said lightly:

"The annoying things are solved........."

"Let's go, it's time to meet this brain worm ghost mother worm."

Lin Haoran hugged the Ghost Sword Immortal, and then rode the Soul Bone Horse Ghost to the cave on the top of the mountain.

Little Lei Ming, Xiao Xue, Xiao Ying, Xiao Yu Ren, Silly Duck and Hell

Dao hurriedly followed,

Following closely behind Lin Haoran,

as if following his king.

The surrounding bone creature army also moved,

"Boom boom boom..."

Under the control of Hell Dao, like a white wave, following Lin Haoran and other ghosts slowly towards the top of the mountain.

Zhongshan and others looked at each other and could see the shock and confusion in each other's eyes.

They never thought that things would develop into what they are now,

It feels like the queen worm is sending younger brothers to Liudao! ?

The previously powerful parasitic ghost army has now all become Liudao's younger brothers,

The brain worm ghost queen worm is probably going to be angry now! ?

"Let's go...follow me."

Zhongshan suppressed the shock in his heart and said to the Dragon Blade team and Li Feng and others,

and immediately followed them first.

"Let's go, let's go... Oh my god, I can actually be teammates with hundreds of thousands of skeletons."

"I can brag about this for a year."

Li Yan smiled and followed Zhong Shan.

"I can brag about this for a year..."

Jin Geng glanced at Bai Xue and Da Shan, then said something and followed.

Bai Xue glanced at Da Shan, who had a gloomy face, and left after saying two words.


Da Shan's face suddenly became darker, staring at Bai Xue's back gloomily,

His fists creaked,

"Damn bitch..."

"Sooner or later, I'll make you yell until your throat is crippled."

Da Shan gritted his teeth and whispered,

Finally, he followed.

The soldiers looked at the skeleton army like a wave, their faces were extremely excited and excited,

Then they looked at Li Feng, waiting for Li Feng's order.

Li Feng suppressed his excitement and shouted to the soldiers:

"Everyone... follow Mr. Liudao closely!"

"Yes... Major!!"

The soldiers shouted in unison, and then followed Li Feng to Lin Haoran's footsteps,

and headed towards the cave on the top of the mountain.

The mighty army of skeletons followed Lin Haoran closely, as if they were following their king.

Lin Haoran hugged the shy Ghost Sword Immortal,

with a faint smile on his face,

riding on the Soul Bone Horse Ghost, he was like the king of ghosts,

When the Ghost King went to war, no grass would grow,

Ten thousand ghosts traveled at night, no ghost dared to stop them,

All ghosts surrendered!!


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