The more you go, the more you will die.

One, two, three... one thousand,

Ten thousand! ?

In the entire eastern and western battlefields,

How many ghosts died! ?

No one knows,

But everyone knows that there are many, many.

Even if the ghosts are incomplete, or even the ghosts that are blown up with only one arm left, it doesn't matter,

Because the hell controls the bones! !

As long as it is a bone, even a finger bone, it will float up instantly.

All must be controlled by the hell-devouring bone ghost,

[Bone Demon Domain]: The devil-devouring bone ghost opens the bone demon domain in a certain area. In the area, the body's strength is greatly improved, and it can freely control the bones of all the dead in the domain.

All the dead ghosts and monsters in the east and west were instantly resurrected under the power of Hell! ! Countless ghosts shed their flesh and blood, leaving only hard bones, and stood up shakily. "Hehehe............" "Crack, crack~" These bone ghosts were resurrected under the call of Hell. "Bone Space!!" Hell-Demon Devouring Bone Ghost uttered a cold and hoarse word again. In an instant, a crack appeared in the void, and a space full of bones suddenly appeared. Then countless bones appeared on the ground, piled up like a mountain. These bones were full of luster and hard at first glance. These are bones that have been nurtured in the bone space. As the nurturing time gets longer, the bones in the space become harder, and the bone creatures formed become stronger. [Mad Bone Command]: The Demon Devouring Bone Ghost can control the dead bones to form bone soldiers or even more powerful monsters. "Come slaves."

The eyes of the Hell-Demon-Eating Bone Ghost flashed with a dazzling white light, and he shouted with a low roar,

and a strong white bone ghost aura surged from his body.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The bones that floated in the bone space instantly formed into bone soldiers holding bone knives,

bone knights riding bone horses and holding sharp bone spears,

bone archers holding bone bows,

and even several meters long bone dragons.

"Roar, roar..."

These bone creatures composed of bones that have been contained in the bone space for a long time are powerful.

The weakest bone soldier can be comparable to a ghost with a qualification of C grade level 12.

And the most terrifying thing is that as long as the white bone ghost aura of the Hell-Demon-Eating Bone Ghost is not exhausted,

then these bone creatures are immortal,

and they will trigger you to grind them to ashes.

Otherwise...they are undead creatures.


On the other hand, Zhongshan and the others were all stunned, staring at the unbelievable scene in front of them like dumb chickens.

Okay, okay, you want to play like this, right! ?

Others play with cars, watches, and neon men,

You, a ghost, like to play with bones! ?

Looking at the countless bone ghosts on the battlefields of the East and West standing up again,

Zhongshan and the others had a deep look of horror in their eyes.

Isn't this ability a bit too perverted! ?

You want to play with other people's corpses before their bodies are cold?

What shocked them the most was the number of corpses controlled by the Hell-Demon-Eating Bone Ghost,

This is too scary! !

This means that just this skeleton ghost can create a large army of bones,

This is why Zhongshan was shocked! !

"One ghost is an army, millions of bone soldiers, skeletons are rampant, no one dares to stop it, and no one can stop it!!"

Zhongshan looked at the tall Hell Dao in a torn black robe with extremely shocked eyes,

muttering to himself.


At this moment, the last bones continued to combine,

turned into a huge monster, eight meters tall, holding a huge bone knife in both hands, with a terrifying aura,

covered with skeleton armor,

like a skeleton king.

This is the Skeleton Troll!!


The huge and powerful Skeleton Troll's eyes flashed with boiling white ghost fire,

and let out a deafening roar,


It seemed to be announcing its arrival to the world!!

"My servants...crush them."

Hell Road opened his mouth,

and issued a low and hoarse voice, giving orders to his army of bones.


"Roar, roar, roar.............."

In an instant, the resurrected corpses and the bone creatures that came out of the bone space roared passionately,

and rushed to the south to fight,

and fought with the ghost army in the south.

The unstoppable skeleton cavalry,

the skeleton archers who never missed,

the bloodthirsty skeleton soldiers,

swooped down and crushed the ghosts and bone dragons,

and countless resurrected bone ghosts launched a life-and-death battle against the ghost army in the south.

"Boom boom boom..."

These bone creatures simply don't care about their lives. They have no pain, no fear, and only obey the orders given to them by the hell.

Countless ghosts were defeated in an instant. The indomitable skeleton knights kept stabbing with their spears,

piercing through the heads of ghosts one by one in an instant.

The terrible bone dragon was even more ferocious. With its sharp claws and bone teeth, no ghost could withstand its fierce attack.

Even more terrifying was the skeleton troll.

It was a crushing battle. Every time the two huge bone knives swung a knife,

the ground shook, and a large number of ghosts were instantly chopped into pieces,

splattering countless black blood and pieces of meat.

"Roar roar..."

The skeleton troll roared excitedly, and the strong smell of blood made it feel extremely stimulated and excited.

The bone knife in its hand was swung more frequently.

In its attack range, no ghost was intact, and all were chopped and chopped to pieces.

Extremely violent and bloody!!

For a moment,

the number of ghosts in the southern battlefield was rapidly decreasing,

and the most terrifying thing was that the lost ghosts in the bone demon area of ​​Hell

instantly melted their flesh and blood, turned into bones, and then resurrected and became slaves of Hell,

and then joined the battle!!

This way of increase and decrease caused the number of ghosts to decrease rapidly,

those huge gorilla ghosts were directly split in half by the skeleton giant,


The gorilla ghosts wailed in pain, with only the upper half of the body and the internal organs exposed.


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